Viewing the logbook of: akjustiis907
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Level 1 - Flying with 5 different people (next level at 20)
Awarded on: March 10, 2012 - LCL - N957CT (DA20-C1) - Pwr on/off stall, slow flight, class D airspace, short/soft field TO/LND. simulated engine failure and procedure.. Stage2 check ride
Class B
Level 1 - Landing at 1 Class B airports (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Feb. 16, 2012 - CROSS-COUNTRY-KPVU-KENV-KSLC-KPVU - N390JA (DA20-C1) - Night VFR XC, class B airspace, GPS Navaid, VOR Navaid, lost communications, communications trouble shoot, soft field landing, VFR flight following
Mile High Club
Landing at an airport with an elevation of 5280 feet
Awarded on: Feb. 3, 2012 - CROSS-COUNTRY-KPVU-KRIF - N974CT (DA20-C1) - x-c flight planning, VOR intercept&tracking, flight follow, open flight plan in route, uncontrolled air field operations, pilotage dead recognition, Little Wonder Cafe-Clam Chowder
First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: Sept. 19, 2011 - LCL - N957CT (DA20-C1) - pre-flight, taxiing, check list, normal T.O.&LND, climb and decent turns, normal approach, park, secure aircraft