Viewing the logbook of: kgfly053
Avatar for kgfly053
Going the distance
Level 4 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 2000 miles (next level at 5000)
Awarded on: June 14, 2012 - KIGQ-KPWT-KDWV-KIGQ - N1316U (C-172) -
Level 1 - Visiting 10 unique airports (next level at 50)
Awarded on: Jan. 5, 2012 - KIGQ-KJOT-C56-KIGQ - N1316U (C-172) -
Class B
Level 1 - Landing at 1 Class B airports (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Dec. 20, 2011 - KIGQ-KMCI - N1316U (C-172) -
First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: Sept. 19, 2009 - KPWK-KPWK - N747KA (C-150) -
Type Master
Level 2 - Flying 5 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 10)
Awarded on: June 5, 2008 - KATL-KATL - N12345 (MD-80) -