Viewing the logbook of: mshaw74
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Page Totals: 30.310.
Overall Totals: 30.310.
2009-06-27 2009-06-27N45720 (C-150)7S31.01Josh Howe4 basics, tower calls D ops, Class C ops, initial discovery flight - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S31.01Josh Howe4 basics, tower calls D ops, Class C ops, initial discovery flight - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-07-03 2009-07-03N45720 (C-150)7S31.31Josh Howeslow flight, power off stalls, normal take-off and landing - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S31.31Josh Howeslow flight, power off stalls, normal take-off and landing - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-07-11 2009-07-11N45720 (C-150)7S30.62Josh HoweRudder Technique, normal take off and landing - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S30.62Josh HoweRudder Technique, normal take off and landing - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-07-18 2009-07-18N45720 (C-150)7S3,MMV,7S31.65Josh HoweRudder Technique, Landing Procedures, Slips to Land - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S3-KMMV-7S31.6532.6Josh HoweRudder Technique, Landing Procedures, Slips to Land - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-07-22 2009-07-22N45720 (C-150)7S3-MMV-7S31.84Josh HowePower on Stalls, Steep Turns, Slips, Demonstrated Stalls, X-wind landing procedures, x-wind takeoff procedures - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S3-KMMV-7S31.8432.6Josh HowePower on Stalls, Steep Turns, Slips, Demonstrated Stalls, X-wind landing procedures, x-wind takeoff procedures - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-07-27 2009-07-27N19333 (C-150)7S3-MMV-7S31.87Josh HoweTurns around a point, S-turns across a road, x-wind takeoffs and landings - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N19333 (C-150)7S3-KMMV-7S31.8732.6Josh HoweTurns around a point, S-turns across a road, x-wind takeoffs and landings - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-08-06 2009-08-06N16058 (C-150)7S3-HIO-7S31.610Josh HoweTowered Operations with Normal, X-wind, and power-off 180 to land - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N16058 (C-150)7S3-KHIO-7S31.61013.5Josh HoweTowered Operations with Normal, X-wind, and power-off 180 to land - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-08-09 2009-08-09N45720 (C-150)7S3-UAO-7S9-7S31.57Josh HoweShort and soft takeoff and landings, normal takeoff and landing, takeoff and landing in the grass - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S3-KUAO-7S9-7S31.5734.4Josh HoweShort and soft takeoff and landings, normal takeoff and landing, takeoff and landing in the grass - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-08-11 2009-08-11Simulator (Simulator)Josh HoweBAIF, VOR procedures, instrument scan - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011Simulator (Simulator)Josh HoweBAIF, VOR procedures, instrument scan - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-08-15 2009-08-15N45720 (C-150)7S31.01.01.05Michael ShawFirst SOLO!, Normal landings, Pattern practiceN45720 (C-150)7S31.01.01.05Michael ShawFirst SOLO!, Normal landings, Pattern practice
2009-08-15 2009-08-15N45720 (C-150)7S31.05Josh Howe7S3 Landings, Go Arounds, Pre-Solo Preparations - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S31.05Josh Howe7S3 Landings, Go Arounds, Pre-Solo Preparations - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-08-26 2009-08-26N45720 (C-150)7S3-CVO-S12-7S32.00.512Josh HoweCross Country Planning, VOR procedures, Pilotage, dead reckoning, night procedures, night takeoff and landing - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S3-KCVO-S12-7S32.00.512118.7Josh HoweCross Country Planning, VOR procedures, Pilotage, dead reckoning, night procedures, night takeoff and landing - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-08-29 2009-08-29N45720 (C-150)7S3-S30-S12-7S32. ShawFirst Solo Cross Country!, Flight planning, Pilotage, Dead Reckoning, FSS Flight FollowingN45720 (C-150)7S3-S30-S12-7S32. ShawFirst Solo Cross Country!, Flight planning, Pilotage, Dead Reckoning, FSS Flight Following
2009-09-12 2009-09-12N45720 (C-150)7S3-MMV-7S31.61.61.64Michael ShawSolo Practice, Turns around a point, S-turns across a road, normal landingsN45720 (C-150)7S3-KMMV-7S31.61.61.6432.6Michael ShawSolo Practice, Turns around a point, S-turns across a road, normal landings
2009-09-22 2009-09-22N66119 (C-150)7S30.70.70.74Michael ShawPattern practice, Normal landingsN66119 (C-150)7S30.70.70.74Michael ShawPattern practice, Normal landings
2009-09-23 2009-09-23N45720 (C-150)7S3-HIO-SPB-7S32.12.10.49Josh HoweNight operations, Towered operations, BAIF, VOR navigation, Hood work, Class C transition, Pilotage - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S3-KHIO-KSPB-7S32.10.42.1941.9Josh HoweNight operations, Towered operations, BAIF, VOR navigation, Hood work, Class C transition, Pilotage - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-09-27 2009-09-27N45720 (C-150)7S3-UAO-7S31.61.61.67Michael ShawLandings with 5 knot wind with 45 degree x-wind componentN45720 (C-150)7S3-KUAO-7S31.61.61.6726.2Michael ShawLandings with 5 knot wind with 45 degree x-wind component
2009-10-08 2009-10-08N45720 (C-150)7S3-KLS-OLM-7S33. ShawSolo Extended Cross-Country!, Landing at tower controlled airport, Flight following, Class C TransitioningN45720 (C-150)7S3-KKLS-KOLM-7S33. ShawSolo Extended Cross-Country!, Landing at tower controlled airport, Flight following, Class C Transitioning
2009-10-09 2009-10-09N45720 (C-150)7S3-TDO-7S32.42.40.32Josh HoweNight Procedures, Pilotage, Dead Reck., Flight Planning, BAIF, VOR Procs. - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S3-KTDO-7S32.40.32.42126.6Josh HoweNight Procedures, Pilotage, Dead Reck., Flight Planning, BAIF, VOR Procs. - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
2009-10-24 2009-10-24N45720 (C-150)7S31.60.61Josh HoweBAIF; Instrument turns, climbs, descents; Instrument slow flight; Visual slow flight; Steep turns - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011N45720 (C-150)7S31.60.61Josh HoweBAIF; Instrument turns, climbs, descents; Instrument slow flight; Visual slow flight; Steep turns - Josh Howe 3186733 CFI exp 06/2011
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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