Viewing the logbook of: pvupilot
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCHoodDayNightNight L.Day L.App'sDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 87.341.612.455.825.48.474.412.92516212455.4
2010-09-04 2010-09-04N245NH (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.11.11Craig ClarkStraight and level flight, climbs, descents, climbing turns, descending turns.N245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.11.11.11Craig ClarkStraight and level flight, climbs, descents, climbing turns, descending turns.
2010-09-06 2010-09-06N879CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.11.10.53Craig ClarkFlight by reference to instruments, airspeed climbs/descents, level turns, traffic pattern, cross wind landingsN879CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. ClarkFlight by reference to instruments, airspeed climbs/descents, level turns, traffic pattern, cross wind landings
2010-09-10 2010-09-10N885CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU0.90.91Craig ClarkNormal Takeoff, power on/off stalls with recovery, collision avoidance, normal landingsN885CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.90.90.91Craig ClarkNormal Takeoff, power on/off stalls with recovery, collision avoidance, normal landings
2010-09-13 2010-09-13N885CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.21.23Craig ClarkNormal takeoffs, power on/off stalls with recovery, traffic pattern, normal landingsN885CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.21.21.23Craig ClarkNormal takeoffs, power on/off stalls with recovery, traffic pattern, normal landings
2010-09-17 2010-09-17N245NH (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.31.33Craig ClarkNormal takeoffs, taxi, engine start, s-turns, turns about point, intro to ATC, normal landings,N245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.31.31.33Craig ClarkNormal takeoffs, taxi, engine start, s-turns, turns about point, intro to ATC, normal landings,
2010-09-24 2010-09-24N245NH (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.11.15Craig ClarkNormal takeoff, taxi, engine start, touch & goes, no flap landingN245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.11.11.15Craig ClarkNormal takeoff, taxi, engine start, touch & goes, no flap landing
2010-09-27 2010-09-27N245NH (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.51.53Craig ClarkNormal take off, simulated engine failure with engine recovery, emergency procedures, turns about point, normal landingsN245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.51.51.53Craig ClarkNormal take off, simulated engine failure with engine recovery, emergency procedures, turns about point, normal landings
2010-09-29 2010-09-29N968CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.41.43Craig ClarkNormal takeoff, slow flight & recover, power on/off stalls w/recovery, simulated engine failures, emergency approaches, normal landingsN968CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.41.41.43Craig ClarkNormal takeoff, slow flight & recover, power on/off stalls w/recovery, simulated engine failures, emergency approaches, normal landings
2010-10-12 2010-10-12N988CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.01.03Bud Munds(Pre check flight) Slow flight, power on/off stalls w/ recovery, emergency approach to land, normal takeoffs and landingsN988CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.01.01.03Bud Munds(Pre check flight) Slow flight, power on/off stalls w/ recovery, emergency approach to land, normal takeoffs and landings
2010-10-18 2010-10-18N968CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.01.03MickeyStage 1 check: Pre flight, comms, taxi, run up, takeoff, climb, power on/off stalls, descent, emergency procedure, traffic pattern, landingN968CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.01.01.03MickeyStage 1 check: Pre flight, comms, taxi, run up, takeoff, climb, power on/off stalls, descent, emergency procedure, traffic pattern, landing
2010-10-20 2010-10-20pk:100627pvu - pvu0.60.63Craig ClarkNormal takeoff, traffic pattern, touch and goN978CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.60.60.63Craig ClarkNormal takeoff, traffic pattern, touch and go
2010-10-20 2010-10-20pk:100627KPVU - KPVU0.60.60.62[SOLO] Normal takeoff, traffic pattern, touch and goN978CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.[SOLO] Normal takeoff, traffic pattern, touch and go
2010-10-25 2010-10-25N390JA (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.21.20.41Craig ClarkSimulated instrument, level turns, climb/descend turns, ILS 13, intro to steep turns, flight plans, x-wind takeoff & landingN390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. ClarkSimulated instrument, level turns, climb/descend turns, ILS 13, intro to steep turns, flight plans, x-wind takeoff & landing
2010-10-27 2010-10-27N879CT (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.11.14Craig ClarkShort/soft field T/O & Landings, x-wind controlN879CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.11.11.14Craig ClarkShort/soft field T/O & Landings, x-wind control
2010-11-01 2010-11-01N958CT (DA20-C1)pvu-pvu1.51.51.510[2nd SOLO] Short/soft field T/O & Landings, Traffic patternsN958CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.[2nd SOLO] Short/soft field T/O & Landings, Traffic patterns
2010-11-03 2010-11-03N988CT (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.11.11.11[3rd SOLO] Normal T/O, Steep turns, Turns about a point, S-turns, general maneuversN988CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.[3rd SOLO] Normal T/O, Steep turns, Turns about a point, S-turns, general maneuvers
2010-11-06 2010-11-06N390JA (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.21.20.42Mike WilsonVOR Navigation, tracking, and intercepting, unusual attitude w/recovery, short field T/O & landing, slip to landingN390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. WilsonVOR Navigation, tracking, and intercepting, unusual attitude w/recovery, short field T/O & landing, slip to landing
2010-11-11 2010-11-11N986CT (DA20-C1)pvu-pvu1.11.11.14Craig ClarkNight ops, engine start & taxi, instrument alt flying, climbs/descents with turns, approach + landingsN986CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.11.11.14Craig ClarkNight ops, engine start & taxi, instrument alt flying, climbs/descents with turns, approach + landings
2010-11-17 2010-11-17N958CT (DA20-C1)pvu-pvu1.61.64Craig ClarkSoft field takeoff and landings, short field takeoff and landings, power on/off stalls with recovery, slow flight, normal approach and landings, x-wind landingsN958CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.61.61.64Craig ClarkSoft field takeoff and landings, short field takeoff and landings, power on/off stalls with recovery, slow flight, normal approach and landings, x-wind landings
2011-01-05 2011-01-05N879CT (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu0.80.81Craig ClarkSpin awareness, stall recovery, accelerated/cross controlled stall demonstration, slow flight, normal landingN879CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.80.80.81Craig ClarkSpin awareness, stall recovery, accelerated/cross controlled stall demonstration, slow flight, normal landing
2011-01-11 2011-01-11N390JA (DA20-C1)pvu - fom - dta - pvu2.22.22.23Craig ClarkX-country flight, pilotage, ded reckoning, VOR Navigation, touch and goes, diversions N390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KFOM-KDTA-KPVU2. ClarkX-country flight, pilotage, ded reckoning, VOR Navigation, touch and goes, diversions
2011-01-18 2011-01-18N968CT (DA20-C1)pvu - bmc - pvu2. ClarkNight x-country flight, flight planning, pilotage + ded rec, normal takeoff and landingsN968CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KBMC-KPVU2. ClarkNight x-country flight, flight planning, pilotage + ded rec, normal takeoff and landings
2011-01-24 2011-01-24N974CT (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.21.20.31Craig ClarkX-wind, short field T/O, BAI, climbs, descents, intercept track radial, power off/on stalls w/recoveryN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. ClarkX-wind, short field T/O, BAI, climbs, descents, intercept track radial, power off/on stalls w/recovery
2011-01-26 2011-01-26N974CT (DA20-C1)pvu-pvu0.80.84Craig ClarkX-wind landing, soft and short field t/o and landingsN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.80.80.84Craig ClarkX-wind landing, soft and short field t/o and landings
2011-02-09 2011-02-09N390JA (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.21.25Craig Clarksoft and short field takeoffs and landings, power on/off stalls with recoveryN390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.21.21.25Craig Clarksoft and short field takeoffs and landings, power on/off stalls with recovery
2011-02-12 2011-02-12N390JA (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.31.30.34LisaStage II check, satisfactoryN390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. II check, satisfactory
2011-02-28 2011-02-28N208NH (DA20-C1)KPVU KFOM KPVU2.12.12.12Mike WilsonDay cross country, pilotage, dead reckoningN208NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KFOM-KPVU2. WilsonDay cross country, pilotage, dead reckoning
2011-03-09 2011-03-09N390JA (DA20-C1)PVU - FOM - PVU1. Cross CountryN390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KFOM-KPVU1. Cross Country
2011-03-14 2011-03-14N987CT (DA20-C1)pvu - pvu1.41.44Craig ClarkNormal T/O, Slow Flight, Power on/off stalls w/recovery, sim engine failure, soft and short T/O and landingsN987CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.41.41.44Craig ClarkNormal T/O, Slow Flight, Power on/off stalls w/recovery, sim engine failure, soft and short T/O and landings
2011-12-29 2011-12-29N221NH (DA20-C1)KPVU - KPVU1.11.10.22Christian Clark[First flight in 9 months] IR Turns to HDG, Power on/off stalls, Normal T/O & LandingN221NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. Clark[First flight in 9 months] IR Turns to HDG, Power on/off stalls, Normal T/O & Landing
2012-01-03 2012-01-03N980CT (DA20-C1)KPVU - KPVU1.61.64Christian ClarkRectangle pattern, S-Turns, Steep turns, X-wind, normal landingN980CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.61.61.64Christian ClarkRectangle pattern, S-Turns, Steep turns, X-wind, normal landing
2012-01-05 2012-01-05N245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU - KPVU0.80.83Christian ClarkPattern, Normal T/O and LandingsN245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.80.80.83Christian ClarkPattern, Normal T/O and Landings
2012-01-05 2012-01-05N245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU - KPVU0.50.50.53[SOLO] Pattern, Normal T/O, normal LandingsN245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.[SOLO] Pattern, Normal T/O, normal Landings
2012-01-10 2012-01-10N245NH (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.31.31.34Solo flight to Nephi area Normal TO/Landing, pwr on/off stalls, slow flight, steep turnsN245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. flight to Nephi area Normal TO/Landing, pwr on/off stalls, slow flight, steep turns
2012-01-12 2012-01-12N980CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.41.46Christian ClarkSteep turns/Stalls/Soft + Short field landingsN980CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.41.41.46Christian ClarkSteep turns/Stalls/Soft + Short field landings
2012-01-27 2012-01-27N974CT (DA20-C1)PVU-SLC-PVU1.31.31.35Christian ClarkNight Flight to SLC Class Bravo workN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KSLC-KPVU1.31.31.3572.3Christian ClarkNight Flight to SLC Class Bravo work
2012-02-04 2012-02-04N390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU - KMLF - U14 - KPVU2. Long Cross CountryN390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-KMLF-U14-KPVU2. Long Cross Country
2012-04-28 2012-04-28N885CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.11.12Christian ClarkSlow Flight, Power off stalls, Power on stallsN885CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.11.11.12Christian ClarkSlow Flight, Power off stalls, Power on stalls
2012-05-07 2012-05-07N974CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.51.50.46Christian ClarkSlow flt(IR) - All stalls(IR) climb/turns/decents(IR) short fieldN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. ClarkSlow flt(IR) - All stalls(IR) climb/turns/decents(IR) short field
2012-05-14 2012-05-14N974CT (DA20-C1)PVU - ENV - PVU2. XC, Dinner in ENVN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KENV-KPVU2. XC, Dinner in ENV
2012-09-07 2012-09-07N980CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.51.50.22Marc HarrisonPower on/off stalls, slow flight, VOR tracking, unusual attitudes, S-Turns, turns around a point, short/soft field T/O+LandingN980CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. HarrisonPower on/off stalls, slow flight, VOR tracking, unusual attitudes, S-Turns, turns around a point, short/soft field T/O+Landing
2012-09-14 2012-09-14N974CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.31.30.33Marc HarrisonSteep Turns, Turns around point, S-Turns, short/soft field T/O & landingsN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. HarrisonSteep Turns, Turns around point, S-Turns, short/soft field T/O & landings
2012-09-19 2012-09-19N885CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.51.50.34Lisa Stage III Check SatisfactoryN885CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. Stage III Check Satisfactory
2012-09-26 2012-09-26N974CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU0.90.91Marc HarrisonSteep turns, Emergency descents/procedures, Short/Soft field T/O & LandingN974CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU0.90.90.91Marc HarrisonSteep turns, Emergency descents/procedures, Short/Soft field T/O & Landing
2012-09-27 2012-09-27N885CT (DA20-C1)PVU - PVU1.31.30.34Tom KuhlmanSafety Pilot: Tom Kuhlman Check RideN885CT (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1. KuhlmanSafety Pilot: Tom Kuhlman Check Ride
2012-10-01 2012-10-01N889DC (DA20-C1)U77 - U770.70.73Check out flight with Diamond Flight Center.N889DC (DA20-C1)U77-U770.70.70.73Check out flight with Diamond Flight Center.
2012-10-02 2012-10-02N986CT (DA20-C1)U77 - SLC - U772.02.02.04Flight to SLC, Night landings, Flight over downtownN986CT (DA20-C1)U77-KSLC-U772.02.02.0483.0Flight to SLC, Night landings, Flight over downtown
2012-10-04 2012-10-04N968CT (DA20-C1)U77 - U771.21.21Took Dad flying over work, gramps, home, provo canyon, AF canyonN968CT (DA20-C1)U77-U771.21.21.21Took Dad flying over work, gramps, home, provo canyon, AF canyon
2012-11-05 2012-11-05N103KF (C-172S)KSLC - KTVY - KSLC1.21.21.23Brandon MallakCornerstone CheckoutN103KF (C-172S)KSLC-KTVY-KSLC1. MallakCornerstone Checkout
2012-11-24 2012-11-24N390JA (DA20-C1)PVU-36U-PVU1. MorrisFlight to Heber, over Jordanelle, AF Canyon, house, ILS 13N390JA (DA20-C1)KPVU-36U-KPVU1. MorrisFlight to Heber, over Jordanelle, AF Canyon, house, ILS 13
2012-11-28 2012-11-28N29MX (C-172M)BTF - BTF0.70.71Matt & I took photographer over Great Salt LakeN29MX (C-172M)KBTF-KBTF0.70.70.71Matt & I took photographer over Great Salt Lake
2012-12-03 2012-12-03N5552E (C-172N)BTF - EVW0.70.70.71Flight w/Justin, Matt. First night over MTNS (pax)N5552E (C-172N)KBTF-KEVW0. w/Justin, Matt. First night over MTNS (pax)
2012-12-20 2012-12-20N889DC (DA20-C1)U77 - U771.21.20.21Flight with Andy, Provo/AF CanyonN889DC (DA20-C1)U77-U771. with Andy, Provo/AF Canyon
2012-12-29 2012-12-29N986CT (DA20-C1)U77 - KSLC - U771.51.51.54Night flight to SLC with dadN986CT (DA20-C1)U77-KSLC-U771.51.51.5483.0Night flight to SLC with dad
2013-02-19 2013-02-19N29MX (C-172M)BTF - PVU - BTF1.71.71VOR's and Provo Approaches with MattN29MX (C-172M)KBTF-KPVU-KBTF1.71.71.7180.4VOR's and Provo Approaches with Matt
2013-02-26 2013-02-26N889DC (DA20-C1)U77 - ENV - TVY - U773. first PPL flight, $10 on penny machine N889DC (DA20-C1)U77-KENV-KTVY-U773. first PPL flight, $10 on penny machine
2013-02-27 2013-02-27N29MX (C-172M)HND - BCE2.02.02.01Flew sick Matt, alternator fail. Spent the nightN29MX (C-172M)KHND-KBCE2. sick Matt, alternator fail. Spent the night
2013-02-28 2013-02-28N29MX (C-172M)BCE - RIF - U77 - BTF2.62.62.63Day 2 of returning to BTF from HND, Alternator failN29MX (C-172M)KBCE-KRIF-U77-KBTF2. 2 of returning to BTF from HND, Alternator fail
2013-03-30 2013-03-30N245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU - KPVU1.01.01Shawn FOver colorfest, BYU, home, and KeenansN245NH (DA20-C1)KPVU-KPVU1.01.01.01Shawn FOver colorfest, BYU, home, and Keenans
2013-05-14 2013-05-14N376DC (DA20-C1)U77-KENV-U772. Keenan for first flight, Buffet, Slots (WIN)N376DC (DA20-C1)U77-KENV-U772. Keenan for first flight, Buffet, Slots (WIN)
2018-11-07 2018-11-07N134BF (CRUZ)KBTF-KBTF0.80.80.83Jared UrryStraight and level, turns, climbs, descents, normal T/O and LDGN134BF (CRUZ)KBTF-KBTF0. UrryStraight and level, turns, climbs, descents, normal T/O and LDG
2018-11-08 2018-11-08N287SC (CRUZ)KBTF-KTVY-KBTF1.21.21.23Jared UrryXC ProceduresN287SC (CRUZ)KBTF-KTVY-KBTF1. UrryXC Procedures
2018-11-12 2018-11-12N003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF0.90.9Jared UrryStraight and level, Timed turns, climbs, descents, partial panel, compass turnsN003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF(0.0)0.90.9Jared UrryStraight and level, Timed turns, climbs, descents, partial panel, compass turns
2018-11-13 2018-11-13N5262Y (C-172S)KBTF-KBTF1.11.11.15Jared Urry[Flight Review] BFR Slow flight, power on/off stalls, normal t/o and ldgs, emergency opsN5262Y (C-172S)KBTF-KBTF1. Urry[Flight Review] BFR Slow flight, power on/off stalls, normal t/o and ldgs, emergency ops
2018-11-14 2018-11-14N5262Y (C-172S)KBTF-KBTF1. UrryStraight and level, climbs, descents, steep turns, slow flight, stalls, VOR navigationN5262Y (C-172S)KBTF-KBTF1. UrryStraight and level, climbs, descents, steep turns, slow flight, stalls, VOR navigation
2018-11-15 2018-11-15N003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF0.60.6Jared UrryUnusual attitudes, AHRS failure, DME arc, VOR trackingN003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF(0.0)0.60.6Jared UrryUnusual attitudes, AHRS failure, DME arc, VOR tracking
2018-11-17 2018-11-17N003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF0.60.6Jared UrryGPS navigation, partial panelN003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF(0.0)0.60.6Jared UrryGPS navigation, partial panel
2018-11-20 2018-11-20N003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF1.51.5Walker FultzPhase 1 prog check instrumentN003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF(0.0)1.51.5Walker FultzPhase 1 prog check instrument
2018-11-26 2018-11-26N003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTFJared UrryVOR HoldsN003RB (C-172)KBTF-KBTF(0.0)Jared UrryVOR Holds
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCHoodDayNightNight L.Day L.App'sDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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