Viewing the logbook of: jpesce
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2012-06-24 2012-06-24N721SA (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.51slow flight, turns around a point, power-on/off stallsN721SA (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.51.511.5slow flight, turns around a point, power-on/off stalls
2012-06-28 2012-06-28N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.41.40.43VOR Navigation and Tracking, hood workN503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1. Navigation and Tracking, hood work
2012-07-02 2012-07-02N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD0.80.84rectangular course, short field take-offs and forward slip to landingsN503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD0.80.80.840.8rectangular course, short field take-offs and forward slip to landings
2012-07-04 2012-07-04N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.11.11.11Turns around a point, S-Turns, Pilotage, xwind landingN503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1. around a point, S-Turns, Pilotage, xwind landing
2012-07-10 2012-07-10N172SJ (C-172)KPVD-KEWB-KPVD1.21.25Flight to towered airport, fwd slip to landing, xwind takeoff and landing, traffic pattern 1 Go-AroundN172SJ (C-172)KPVD-KEWB-KPVD1. to towered airport, fwd slip to landing, xwind takeoff and landing, traffic pattern 1 Go-Around
2012-07-15 2012-07-15N9905F (C-172)KPVD-KHYA-KPVD1.61.61.62flight to towered airport, VOR navigation, xwind takeoff/landing, traffic patternN9905F (C-172)KPVD-KHYA-KPVD1. to towered airport, VOR navigation, xwind takeoff/landing, traffic pattern
2012-07-17 2012-07-17N721SA (C-172)KPVD-KUUU-KPVD1.51.53flight to uncontrolled airport, xwind takeoff and landings, rectangular pattern 1 Go AroundN721SA (C-172)KPVD-KUUU-KPVD1.51.51.531.51.527.1flight to uncontrolled airport, xwind takeoff and landings, rectangular pattern 1 Go Around
2012-07-18 2012-07-18N9905F (C-172)KPVD-KHYA-KPVD1. XCountry File, Open/Close Flight planN9905F (C-172)KPVD-KHYA-KPVD1. XCountry File, Open/Close Flight plan
2012-07-23 2012-07-23N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.31.36steep turns, short and soft field takeoffs and landings, traffic patternN2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.31.31.361.3steep turns, short and soft field takeoffs and landings, traffic pattern
2012-07-28 2012-07-28N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.01.01.05traffic pattern rectangular course 1 Go-AroundN2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1. pattern rectangular course 1 Go-Around
2012-08-01 2012-08-01N470U (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.21.26traffic pattern, short/soft field take off and landings 1 Go-AroundN470U (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1. pattern, short/soft field take off and landings 1 Go-Around
2012-08-03 2012-08-03N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KWST-KHYA-KPVD2. xc 2 Go-AroundsN2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KWST-KHYA-KPVD2. xc 2 Go-Arounds
2012-08-04 2012-08-04N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.53VOR Tracking and course interception. slow flightN503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.51.531.5VOR Tracking and course interception. slow flight
2012-08-07 2012-08-07N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.52Stage 3/End of Course Stage Check. Slow flight, steep turns navigation 1 Go-AroundN503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.51.521.5Stage 3/End of Course Stage Check. Slow flight, steep turns navigation 1 Go-Around
2012-08-08 2012-08-08N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.01.01.06Night Operations Traffic Pattern Take-Offs and Landings N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1. Operations Traffic Pattern Take-Offs and Landings
2012-08-12 2012-08-12N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.31.34Traffic Pattern, fwd slip, ldg aim points, short/soft fld ldgs. 2 Go-AroundsN2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.31.31.341.3Traffic Pattern, fwd slip, ldg aim points, short/soft fld ldgs. 2 Go-Arounds
2012-08-14 2012-08-14N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.54Traffic Pattern, VOR Tracking, Precision Landings 4 Go-AroundsN2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KPVD1.51.51.541.5Traffic Pattern, VOR Tracking, Precision Landings 4 Go-Arounds
2012-08-17 2012-08-17N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KFIT-KPVD1. Flight, file,open/close flight plan. Very Hazy outside Pilotage/Ded Reckoning A/P closed due to accident. Alternative Runways clsd.N2459Y (C-172)KPVD-KFIT-KPVD1. Flight, file,open/close flight plan. Very Hazy outside Pilotage/Ded Reckoning A/P closed due to accident. Alternative Runways clsd.
2012-08-19 2012-08-19N503SP (C-172)KPVD-KBDL-KPVD1. flight +50nm xwind t/o and ldgsN503SP (C-172)KPVD-KBDL-KPVD1. flight +50nm xwind t/o and ldgs
DatePlaneRouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodDayNightNight L.Day L.App'sP2PMultiMulti PICSingleSingle PICComplexHPDist (NM)61 XCPersonInstructorRemarks
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