Viewing the logbook of: kurtkessler
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Overall Totals: 216.7157.40.046.783.154.311.217.230.365309120.70.00.712.20.09580.7
16-09-11 2011-09-16N242AV (C-172L)KHEF-KJYO0.60.61Reposition back to JYO after MX with CM, very early flight, before tower was open. great sun rise, unseasonably cold. N242AV (C-172L)KHEF-KJYO0.60.6121.5Reposition back to JYO after MX with CM, very early flight, before tower was open. great sun rise, unseasonably cold.
16-09-11 2011-09-16N16789 (C-172SP)KJYO-KHEF0.50.51Reposition back to HEF with CM. N16789 (C-172SP)KJYO-KHEF0.50.5121.5Reposition back to HEF with CM.
18-09-11 2011-09-18N2338V (C-172SP)KJYO-KHEF0.50.50.21Reposition plane for early departure 9/19 with CMN2338V (C-172SP)KJYO-KHEF0.50.50.2121.5Reposition plane for early departure 9/19 with CM
19-09-11 2011-09-19N2338V (C-172SP)KHEF-KCHO1. HEF and planned to go northwest and pass through mountains at the I66 cut through but the cloud deck was lower than local stations were reporting at time of departure. decided to go south and try the I64 pass. once abeam CHO clouds obscured mountans. Landed at CHO to see if clouds would rise. N2338V (C-172SP)KHEF-KCHO1. HEF and planned to go northwest and pass through mountains at the I66 cut through but the cloud deck was lower than local stations were reporting at time of departure. decided to go south and try the I64 pass. once abeam CHO clouds obscured mountans. Landed at CHO to see if clouds would rise.
19-09-11 2011-09-19N2338V (C-172SP)KCHO-KCHO0.30.30.31After waiting to see if clouds would raise decided to go south to the I64 gap and get a closer look to see if I could stay VFR over the mountain, intercepted I64 and followed it, cloud deck still totally obscured tops of mountains, returned to CHO to talk to Ray and file a SFRA in case it was needed.N2338V (C-172SP)KCHO-KCHO0.30.30.31After waiting to see if clouds would raise decided to go south to the I64 gap and get a closer look to see if I could stay VFR over the mountain, intercepted I64 and followed it, cloud deck still totally obscured tops of mountains, returned to CHO to talk to Ray and file a SFRA in case it was needed.
19-09-11 2011-09-19N2338V (C-172SP)KCHO-KFRR-KSHD1. talking to Ray I decided to try the north pass @ I66. Departed CHO stayed @ 1600' most of the trip, intercepted I66 and flew it through the pass, once through maintained around 1600' until ceiling lifted some after right to right ended, encountered moderate rain about 20 miles out of SHD limiting visibility, but still VFR. G1000 terrain function well used, fly the Yellow.N2338V (C-172SP)KCHO-KFRR-KSHD1. talking to Ray I decided to try the north pass @ I66. Departed CHO stayed @ 1600' most of the trip, intercepted I66 and flew it through the pass, once through maintained around 1600' until ceiling lifted some after right to right ended, encountered moderate rain about 20 miles out of SHD limiting visibility, but still VFR. G1000 terrain function well used, fly the Yellow.
19-09-11 2011-09-19N2338V (C-172SP)KSHD-KFRR-KHEF1. trip after AP servo was installed, ceilings lifted some, was able to stay closer to 2000' flew the KAP140 most of the way back for familiarization and ops check. Good day, good experience with unreported ceiling, cloud banks like to hang out over mountains and the airports reporting are not on the mountain, good lesson. Dropped plane at Dulles Aviation, probably the last anyone with in Aviation Adventures will fly N2338V. This experience really makes me want to always fly G1000.N2338V (C-172SP)KSHD-KFRR-KHEF1. trip after AP servo was installed, ceilings lifted some, was able to stay closer to 2000' flew the KAP140 most of the way back for familiarization and ops check. Good day, good experience with unreported ceiling, cloud banks like to hang out over mountains and the airports reporting are not on the mountain, good lesson. Dropped plane at Dulles Aviation, probably the last anyone with in Aviation Adventures will fly N2338V. This experience really makes me want to always fly G1000.
05-10-11 2011-10-05N30364 (C-162)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO0.80.80.82Night flying sight seeing with a stop in frederick with CM while the kids were at CAP. The fall wind is here, 11 kts across the runway at night in the baby bird made for an interesting landing. I look forward to the fall crosswind to practice landings.N30364 (C-162)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO0.80.80.8244.2Night flying sight seeing with a stop in frederick with CM while the kids were at CAP. The fall wind is here, 11 kts across the runway at night in the baby bird made for an interesting landing. I look forward to the fall crosswind to practice landings.
07-10-11 2011-10-07N2433S (C-172R)KJYO-KHGR-KJYO1.21.22MX Flight for oil change at HGR, First oil service since new engine. Walked to have lunch at Colonial Motel and Restaurant while they serviced the plane, took twice as long as stated (as usual) Great flight and better than being at work. N2433S (C-172R)KJYO-KHGR-KJYO1.21.2277.4MX Flight for oil change at HGR, First oil service since new engine. Walked to have lunch at Colonial Motel and Restaurant while they serviced the plane, took twice as long as stated (as usual) Great flight and better than being at work.
22-10-11 2011-10-22N30364 (C-162)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1.01.01.04Conor Dancy[Flight Review] BFR, night flight to Frederick and back to JYO, flew through circling spot lamp over Frederick, good flight, good landings.N30364 (C-162)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1.01.01.0444.2Conor Dancy[Flight Review] BFR, night flight to Frederick and back to JYO, flew through circling spot lamp over Frederick, good flight, good landings.
23-10-11 2011-10-23N7131L (AA-5)KMWK-KJYO2.02.02.01Return flight to look at A55 Baron for Eliot, first time flying Eliots Grumman. Nice VFR day, SML and Pilot Mountain were very cool. And first trip to Mayberry.. Very nice Baron, hopeful that Eliot will buy it, may make for some cheap multi time. N7131L (AA-5)KMWK-KJYO2.02.02.01212.2Return flight to look at A55 Baron for Eliot, first time flying Eliots Grumman. Nice VFR day, SML and Pilot Mountain were very cool. And first trip to Mayberry.. Very nice Baron, hopeful that Eliot will buy it, may make for some cheap multi time.
28-10-11 2011-10-28N1057R (C-172SP)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1.01.02MX flight for oil change. Had breakfast while I waited for the service. N1057R (C-172SP)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1.01.0244.2MX flight for oil change. Had breakfast while I waited for the service.
02-11-11 2011-11-02N30364 (C-162)KJYO-KHEF-KJYO1.21.20.611Took Sharky to HEF for oil change and night photo shoot. landed 16R had to taxi A,cross 16R,V, across 16L,B,C,D to get to the East ramp. Tower was a little confused. On departure called for taxi and was told to return to ramp for an envelope, Bob had forgotten to give me parts to take back to JYO for the Cougar. N30364 (C-162)KJYO-KHEF-KJYO1.21.20.61143.0Took Sharky to HEF for oil change and night photo shoot. landed 16R had to taxi A,cross 16R,V, across 16L,B,C,D to get to the East ramp. Tower was a little confused. On departure called for taxi and was told to return to ramp for an envelope, Bob had forgotten to give me parts to take back to JYO for the Cougar.
12-11-11 2011-11-12N391DC (DV-20C-1)KJYO-KCJR0.70.70.71Night MX flight, drop off for 100 HR with CM.N391DC (DV-20C-1)KJYO-KCJR0.70.70.7136.0Night MX flight, drop off for 100 HR with CM.
12-11-11 2011-11-12N14205 (C-182T)KCJR-KJYO0.60.60.61Return MX flight from dropping DC, picking up from 100 HR inspection, with CM, what contrast to DC, super small to super sized. Flared a little high, been a while since flying this birdN14205 (C-182T)KCJR-KJYO0.60.60.610.636.0Return MX flight from dropping DC, picking up from 100 HR inspection, with CM, what contrast to DC, super small to super sized. Flared a little high, been a while since flying this bird
14-11-11 2011-11-14N242AV (C-172L)KJYO-KHEF0.60.60.61MX, Drop at APP for Capitol aviation to do the inspections and replace compass. Took Braedon from work, very turbulent and windy.N242AV (C-172L)KJYO-KHEF0.60.60.6121.5MX, Drop at APP for Capitol aviation to do the inspections and replace compass. Took Braedon from work, very turbulent and windy.
15-11-11 2011-11-15N242AV (C-172L)KHEF-KJYO0. flight after repairs, nice overcast evening and great way to end the day.N242AV (C-172L)KHEF-KJYO0. flight after repairs, nice overcast evening and great way to end the day.
17-11-11 2011-11-17N797GA (GA-7)KJYO-KCJR0.70.70.71Ray deHaanMX Flight, first multi complex and @ night. It is always a privilege to fly with RayN797GA (GA-7)KJYO-KCJR0.70.70.710.70.736.0Ray deHaanRay deHaanMX Flight, first multi complex and @ night. It is always a privilege to fly with Ray
17-11-11 2011-11-17N391DC (DV-20C-1)KCJR-KHEF0.50.50.51MX to pickup Ray dropping Cougar at HEFN391DC (DV-20C-1)KCJR-KHEF0.50.50.5119.9MX to pickup Ray dropping Cougar at HEF
17-11-11 2011-11-17N391DC (DV-20C-1)KHEF-KJYO0.40.40.41MX back from HEF, bumps in the tunnel, great flight with Ray, it is always nice to do just about every thing good with Ray in the right seat. N391DC (DV-20C-1)KHEF-KJYO0.40.40.4121.5MX back from HEF, bumps in the tunnel, great flight with Ray, it is always nice to do just about every thing good with Ray in the right seat.
19-11-11 2011-11-19N14205 (C-182T)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1.01.01.02Mx flight to drop off 1057RN14205 (C-182T)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1. flight to drop off 1057R
24-11-11 2011-11-24N1057R (C-172SP)KFDK-KJYO0.60.61MX FlightN1057R (C-172SP)KFDK-KJYO0.60.6122.1MX Flight
03-12-11 2011-12-03N2433S (C-172R)KJYO-KHGR0.60.60.61MX FlightN2433S (C-172R)KJYO-KHGR0.60.60.6138.7MX Flight
03-12-11 2011-12-03N437SP (C-172SP)KHGR-KJYO0.60.60.61MX FlightN437SP (C-172SP)KHGR-KJYO0.60.60.6138.7MX Flight
09-12-11 2011-12-09N2433S (C-172R)KHGR-KJYO0.70.70.71MX FlightN2433S (C-172R)KHGR-KJYO0.70.70.7138.7MX Flight
19-12-11 2011-12-19N14205 (C-182T)KJYO-KFDK0.50.50.51MX FlightN14205 (C-182T)KJYO-KFDK0.50.50.510.522.1MX Flight
20-12-11 2011-12-20N14205 (C-182T)KFDK-KJYO0.50.50.51MX FlightN14205 (C-182T)KFDK-KJYO0.50.50.510.522.1MX Flight
24-12-11 2011-12-24N391DC (DV-20C-1)KJYO-KOKV-KJYO0.80.80.82Just for FUN, The night before christmasN391DC (DV-20C-1)KJYO-KOKV-KJYO0.80.80.8255.3Just for FUN, The night before christmas
01-01-12 2012-01-01N14205 (C-182T)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1.01.02MX FlightN14205 (C-182T)KJYO-KFDK-KJYO1. Flight
12-01-12 2012-01-12N2433S (C-172R)KJYO-KHGR0.70.71MX FlightN2433S (C-172R)KJYO-KHGR0.70.7138.7MX Flight
19-01-12 2012-01-19N437SP (C-172SP)KJYO-KHGR-KJYO1.21.22MX Flight, last flight before Cancer diagnosisN437SP (C-172SP)KJYO-KHGR-KJYO1.21.2277.4MX Flight, last flight before Cancer diagnosis
31-03-12 2012-03-31N437SP (C-172SP)KJYO-KHGR-KJYO1.21.22Buck SmithShort field landings, Spot landing @ HGR before PAPI, MX flightN437SP (C-172SP)KJYO-KHGR-KJYO1.21.2277.4Buck SmithBuck SmithShort field landings, Spot landing @ HGR before PAPI, MX flight
21-10-12 2012-10-21N391DC (DV-20C-1)W45 khsp0.90.91Awesome trip with Tiernan, first time flying left seat since April or the last trip listed before this entry. Clear and a million great day to visit the highest elevation airport east of the Mississippi. Great to be aloft again. Very interesting landing sight picture...N391DC (DV-20C-1)W45-KHSP0.90.9176.2Awesome trip with Tiernan, first time flying left seat since April or the last trip listed before this entry. Clear and a million great day to visit the highest elevation airport east of the Mississippi. Great to be aloft again. Very interesting landing sight picture...
21-10-12 2012-10-21N391DC (DV-20C-1)Khsp Kjyo 1.41.41Return trip, what awesome views of homestead below after take off or runway 25, right turn out to the north there it is. This airport and runway were so cool, like eternity pools but a runway. To Terran to worry about, all below you. On the ground the altimeter was reading 3800' msl .... What a great day, "I can still fly these things, and pretty well. N391DC (DV-20C-1)KHSP-KJYO1.41.41126.7Return trip, what awesome views of homestead below after take off or runway 25, right turn out to the north there it is. This airport and runway were so cool, like eternity pools but a runway. To Terran to worry about, all below you. On the ground the altimeter was reading 3800' msl .... What a great day, "I can still fly these things, and pretty well.
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