Viewing the logbook of: openiduser362
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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2010-02-17 2010-02-17N75602 (C-172)GKY GKY0.90.9pre-flight, start up, run up, taxi, take off, straight and level, climb,descends, checklists, shutdown and securingN75602 (C-172)KGKY-KGKY0.90.9pre-flight, start up, run up, taxi, take off, straight and level, climb,descends, checklists, shutdown and securing
2010-02-18 2010-02-18N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY0.90.9outside and inside references, straight level, climbs, turns, descends.N285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY0.90.9outside and inside references, straight level, climbs, turns, descends.
2010-02-19 2010-02-19N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.11.1taxi, checklists, run up, startup, shutdown, slowflightN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.11.1taxi, checklists, run up, startup, shutdown, slowflight
2010-02-24 2010-02-24N822MN (C-172S)gky crs gky2.72.72.7slow flight, power on/off stall. steep turns, go arounds, traffic patternsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KCRS-KGKY2.72.72.7104.0slow flight, power on/off stall. steep turns, go arounds, traffic patterns
2010-02-25 2010-02-25N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY1.21.2steep turns, slow flightN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.21.2steep turns, slow flight
2010-02-28 2010-02-28N75602 (C-172)GKY GKY1.01.0rectangular course, s-turns, turn around a pointN75602 (C-172)KGKY-KGKY1.01.0rectangular course, s-turns, turn around a point
2010-02-28 2010-02-28N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY0.90.93power on/off stall, steep turn, crosswind take off and landingsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY0.90.93power on/off stall, steep turn, crosswind take off and landings
2010-03-02 2010-03-02N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.11.110traffic patern, radios,normal/crosswind take off and landingN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.11.110traffic patern, radios,normal/crosswind take off and landing
2010-03-03 2010-03-03N822MN (C-172S)gky fws gky1.41.410normal take off + landingsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KFWS-KGKY1.41.41024.7normal take off + landings
2010-03-04 2010-03-04N822MN (C-172S)gky rbd gky1.41.410normal take off + landingsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KRBD-KGKY1.41.41023.0normal take off + landings
2010-03-05 2010-03-05N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY1.21.210take off + landingsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.21.210take off + landings
2010-03-05 2010-03-05N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.01.08take off + landingsN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.01.08take off + landings
2010-03-06 2010-03-06N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.21.210take off + landingsN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.21.210take off + landings
2010-03-06 2010-03-06N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.21.21emergency descents and approaches, fire in flight, electricalN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.21.21emergency descents and approaches, fire in flight, electrical
2010-03-11 2010-03-11N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.10.50.661st soloN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.10.50.661st solo
2010-03-13 2010-03-13N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY0.50.54soft field takeoff and landing, short field land/ crosswindN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY0.50.54soft field takeoff and landing, short field land/ crosswind
2010-03-14 2010-03-14N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY1.31.311crosswind/short/soft - takeoff + landingN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.31.311crosswind/short/soft - takeoff + landing
2010-03-15 2010-03-15N285SP (C-172S)GKY GKY1.11.110soft / short / crosswind - take off + landingN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.11.110soft / short / crosswind - take off + landing
2010-03-16 2010-03-16N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY1.21.26Soft field landing, short feild take off, normal take off + landingN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.21.26Soft field landing, short feild take off, normal take off + landing
2010-03-18 2010-03-18N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY1.21.27normal take off + landings, soft field landingsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.21.27normal take off + landings, soft field landings
2010-03-19 2010-03-19N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY0.90.90.51BAIN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY0.90.90.51BAI
2010-03-22 2010-03-22N822MN (C-172S)Gky sep gky1.61.61.62pilotage, dead reckoning, xc planningN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KSEP-KGKY1.61.61.62122.4pilotage, dead reckoning, xc planning
2010-03-23 2010-03-23N822MN (C-172S)gky crs f44 gky2.32.32.33pilotage, dead reconing, VFR GPS, ATC services, FSS flight service, PIREPSN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KCRS-F44-KGKY2.32.32.33153.2pilotage, dead reconing, VFR GPS, ATC services, FSS flight service, PIREPS
2010-03-25 2010-03-25N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY0.80.87short, soft, crosswind takeoff + landingsN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY0.80.87short, soft, crosswind takeoff + landings
2010-03-26 2010-03-26N5219V (C-172S)Gky sep gky2.12.12.12solo xcN5219V (C-172S)KGKY-KSEP-KGKY2.12.12.12122.4solo xc
2010-03-28 2010-03-28N822MN (C-172S)GKY GKY1.51.51.01BAI, lost proceduresN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.51.51.01BAI, lost procedures
2010-03-30 2010-03-30N285SP (C-172S)Gky sep gky2. xc ATC servicesN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KSEP-KGKY2. xc ATC services
2010-03-31 2010-03-31285SPGky gky1., unusual attidues, VOR, interception and tracking, soft field landing285SPKGKY-KGKY1., unusual attidues, VOR, interception and tracking, soft field landing
2010-04-03 2010-04-035219vgky sep crs gky3.23.23.25Solo xc5219vKGKY-KSEP-KCRS-KGKY3.23.23.25204.4Solo xc
2010-04-03 2010-04-035219vGKY GKY1.51.56Solo - steep turns/ s-turns/ slow flight/ rectangular course5219vKGKY-KGKY1.51.56Solo - steep turns/ s-turns/ slow flight/ rectangular course
2010-04-06 2010-04-06285SPgky gky0.30.3Solo - Terminated due to Wx285SPKGKY-KGKY0.30.3Solo - Terminated due to Wx
2010-04-10 2010-04-10N822MN (C-172S)gky gky1.51.54slow flight, power on/off stall, steep turns, short field take off + langingN822MN (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.51.54slow flight, power on/off stall, steep turns, short field take off + langing
2010-04-12 2010-04-12N285SP (C-172S)gky gky0.90.98short field take off + landing, power off approachN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY0.90.98short field take off + landing, power off approach
2010-04-15 2010-04-15N285SP (C-172S)gky gky1.41.41slow flight, diversion, short field take off + landingN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.41.41slow flight, diversion, short field take off + landing
2010-04-16 2010-04-16N285SP (C-172S)gky gky1.71.74slow flight, power on/off stalls, steep turns, short field landingN285SP (C-172S)KGKY-KGKY1.71.74slow flight, power on/off stalls, steep turns, short field landing
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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