Viewing the logbook of: coleary11
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
A2MG43 AlsimAlsimAirplane FTDEKU
N13330 CessanaC172Airplane SELFoothills
N28BC CessanaC172RAirplane SELEKU
N3508J CessanaC172PAirplane SELAviation, Louisville
N53720 CessanaC172PAirplane SELEKU
N62475 CessanaC172PAirplane SELEKU
N62946 CessanaC172PAirplane SELEKU
N73411D CessanaC172Airplane SEL
N89847 CessanaC172PAirplane SELEKU
N9516J CessanaC172RAirplane SELEKU
N9677H CessanaC172Airplane SEL
N9838B CessanaC172RGAirplane SELComplex, EKU
N63569 CessnaC172PAirplane SELEKU
N65276 CessnaC172PAirplane SELEKU
N92LC CessnaC172RAirplane SELEKU
N9985B CessnaC172RGAirplane SELComplex, EKU
N9136W PiperPA-28-235Airplane SEL"High Performance"
N69BW PiperPA-34-220TSenecaAirplane MELComplex, EKU, "High Performance", Turbo
N3125G PiperPA-44-180SeminoleAirplane MELComplex, EKU
N565RB PiperPA-44-180SeminoleAirplane MELComplex, Glass
N97157 PiperTomahawkAirplane SEL

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

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