Viewing the logbook of: 3puttjonson
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Class B
Level 1 - Landing at 1 Class B airports (next level at 5)
Awarded on: July 23, 2013 - KPIE-KTPA-KPIE - N84014 (PA-28-181) - VOR 36 KPIE/ (RNAV 36R x2)1 partial panel, ILS 1L KTPA partial panel, Vor 4 circle to land 36R KPIE
Type Master
Level 1 - Flying 2 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 5)
Awarded on: June 17, 2013 - KPIE-KPIE - N84014 (PA-28-181) - Slow Flight, pwr on/off stals standard rate turns, IR navigation, BAI Pattern A constant airspeed descents
Level 1 - Flying with 5 different people (next level at 20)
Awarded on: May 2, 2013 - KPIE-KPIE - N4326L (PA-28-181) - P-1 stage check, landings complete
First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: April 9, 2013 - KPIE-KPIE - N4326L (PA-28-181) - Intro flight NAA 1-1 climbs decents turns, take off, straight and level radio communication