Viewing the logbook of: JustinLopez0322
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Mile High Club
Landing at an airport with an elevation of 5280 feet
Awarded on: April 12, 2015 - KORD-KDEN-KORD - N (E170-175) - 4348, 4348
Level 4 - Flying with 100 different people (next level at 500)
Awarded on: April 7, 2015 - KORD-KEWR - N (E170-175) - 4312
Class B
Level 4 - Landing at 20 Class B airports (next level at 35)
Awarded on: Feb. 5, 2015 - KORD-KSLC-KORD - N (E170-175) -
Level 3 - Visiting 100 unique airports (next level at 250)
Awarded on: Feb. 5, 2015 - KORD-KSLC-KORD - N (E170-175) -
World Explorer
Level 1 - Visiting 2 different countries (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Dec. 21, 2014 - KMHT-KPHL-CYHZ - N (E170-175) -
Going the distance
Level 4 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 2000 miles (next level at 5000)
Awarded on: Nov. 9, 2014 - KORD-KBDL-KORD-KJAX - N (E170-175) -
One Thousand Hours
Logging 1000 hours
Awarded on: Feb. 16, 2014 - KMEM-KHRO-KMCI-KSLN-KMCI-KSLN - N950PA (C-208) - SLN Out
Long Hauler
Level 2 - Logging a flight of 7 hours in length (next level at 11)
Awarded on: Sept. 19, 2013 - KMEM-KHOT-KELD-KDAL-KELD-KHOT-KMEM - N950PA (C-208) - Local
Around The World
Total length of all routes equaling the circumference of the earth (21638 NM)
Awarded on: Sept. 18, 2013 - KMEM-KMKL-KBNA-KAHN-KBNA-KMKL-KMEM - N803TH (C-208) - AHN Day Trip
Type Master
Level 3 - Flying 10 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 20)
Awarded on: Sept. 15, 2012 - KPWK-KMDH - N6871Y (C-340) - Back home from Priester
Night Explorer
Visiting 10 distinct airports at night
Awarded on: Jan. 4, 2012 - KMDH-KCMI-KBMI-KRFD - N5330U (C-172) - AF206 U49 S5 XF5
Logging your first flight in a twin engined aircraft!
Awarded on: June 15, 2011 - KARR-KARR - N445JA (PA-44) - PATTERN/SVFR
First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: Sept. 3, 2009 - KIKK-KIKK - N757SH (C-152) - 4 BASICS