Viewing the logbook of: openiduser817
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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Overall Totals: 94.823.
2009-10-16 2009-10-16N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.42Peter Adeogunfirst flight, turns, descents, climbsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.42Peter Adeogunfirst flight, turns, descents, climbs
2009-10-20 2009-10-20N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.22Peter Adeogunclimbs, stalls, descents, takeoffs, landingsN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.22Peter Adeogunclimbs, stalls, descents, takeoffs, landings
2009-10-21 2009-10-21N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.11.11Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, power on stall, power off stall, slowflightN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.11.11Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, power on stall, power off stall, slowflight
2009-10-23 2009-10-23N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.51.51Peter Adeogunconstant airspeed climb/descent to landing, slow flight, power on/ power off stallN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O31.51.51Peter Adeogunconstant airspeed climb/descent to landing, slow flight, power on/ power off stall
2009-10-26 2009-10-26N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.51.53Peter Adeogunsteep turns, go around, takeoff, landing, stalls, slow flightN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.51.53Peter Adeogunsteep turns, go around, takeoff, landing, stalls, slow flight
2009-11-03 2009-11-03N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.31.34Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, power off stalls, slow flight, steep turnsN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O31.31.34Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, power off stalls, slow flight, steep turns
2009-11-04 2009-11-04N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.90.91Peter Adeogunpower on stall, steep turn, slow flight, power off stallN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O30.90.91Peter Adeogunpower on stall, steep turn, slow flight, power off stall
2009-11-09 2009-11-09N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.44Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, ground reference, s turn, rectangle course, around a pointN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.44Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, ground reference, s turn, rectangle course, around a point
2009-11-10 2009-11-10N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.45Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, power off stall, power on stall, steep turn, ground reference, slow flightN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.45Peter Adeoguntakeoff, landing, power off stall, power on stall, steep turn, ground reference, slow flight
2009-11-16 2009-11-16N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.27Peter Adeogunabort takeoff, takeoffs, landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.27Peter Adeogunabort takeoff, takeoffs, landings
2009-11-17 2009-11-17N24932 (C-152)2O3 - KAPC - 2O31.71.713Peter Adeogunrejected takeoffs, rejected landings, takeoffs, landingsN24932 (C-152)2O3-KAPC-2O31.71.71346.2Peter Adeogunrejected takeoffs, rejected landings, takeoffs, landings
2010-01-07 2010-01-07N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.31.310Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, rejected, aborted, go aroundN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.31.310Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, rejected, aborted, go around
2010-01-08 2010-01-08N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.212Peter Adeogunforward slip, engine out, takeoffs, landings no flapsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.212Peter Adeogunforward slip, engine out, takeoffs, landings no flaps
2010-01-14 2010-01-14N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.45Peter Adeogunno flaps, engine out, takeoff, landing, power off stall, power on stall, slow flightN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.45Peter Adeogunno flaps, engine out, takeoff, landing, power off stall, power on stall, slow flight
2010-01-15 2010-01-15N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.90.910Peter Adeogunside slip, go around, engine out, no flaps, takeoffs, landingsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O30.90.910Peter Adeogunside slip, go around, engine out, no flaps, takeoffs, landings
2010-01-29 2010-01-29N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.45Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, engine failure after takeoff, slow flightN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.45Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, engine failure after takeoff, slow flight
2010-02-02 2010-02-02N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.01.02Peter Adeogunpower on stall, power off stall, takeoffs, landings, slow flightN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.01.02Peter Adeogunpower on stall, power off stall, takeoffs, landings, slow flight
2010-02-03 2010-02-03N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.70.71Kaye Varneystage 1 complete satisfactoryN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O30.70.71Kaye Varneystage 1 complete satisfactory
2010-02-10 2010-02-10N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.70.76Peter Adeoguncross wind takeoffs and landings, wind shear trainingN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O30.70.76Peter Adeoguncross wind takeoffs and landings, wind shear training
2010-02-11 2010-02-11N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2031.01.07Peter Adeoguntakeoffs and landingsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.01.07Peter Adeoguntakeoffs and landings
2010-02-16 2010-02-16N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.11.112Peter Adeogunenergency landing, takeoffs, landings, no flapsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.11.112Peter Adeogunenergency landing, takeoffs, landings, no flaps
2010-02-18 2010-02-18N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.210Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, emergencyN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.210Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, emergency
2010-02-24 2010-02-24N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.01.05Bassomtakeoffs, landings, engine failureN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.01.05Bassomtakeoffs, landings, engine failure
2010-02-25 2010-02-25N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.01.010Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landingsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.01.010Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings
2010-02-25 2010-02-25N5368M (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.40.43first solo, takeoffs, landingsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O30.40.43first solo, takeoffs, landings
2010-03-03 2010-03-03N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.60.63Peter Adeogunsoft field landings and takeoffsN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O30.60.63Peter Adeogunsoft field landings and takeoffs
2010-03-04 2010-03-04N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.80.85Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, soft field, short fieldN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O30.80.85Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, soft field, short field
2010-03-05 2010-03-05N5368M (C-152)2O3- 2O31.11.13Peter Adeogunpower on stall, power off stall, slow flight, steep turns, short field, soft field takeoffs and landingsN5368M (C-152)2O3-2O31.11.13Peter Adeogunpower on stall, power off stall, slow flight, steep turns, short field, soft field takeoffs and landings
2010-03-10 2010-03-10N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KSTS - 2O31.31.37Peter Adeoguntower work, takeoffs, landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-KSTS-2O31.31.3736.5Peter Adeoguntower work, takeoffs, landings
2010-03-15 2010-03-15N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KSTS - 2O31.31.36Peter Adeoguntower work, takeoffs, landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-KSTS-2O31.31.3636.5Peter Adeoguntower work, takeoffs, landings
2010-03-16 2010-03-16N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 1O2 - 2O31.61.65Peter Adeogunnavigation, takeoffs, landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-1O2-2O31.61.6566.0Peter Adeogunnavigation, takeoffs, landings
2010-03-17 2010-03-17N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 1O2 - 2O31.31.34Peter Adeogunsolo, navigating, takeoffs, landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-1O2-2O31.31.3466.0Peter Adeogunsolo, navigating, takeoffs, landings
2010-04-23 2010-04-23N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.51.51Peter Adeogunnavigating, VOR, slow flight, power on stall, pwer off stall, steep turnsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.51.51Peter Adeogunnavigating, VOR, slow flight, power on stall, pwer off stall, steep turns
2010-04-25 2010-04-25N21778 (C-172)2O3 - 2O30.70.71Peter Adeogunintro to GPS nav and auto pilotN21778 (C-172)2O3-2O30.70.71Peter Adeogunintro to GPS nav and auto pilot
2010-04-26 2010-04-26N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.28Peter Adeogunemergency descent, soft field takeoff, crosswind landingN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.28Peter Adeogunemergency descent, soft field takeoff, crosswind landing
2010-05-03 2010-05-03N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.410Peter Adeogunengine failure, short field and soft field takeoffs and landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.410Peter Adeogunengine failure, short field and soft field takeoffs and landings
2010-05-04 2010-05-04N24932 (C-152)2O3 - 2O30.90.96Peter Adeoguncrosswind takeoff and landingN24932 (C-152)2O3-2O30.90.96Peter Adeoguncrosswind takeoff and landing
2010-05-05 2010-05-05N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.11.13Kaye Varneystage 2 satisfactoryN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.11.13Kaye Varneystage 2 satisfactory
2010-05-07 2010-05-07N714XB (C-152)2O3 - HE5 - 2O31.51.52Peter Adeogunhood work, unusual attitudes, cross country pilotage, diversionN714XB (C-152)2O3-KHES-2O31.51.52Peter Adeogunhood work, unusual attitudes, cross country pilotage, diversion
2010-05-11 2010-05-11N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KMHR - 2O31.91.92Peter AdeogunATC communication, FSS communication, dead reckoning, cross countryN714XB (C-152)2O3-KMHR-2O31.91.92106.9Peter AdeogunATC communication, FSS communication, dead reckoning, cross country
2010-05-12 2010-05-12N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KSCK - 2O32.02.02Peter Adeogunpilotage cross countryN714XB (C-152)2O3-KSCK-2O32.02.02139.8Peter Adeogunpilotage cross country
2010-05-12 2010-05-12N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.21.210Perer Adeogunnight takeoffs and landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.21.210Perer Adeogunnight takeoffs and landings
2010-05-14 2010-05-14N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.41.41.01Peter Adeogunpartial panel, VOR navigation, hood work, compass turnsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.41.41.01Peter Adeogunpartial panel, VOR navigation, hood work, compass turns
2010-05-16 2010-05-16N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KWLW - 2O31.71.72solo, VOR and pilotage navigationN714XB (C-152)2O3-KWLW-2O31.71.72114.6solo, VOR and pilotage navigation
2010-05-18 2010-05-18N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KMYV - KSMF - 2O32. Adeogunnight cross countryN714XB (C-152)2O3-KMYV-KSMF-2O32. Adeogunnight cross country
2010-05-26 2010-05-26N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.23Peter Adeogunsoft field takeoff, slow flight, steep turns, power on and power off stallsN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.23Peter Adeogunsoft field takeoff, slow flight, steep turns, power on and power off stalls
2010-05-28 2010-05-28N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.21.20.61Peter Adeogununusual attitudes, hood work, lost procedureN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.21.20.61Peter Adeogununusual attitudes, hood work, lost procedure
2010-06-02 2010-06-02N5368M (C-152)2O3 - KWLW - KCIC - 2O32.62.62.63solo cross countryN5368M (C-152)2O3-KWLW-KCIC-2O32.62.62.63158.8solo cross country
2010-06-07 2010-06-07N5368M (C-152)2O3 - O41 - 2O31.91.90.33Kaye Varneystage 3 incompleteN5368M (C-152)2O3-O41-2O31.91.90.3354.1Kaye Varneystage 3 incomplete
2010-06-08 2010-06-08N5368M (C-152)2O3 - O41 - 2O31.31.30.72Peter Adeogunshort field takeoff, diversion, hood work, soft field landingN5368M (C-152)2O3-O41-2O31.31.30.7254.1Peter Adeogunshort field takeoff, diversion, hood work, soft field landing
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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