Viewing the logbook of: johnpericich
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2008-03-29 2008-03-29N9864E (2-32)KCVH0.50.51Jeffrey HazlegroveT/O, Tow, Stalls, Steep Turns, Pattern, LandingN9864E (2-32)KCVH0.50.51Jeffrey HazlegroveT/O, Tow, Stalls, Steep Turns, Pattern, Landing
2008-05-05 2008-05-05N9864E (2-32)KCVH0.50.51Jeffrey HazlegroveT/O, Tow, Stalls, Steep Turns, Pattern, LandingN9864E (2-32)KCVH0.50.51Jeffrey HazlegroveT/O, Tow, Stalls, Steep Turns, Pattern, Landing
2009-02-07 2009-02-07N715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesIntro flight to Byron NCSA. Takeoff, tow, release, turns, stick rudder, landingN715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesIntro flight to Byron NCSA. Takeoff, tow, release, turns, stick rudder, landing
2009-02-07 2009-02-07N715EV (L-13)C830.20.21Buzz GravesPattern tow, landing 30N715EV (L-13)C830.20.21Buzz GravesPattern tow, landing 30
2009-02-14 2009-02-14N715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesTakeoff first one, release, thermaling, landing 12 with 10 knot headwindN715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesTakeoff first one, release, thermaling, landing 12 with 10 knot headwind
2009-02-21 2009-02-21N715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesTakeoff, tow, box the wake, stalls forward, turningN715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesTakeoff, tow, box the wake, stalls forward, turning
2009-02-21 2009-02-21N715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesTakeoff, tow, box wake, stalls, landing 30 no windN715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Buzz GravesTakeoff, tow, box wake, stalls, landing 30 no wind
2009-02-28 2009-02-28N715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Rolf PetersonT.O., Tow-Thru and Box Wake, Soft Release, Min Sink, Best Glide, Slow Flight, 90 deg Med Bank Turns, Imminent Stalls, Pattern Entry, Low Pattern w/ Lndg Rwy 23N715EV (L-13)C830.50.51Rolf PetersonT.O., Tow-Thru and Box Wake, Soft Release, Min Sink, Best Glide, Slow Flight, 90 deg Med Bank Turns, Imminent Stalls, Pattern Entry, Low Pattern w/ Lndg Rwy 23
2009-02-28 2009-02-28N715EV (L-13)C830.20.21Rolf PetersonT.O. Rwy 5, 45 deg Pattern Entry Rwy 30, Approach and Landing Rwy 30N715EV (L-13)C830.20.21Rolf PetersonT.O. Rwy 5, 45 deg Pattern Entry Rwy 30, Approach and Landing Rwy 30
2009-03-07 2009-03-07N715EV (L-13)C830.80.81Buzz GravesToday was working on thermaling in weak liftN715EV (L-13)C830.80.81Buzz GravesToday was working on thermaling in weak lift
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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