Viewing the logbook of: fndrofwendys
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Overall Totals: 180.724.9109.30.030.8140.
2006-10-30 2006-10-30N40CK (C-172)CKB-CKB1.21.24Bo JanesSlow flight, power off emergency, stalls, navigation and radio procedures, normal/x-wind landings, pattern workN40CK (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1.21.24Bo JanesSlow flight, power off emergency, stalls, navigation and radio procedures, normal/x-wind landings, pattern work
2006-11-03 2006-11-03N51794 (C-172)CKB-CKB1.31.310Bo JanesX-wind landings, short/soft, slips, no flaps- go around, radio proceduresN51794 (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1.31.310Bo JanesX-wind landings, short/soft, slips, no flaps- go around, radio procedures
2006-11-03 2006-11-03N63958 (C-172)CKB-CKB0.90.90.95ThomasX-wind landings, go arounds, pattern work, slips, radio proceduresN63958 (C-172)KCKB-KCKB0.90.90.95X-wind landings, go arounds, pattern work, slips, radio procedures
2006-11-06 2006-11-06N40CK (C-172)CKB-CKB1. JanesSlow flight, power on/off stalls, emer. landings, turns abt a point, solo pattern workN40CK (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1. JanesSlow flight, power on/off stalls, emer. landings, turns abt a point, solo pattern work
2006-11-06 2006-11-06N51794 (C-172)CKB-CKB1.21.22CFI # 2805167Stalls, slow flight, ground ref, pattern work, touch/goes, emer. landingN51794 (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1.21.22CFI # 2805167Stalls, slow flight, ground ref, pattern work, touch/goes, emer. landing
2006-11-08 2006-11-08N40CK (C-172)CKB-CKB1.01.01.08ThomasPattern work, landings, short field landings, radio procedures, approach to landingsN40CK (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1.01.01.08Pattern work, landings, short field landings, radio procedures, approach to landings
2006-11-10 2006-11-10N52516 (C-172)CKB-CKB1.21.20.54Bo JanesLesson #14, VOR orientation tracking, IR slow flight/stalls, short/soft fieldN52516 (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1.21.20.54Bo JanesLesson #14, VOR orientation tracking, IR slow flight/stalls, short/soft field
2006-11-29 2006-11-29N40CK (C-172)CKB-CKB1.21.20.55Bo JanesLesson #15, VOR tracking, lost procedures, short/soft, go arounds, IR slow flight, unusual attitudesN40CK (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1.21.20.55Bo JanesLesson #15, VOR tracking, lost procedures, short/soft, go arounds, IR slow flight, unusual attitudes
2006-12-03 2006-12-03N63958 (C-172)CKB-CKB1. JanesLesson #16, steep turns, slow flight, power off/on stalls, emer. procedures, night t/o & landings, short/soft, go aroundsN63958 (C-172)KCKB-KCKB1. JanesLesson #16, steep turns, slow flight, power off/on stalls, emer. procedures, night t/o & landings, short/soft, go arounds
2006-12-06 2006-12-06N40CK (C-172)CKB-PKB-CKB1.91.91.92Bo JanesLesson#17, Pilotage, dead reckoning, radio callsN40CK (C-172)KCKB-KPKB-KCKB1.91.91.92112.8Bo JanesLesson#17, Pilotage, dead reckoning, radio calls
2006-12-09 2006-12-09N63958 (C-172)CKB-HLG-CKB2. JanesLesson #18, VOR use, lost procedures, emergenciesN63958 (C-172)KCKB-KHLG-KCKB2. JanesLesson #18, VOR use, lost procedures, emergencies
2006-12-10 2006-12-10N63958 (C-172)CKB-PKB-CKB1. #19, FIRST SOLO CROSS COUNTRYN63958 (C-172)KCKB-KPKB-KCKB1. #19, FIRST SOLO CROSS COUNTRY
2006-12-11 2006-12-11N63958 (C-172)CKB-HLG-AFJ-CKB1. JanesDual cross country, short/soft field, uncontrolled airport radios, emer. diversionN63958 (C-172)KCKB-KHLG-KAFJ-KCKB1. JanesDual cross country, short/soft field, uncontrolled airport radios, emer. diversion
DatePlaneRouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiTurbineComplexHPDist (NM)InstructorRemarks
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