Updated every 3 Hours
Last updated: Sun, February, 16th, 2025 -- 5:00 PM EST

Total user accountsClick to see graph 6814
Number of users with a non-empty logbookClick to see graph 3291
Total flight hours from all usersClick to see graph 2,587,862.9
Total number of flights loggedClick to see graph 1,412,839
Date when total flights is projected to reach one million25 Feb, 1986 (-14236 days)
Average duration of all logged flightsClick to see graph 1.83
Average total hours logged per non-empty-logbook userClick to see graph 786.3
Total number of flights logged in the past 7 daysClick to see graph 66
Unique users who have logged a flight in the past 7 daysClick to see graph 26
Total flight hours logged in the past 7 daysClick to see graph 186.5
Total unique airports visited by all usersClick to see graph 8,871
Total unique countries visited by all usersClick to see graph 208
Total distance of all routesClick to see graph 320,025,745.9 NM
Total distance of all routes in Earth CircumferencesClick to see graph 14,801.8 Earths
Total unique tailnumbers from all usersClick to see graph 48167
Date where the most unique users edited some part of their logbook09 Oct, 2013 (85.0)
Date with the most hours logged by all users08 May, 2010 (1222.0)
Other graphsDistribution of Logbook Totals
Empty Users vs. Total Users
Total Flights vs. Total Hours
Airports visited by the most users1. KDAB (476)
2. KBNA (472)
3. KRDU (462)
4. KIND (453)
5. KRIC (422)
6. KMEM (416)
7. KCRG (416)
8. KCMH (401)
9. KLEX (399)
10. KSTL (396)
Tailnumbers flown by the most users1. EC-FLH (729)
2. EC-FOR (684)
3. EC-BDN (651)
4. EC-FQN (609)
5. N790FH (451)
6. N18215 (447)
7. N6020Q (415)
8. EC-BCB (396)
9. EC-BJX (378)
10. N623TH (262)
Tailnumbers that have visited the most unique airports1. N14T (342)
2. PC12-NG (339)
3. N35NK (298)
4. N800UP (297)
5. N75078 (265)
6. N3744T (248)
7. N127bw (242)
8. N506AB (242)
9. AB-CDE (228)
10. N686AB (223)
Most common aircraft models1. Skyhawk (26869)
2. Seminole (7898)
3. Warrior (3456)
4. Arrow (1878)
5. Archer (1657)
6. Cherokee (1579)
7. CRJ-200 (1562)
8. Skylane (1405)
9. Katana (1363)
10. SKYHAWK (1272)
Most common aircraft manufacturers1. Cessna (44283)
2. Piper (21357)
3. Embraer (12586)
4. Bombardier (8543)
5. Boeing (4891)
6. Diamond (3764)
7. Beechcraft (3759)
8. Frasca (2846)
9. Cirrus (2289)
10. CESSNA (2072)
Openid Providers
Google2208 32.4%
Yahoo609 8.9%
AOL116 1.7%
MyOpenID39 0.6%
Others3844 56.4%