Viewing the logbook of: openiduser332
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonInstructorRemarks
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Overall Totals: 60.111.610.048.510.
2010-06-02 2010-06-02N4900H (C-152)PVD - UUU - PVD1.61.60.26Rooks Turnertake offs and landings, simulated engine out, hood workN4900H (C-152)KPVD-KUUU-KPVD1.61.60.2627.1Rooks TurnerRooks Turnertake offs and landings, simulated engine out, hood work
2010-06-04 2010-06-04N4900H (C-152)PVD - SFZ - PVD1.41.47Rooks Turnertake offs and landings, simulated engine out, pre-solo preparationN4900H (C-152)KPVD-KSFZ-KPVD1.41.4723.5Rooks TurnerRooks Turnertake offs and landings, simulated engine out, pre-solo preparation
2010-06-07 2010-06-07N49185 (C-152)PVD - UUU - PVD1.61.68Rooks Turnercross wind take offs and landingsN49185 (C-152)KPVD-KUUU-KPVD1.61.6827.1Rooks TurnerRooks Turnercross wind take offs and landings
2010-06-08 2010-06-08N4900H (C-152)PVD - PVD1.41.41Rooks Turnerpower on and off stalls, slow flightN4900H (C-152)KPVD-KPVD1.41.41Rooks TurnerRooks Turnerpower on and off stalls, slow flight
2010-06-09 2010-06-09N4900H (C-152)PVD - SFZ - PVD1. TurnerSupervised Solo!!!N4900H (C-152)KPVD-KSFZ-KPVD1. TurnerRooks TurnerSupervised Solo!!!
2010-06-14 2010-06-14N4900H (C-152)PVD - SFZ - PVD1.51.56Rooks Turnerperformance take offs and landingsN4900H (C-152)KPVD-KSFZ-KPVD1.51.5623.5Rooks TurnerRooks Turnerperformance take offs and landings
2010-06-15 2010-06-15N4900H (C-152)PVD - ORE - PVD1.81.81.82Rooks TurnerXC, short field landingN4900H (C-152)KPVD-KORE-KPVD1.81.81.82127.0Rooks TurnerRooks TurnerXC, short field landing
2010-06-17 2010-06-17N4900H (C-152)PVD - PVD1.01.01Steve WesolowskiStage Check IN4900H (C-152)KPVD-KPVD1.01.01Steve WesolowskiSteve WesolowskiStage Check I
2010-06-21 2010-06-21N4900H (C-152)PVD - UUU - PVD1. TurnerSupervised Solo, performance take offs and landings, Radio failure!!!N4900H (C-152)KPVD-KUUU-KPVD1. TurnerRooks TurnerSupervised Solo, performance take offs and landings, Radio failure!!!
2010-06-22 2010-06-22N49185 (C-152)PVD - SFZ - PVD1.91.91.96Solo, take offs and landings, slow flight, steep turnsN49185 (C-152)KPVD-KSFZ-KPVD1.91.91.9623.5Solo, take offs and landings, slow flight, steep turns
2010-06-23 2010-06-23N49185 (C-152)PVD - EWB - PVD1.61.60.64Rooks TurnerVOR tracking, class D, IR power on and off stallsN49185 (C-152)KPVD-KEWB-KPVD1.61.60.6442.2Rooks TurnerRooks TurnerVOR tracking, class D, IR power on and off stalls
2010-06-25 2010-06-25N49185 (C-152)PVD - 08R - PVD1.61.60.65Rooks Turnerperformance take offs and landings at Richmond (08R), power on and off stalls, hood workN49185 (C-152)KPVD-08R-KPVD1.61.60.6534.3Rooks TurnerRooks Turnerperformance take offs and landings at Richmond (08R), power on and off stalls, hood work
2010-07-02 2010-07-02N49185 (C-152)PVD - HFD - PVD2. Turnernight XC to HartfordN49185 (C-152)KPVD-KHFD-KPVD2. TurnerRooks Turnernight XC to Hartford
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonInstructorRemarks
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