Viewing the logbook of: JoshHowe
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Overall Totals: 879.0819.90.045.4197.6520.9124.311.275.259.179873135626.
2009-04-07 2009-04-07N5440H (C172M)7S3-UAO-7S31.41.41.4Jonathan Prakken7S3 check-out, 7S3 procs, landings UAO, stalls, slow flight, emergency procsN5440H (C172M)7S3-KUAO-7S31. Prakken7S3 check-out, 7S3 procs, landings UAO, stalls, slow flight, emergency procs
2009-04-13 2009-04-13N45720 (C150M)7S3-HIO-7S31.51.51.5Tom QuirinX-Wind T/O and land, twrd opsN45720 (C150M)7S3-KHIO-7S31. QuirinX-Wind T/O and land, twrd ops
2009-04-14 2009-04-14N45720 (C150M)7S3-MMV-7S31.61.61.6Tom QuirinSim instrument, emergency procs, landingsN45720 (C150M)7S3-KMMV-7S31. QuirinSim instrument, emergency procs, landings
2009-04-14 2009-04-14N5440H (C172M)7S3-7S30.90.90.91Hafiz KhanIntro flight lesson, 4 basics, slow flightN5440H (C172M)7S3-7S30.90.90.91Hafiz KhanIntro flight lesson, 4 basics, slow flight
2009-04-15 2009-04-15N66119 (C150M)7S3-2S6-7S31.61.61.6Don BozarthCommercial check ride prep, soft T/O, short T/O and land, pwr-off 180 to landN66119 (C150M)7S3-2S6-7S31. BozarthCommercial check ride prep, soft T/O, short T/O and land, pwr-off 180 to land
2009-04-16 2009-04-16N5440H (C172M)7S3-UAO-7S31.21.21.2Roger Peltola7S3 check out, 7S3 procs, landings, slow flight, stallsN5440H (C172M)7S3-KUAO-7S31. Peltola7S3 check out, 7S3 procs, landings, slow flight, stalls
2009-04-16 2009-04-16N45720 (C150M)7S3-MMV-7S31.81.81.8Tom QuirinPwr-on stalls, demonstrated stalls, emergency procs, slips to land, pwr-off 180 landingsN45720 (C150M)7S3-KMMV-7S31. QuirinPwr-on stalls, demonstrated stalls, emergency procs, slips to land, pwr-off 180 landings
2009-04-17 2009-04-17N45720 (C150M)7S3-HIO-7S31.61.61.6Tom QuirinTwrd ops, slips to land, short field land, normal T/O & land, short T/O, rudder techniqueN45720 (C150M)7S3-KHIO-7S31. QuirinTwrd ops, slips to land, short field land, normal T/O & land, short T/O, rudder technique
2009-04-18 2009-04-18N45720 (C150M)7S3-7S30.50.50.51Jeff MladyIntro flightN45720 (C150M)7S3-7S30.50.50.51Jeff MladyIntro flight
2009-04-19 2009-04-19N2108Y (C172D)7S3-MMV-7S31.51.51.5Ben ButlerCheck ride prep, stalls, emerg procs, normal T/O & land, short field T/O & land, slips to landN2108Y (C172D)7S3-KMMV-7S31. ButlerCheck ride prep, stalls, emerg procs, normal T/O & land, short field T/O & land, slips to land
2009-04-19 2009-04-19N19333 (C150L)7S3-MMV-7S31.61.61.61Tom QuirinInstrument: constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns, normal T/O & land, short field T/O and landN19333 (C150L)7S3-KMMV-7S31.61.61.611.6Tom QuirinInstrument: constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns, normal T/O & land, short field T/O and land
2009-04-21 2009-04-21N2108Y (C172D)7S3-MMV-7S31.11.11.11Hafiz Khan4 basics, rudder technique, traffic patternsN2108Y (C172D)7S3-KMMV-7S31. Khan4 basics, rudder technique, traffic patterns
2009-04-22 2009-04-22N45720 (C150M)7S3-HIO-7S31.71.71.71Tom QuirinStp turns, diversion procs, pilotage, dead rec, VOR procsN45720 (C150M)7S3-KHIO-7S31.71.71.711.7Tom QuirinStp turns, diversion procs, pilotage, dead rec, VOR procs
2009-04-28 2009-04-28N1523R (AA-5B)7S3-MMV-7S31.31.31.3Mike Dement-Myersnormal, short, soft, slips to land, pwr-off 180 to land, emerg procsN1523R (AA-5B)7S3-KMMV-7S31. Dement-Myersnormal, short, soft, slips to land, pwr-off 180 to land, emerg procs
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