Around The World
Total length of all routes equaling the circumference of the earth (21638 NM)
Awarded on: May 8, 2011 - KLGB-KSBP-KRAL - N7723G (CE-172) - IFR timebuild, IFR
Total length of all routes equaling the circumference of the earth (21638 NM)
Awarded on: May 8, 2011 - KLGB-KSBP-KRAL - N7723G (CE-172) - IFR timebuild, IFR

Going the distance
Level 2 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 500 miles (next level at 1000)
Awarded on: May 1, 2011 - KLGB-KIWA-KLGB - N206AT (PA-44-180) - timebuild, IFR
Level 2 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 500 miles (next level at 1000)
Awarded on: May 1, 2011 - KLGB-KIWA-KLGB - N206AT (PA-44-180) - timebuild, IFR

Level 2 - Visiting 50 unique airports (next level at 100)
Awarded on: March 23, 2011 - KLGB-KTOA-KLGB - N156DW (CE-172) - KLGB familiarization flight, ILS 30
Level 2 - Visiting 50 unique airports (next level at 100)
Awarded on: March 23, 2011 - KLGB-KTOA-KLGB - N156DW (CE-172) - KLGB familiarization flight, ILS 30

Level 2 - Flying with 20 different people (next level at 50)
Awarded on: March 14, 2011 - KGKY-KFWS-KGKY - N23847 (PA-44-180) - CMEL training
Level 2 - Flying with 20 different people (next level at 50)
Awarded on: March 14, 2011 - KGKY-KFWS-KGKY - N23847 (PA-44-180) - CMEL training

Long Hauler
Level 5 - Logging a flight of 20 hours in length
Awarded on: Jan. 21, 2011 - Empty - FRASCA (PA-44-180) - FTD IFR
Level 5 - Logging a flight of 20 hours in length
Awarded on: Jan. 21, 2011 - Empty - FRASCA (PA-44-180) - FTD IFR

Night Explorer
Visiting 10 distinct airports at night
Awarded on: June 18, 2010 - KBED-KTTN - N3052D (PA-44-180) - VFR night XC - 61.129 (b)(3)(iv)
Visiting 10 distinct airports at night
Awarded on: June 18, 2010 - KBED-KTTN - N3052D (PA-44-180) - VFR night XC - 61.129 (b)(3)(iv)

Type Master
Level 2 - Flying 5 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 10)
Awarded on: June 11, 2010 - KTTN-KTTN - N357DA (PA-44-180) - PMEL training
Level 2 - Flying 5 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 10)
Awarded on: June 11, 2010 - KTTN-KTTN - N357DA (PA-44-180) - PMEL training

Logging your first flight in a twin engined aircraft!
Awarded on: June 11, 2010 - KTTN-KTTN - N357DA (PA-44-180) - PMEL training
Logging your first flight in a twin engined aircraft!
Awarded on: June 11, 2010 - KTTN-KTTN - N357DA (PA-44-180) - PMEL training

First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: April 9, 2008 - 3N6-N14 - N198PG (CE-172) - PPL Lesson 1 Takeoff & Landing
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: April 9, 2008 - 3N6-N14 - N198PG (CE-172) - PPL Lesson 1 Takeoff & Landing