Type Master
Level 1 - Flying 2 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Nov. 19, 2012 - KPVD-KPVD - N470U (C172R) - Slow flight, stalls, steep turns
Level 1 - Flying 2 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Nov. 19, 2012 - KPVD-KPVD - N470U (C172R) - Slow flight, stalls, steep turns
Mile High Club
Landing at an airport with an elevation of 5280 feet
Awarded on: Nov. 12, 2012 - KAFF-KAFF - N6601K (C172P) - Pvt 1 + 45deg steep turns
Landing at an airport with an elevation of 5280 feet
Awarded on: Nov. 12, 2012 - KAFF-KAFF - N6601K (C172P) - Pvt 1 + 45deg steep turns
First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: July 11, 2010 - 7B6-KIJD-7B6 - N63835 (C172P) - Preflight, postflight, T/O & land, turns
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: July 11, 2010 - 7B6-KIJD-7B6 - N63835 (C172P) - Preflight, postflight, T/O & land, turns