Level 1 - Flying with 5 different people (next level at 20)
Awarded on: April 1, 2011 - Empty - N345FA (PA-44) -
Level 1 - Flying with 5 different people (next level at 20)
Awarded on: April 1, 2011 - Empty - N345FA (PA-44) -

Type Master
Level 2 - Flying 5 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 10)
Awarded on: Nov. 14, 2010 - KLZU-KLZU - UNKNOWN -
Level 2 - Flying 5 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 10)
Awarded on: Nov. 14, 2010 - KLZU-KLZU - UNKNOWN -

Logging your first flight in a twin engined aircraft!
Awarded on: Nov. 4, 2010 - KLZU-3J7 - N3047R (PA-44) -
Logging your first flight in a twin engined aircraft!
Awarded on: Nov. 4, 2010 - KLZU-3J7 - N3047R (PA-44) -

Night Explorer
Visiting 10 distinct airports at night
Awarded on: Oct. 18, 2010 - KEYE-KDPA - N80755 (C-172) - IFR Time building
Visiting 10 distinct airports at night
Awarded on: Oct. 18, 2010 - KEYE-KDPA - N80755 (C-172) - IFR Time building

Going the distance
Level 2 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 500 miles (next level at 1000)
Awarded on: Jan. 31, 2010 - KPDK-KARG-KMCN-KPDK - N2649J (C-172) - ILS 55 ARG, LOC 5 MCN, VOR 27 2R PDK
Level 2 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 500 miles (next level at 1000)
Awarded on: Jan. 31, 2010 - KPDK-KARG-KMCN-KPDK - N2649J (C-172) - ILS 55 ARG, LOC 5 MCN, VOR 27 2R PDK

Long Hauler
Level 1 - Logging a flight of 4 hours in length (next level at 7)
Awarded on: Jan. 31, 2010 - KPDK-KARG-KMCN-KPDK - N2649J (C-172) - ILS 55 ARG, LOC 5 MCN, VOR 27 2R PDK
Level 1 - Logging a flight of 4 hours in length (next level at 7)
Awarded on: Jan. 31, 2010 - KPDK-KARG-KMCN-KPDK - N2649J (C-172) - ILS 55 ARG, LOC 5 MCN, VOR 27 2R PDK

Level 1 - Visiting 10 unique airports (next level at 50)
Awarded on: Feb. 13, 2009 - KSRC-KHEE-KSRC - N6454J (C-172) - Tracking VORs, NDBs, simulated instuments
Level 1 - Visiting 10 unique airports (next level at 50)
Awarded on: Feb. 13, 2009 - KSRC-KHEE-KSRC - N6454J (C-172) - Tracking VORs, NDBs, simulated instuments

First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: Sept. 9, 2008 - KSRC-KSRC - N89704 (C-152) - Intro flight, Preflight, Taxi, takeoff, Climbs, Turns, descents, Checklists
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: Sept. 9, 2008 - KSRC-KSRC - N89704 (C-152) - Intro flight, Preflight, Taxi, takeoff, Climbs, Turns, descents, Checklists