Viewing the logbook of: openiduser737
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Level 1 - Flying with 5 different people (next level at 20)
Awarded on: Feb. 9, 2011 - KYIP-KYIP - N51390 (CE-172S) - Pvt Flight Test, PTS, Satisfactory
Class B
Level 1 - Landing at 1 Class B airports (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Feb. 4, 2011 - KYIP-KDTW-KYIP - N6341T (CE-172S) - BAI Turns, Climbs, Decent
Level 1 - Visiting 10 unique airports (next level at 50)
Awarded on: Dec. 9, 2010 - KYIP-1G0-KYIP - N926JA (CE-172S) - Night X-C
Type Master
Level 1 - Flying 2 distinct aircraft types. (next level at 5)
Awarded on: Nov. 11, 2010 - KYIP - 7282-001 (MN-01) - BAI, Failures, VOR/GPS Usage
Going the distance
Level 2 - Logging a flight with a route of at least 500 miles (next level at 1000)
Awarded on: Nov. 8, 2010 - KYIP-45G-7N3-KYIP - N51390 (CE-172S) - Short/Soft TO/L's
First Flight
Your first flight. Congratulations!
Awarded on: Sept. 21, 2010 - KYIP-KYIP - N926JA (CE-172S) - First Flight! Strait&Level, Climbs/Decents