Viewing the logbook of: srainer2010
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Airplane SEL Day

Date of third-to-last landing: Aug 03, 2019
Last day of currency: Nov 01, 2019
(1772 Days ago)

Airplane SEL Night

Date of third-to-last landing: Jun 14, 2013
Last day of currency: Sep 12, 2013
(4013 Days ago)

Airplane MEL Day

You do not have 3 landings

Airplane MEL Night

You do not have 3 landings

Airplane SEL Tailwheel Day

Date of third-to-last landing: Jan 16, 2015
Last day of currency: Apr 16, 2015
(3432 Days ago)

Airplane SEL Tailwheel Night

You do not have 3 landings


Flight Review

Date of renewal event: May 06, 2014
Last day of currency: May 31, 2016
(3021 Days ago)

Instructor Certificate

You do not have any qualifying events