Viewing the logbook of: KimberlyBillett
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2010-07-10 2010-07-10N7257P (C-152)SNA-SNA0.90.91Michael PowersIntroduction FlightN7257P (C-152)KSNA-KSNA0.90.91Michael PowersIntroduction Flight
2012-07-24 2012-07-24N241BM (EVSS)SNA-SNA0.90.91Kyle HankesStraight and level. Climbs and descents N241BM (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA0.90.91Kyle HankesStraight and level. Climbs and descents
2012-08-04 2012-08-04N241BM (EVSS)SNA-SNA1.11.11Kyle HankesRudder control and coordination. Turns (shallow, medium, steep). Intro patternN241BM (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.11.11Kyle HankesRudder control and coordination. Turns (shallow, medium, steep). Intro pattern
2012-08-06 2012-08-06N907SL (EVSS)SNA-SNA1.01.01Kyle Hankes3 basics. Turn, coordination.N907SL (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.01.01Kyle Hankes3 basics. Turn, coordination.
2012-08-22 2012-08-22N241BM (EVSS)SNA-SNA0.90.91Kyle Hankes3 basics. Turns. Coordination. Take off.N241BM (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA0.90.91Kyle Hankes3 basics. Turns. Coordination. Take off.
2012-08-26 2012-08-26N125MX (EVSS)SNA-SNA1.51.51Kyle HankesSteep turns. Coordination. Slow flight. MCA. N125MX (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.51.51Kyle HankesSteep turns. Coordination. Slow flight. MCA.
2012-08-29 2012-08-29N125MX (EVSS)SNA-SNA1.11.10.21Kyle HankesSteep turns. Slow flight. Radio. MCA. Coordination. Takeoff. Stall intro. Wake turbulence. N125MX (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.11.10.21Kyle HankesSteep turns. Slow flight. Radio. MCA. Coordination. Takeoff. Stall intro. Wake turbulence.
2012-09-04 2012-09-04N241BM (EVSS)SNA-SNA1.11.11Kyle HankesSteep turns. Slow flight. MCA. Coordination. N241BM (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.11.11Kyle HankesSteep turns. Slow flight. MCA. Coordination.
2012-09-08 2012-09-08N907SL (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.01.01Kyle HankesSteep turns. Take off. Power off stalls. Radio calls. Slow flightN907SL (EVSS)KSNA-KSNA1.01.01Kyle HankesSteep turns. Take off. Power off stalls. Radio calls. Slow flight
2012-09-17 2012-09-17N65415 (C-152)KEDU-KEDU0.40.41David CholewinskiIntro to C-152N65415 (C-152)KEDU-KEDU0.40.41David CholewinskiIntro to C-152
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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