Viewing the logbook of: cpenvari
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals: 67.310.
Overall Totals:
2016-09-01 2016-09-01N2054S (C172R)Klot klot 0.90.91Chanon PenvariDiscovery flightN2054S (C172R)KLOT-KLOT0.90.91Chanon PenvariDiscovery flight
2016-09-13 2016-09-13N672MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.31.31Normal climb/decent, steep turn, slow flight, power on/ off stall, pilotage, sim engine failure. N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.31Normal climb/decent, steep turn, slow flight, power on/ off stall, pilotage, sim engine failure.
2016-09-20 2016-09-20N197MC (C172S)Klot klot 1.21.21Normal take off/landing, steep turn, slow flight, Power on/ off stall, pilotage, Sim engine failure.N197MC (C172S)KLOT-KLOT1.21.21Normal take off/landing, steep turn, slow flight, Power on/ off stall, pilotage, Sim engine failure.
2016-09-22 2016-09-22N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.31.32normal takeoff/crosswind landing, steep turn, slow flight, sim engine failure, pilotage N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.32normal takeoff/crosswind landing, steep turn, slow flight, sim engine failure, pilotage
2016-10-04 2016-10-04N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.31.31Crosswind take off/landing, power on/off stall, steep turn, sim engine failure, turn around the point.N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.31Crosswind take off/landing, power on/off stall, steep turn, sim engine failure, turn around the point.
2016-10-11 2016-10-11N673MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.41.41Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower opsN673MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.41.41Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower ops
2016-10-13 2016-10-13N872FA (C172R)Klot klot work, climb/ decent, climb turn, decent turning, Normal takeoff/ landing, pilotage, radio usage.N872FA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.30.51Hood work, climb/ decent, climb turn, decent turning, Normal takeoff/ landing, pilotage, radio usage.
2016-11-01 2016-11-01N673MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.22Slow flight, turn around the point, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower opsN673MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.22Slow flight, turn around the point, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower ops
2016-11-01 2016-11-01N172BF (C172R)Klot klot work, descending turn, climbing turn, climb, descent, power off stall, normal takeoff/ landing, pilotage, radio usage non tower ops.N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.01.00.53Hood work, descending turn, climbing turn, climb, descent, power off stall, normal takeoff/ landing, pilotage, radio usage non tower ops.
2016-11-05 2016-11-05N673MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.28Normal landing/ take off, pilotage, radio usage non tower ops. N673MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.28Normal landing/ take off, pilotage, radio usage non tower ops.
2016-11-07 2016-11-07N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.210normal landing / takeoff, emergency landing, go around, no flap landing, radio usage non tower ops.N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.210normal landing / takeoff, emergency landing, go around, no flap landing, radio usage non tower ops.
2016-11-08 2016-11-08N672MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.11.19Normal landing/ takeoff, sim engine failure, radio usage.N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.19Normal landing/ takeoff, sim engine failure, radio usage.
2016-11-09 2016-11-09N872FA (C172R)Klot klot 1.11.16Normal landing / takeoff, sim engine failure landing, radio usage non tower ops. N872FA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.16Normal landing / takeoff, sim engine failure landing, radio usage non tower ops.
2016-11-17 2016-11-17N872FA (C172R)Klot klot 1.11.110normal takeoff/landing, no flap landing, engine failure landing, normal take offN872FA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.110normal takeoff/landing, no flap landing, engine failure landing, normal take off
2016-11-22 2016-11-22N673MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.01.08Normal landing, sim engine failure landing, normal takeoff, N673MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.01.08Normal landing, sim engine failure landing, normal takeoff,
2016-11-29 2016-11-29N674MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.11.19normal landing, sim emergency landing, normal takeoff, radio usage.N674MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.19normal landing, sim emergency landing, normal takeoff, radio usage.
2016-12-10 2016-12-10N672MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.01.07Normal landing/ takeoff.N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.01.07Normal landing/ takeoff.
2017-01-25 2017-01-25N672MA (C172R)Klot klot 0.90.99normal landing/ takeoffN672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT0.90.99normal landing/ takeoff
2017-02-01 2017-02-01N2054S (C172R)Klot klot 0.70.77normal landing/ takeoff, N2054S (C172R)KLOT-KLOT0.70.77normal landing/ takeoff,
2017-02-03 2017-02-03N172BF (C172R)Klot klot SOLON172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1. SOLO
2017-02-06 2017-02-06N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.31.31Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower opsN172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.31Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower ops
2017-02-10 2017-02-10N674MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.11.12Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower opsN674MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.12Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower ops
2017-02-13 2017-02-13N2054S (C172R)Klot klot 1.41.41Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower opsN2054S (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.41.41Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower ops
2017-02-15 2017-02-15N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.51.51Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower opsN172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.51.51Slow flight, S turn, power off/on stall, normal landing, sim engine failure, pilotage non tower ops
2017-02-17 2017-02-17N673MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.11.11power on/off stall, steep turn, engine failure, pilotage. N673MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.11power on/off stall, steep turn, engine failure, pilotage.
2017-03-15 2017-03-15N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.51.51Engine failure, turn around the point, s turn.N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.51.51Engine failure, turn around the point, s turn.
2017-03-22 2017-03-22N672MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.31.31Engine failure, s turn, turn around the point, N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.31Engine failure, s turn, turn around the point,
2017-04-03 2017-04-03N2054S (C172R)Klot klot 1.41.41Engine failure, s turn, turn around the point, pilotageN2054S (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.41.41Engine failure, s turn, turn around the point, pilotage
2017-04-07 2017-04-07N192BA (C172R)Klot klot 0.90.91Engine failure, s turn, turn around the point, STAGE 1N192BA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT0.90.91Engine failure, s turn, turn around the point, STAGE 1
2017-04-21 2017-04-21N672MA (C172R)klot kjot klot1.21.27Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, slow flight, steep turn, power off stall.N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KJOT-KLOT1.21.2712.9Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, slow flight, steep turn, power off stall.
2017-04-24 2017-04-24N872FA (C172R)klot karr klot 1.41.45Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, slow flight, steep turn, power off stall.N872FA (C172R)KLOT-KARR-KLOT1.41.4539.4Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, slow flight, steep turn, power off stall.
2017-04-25 2017-04-25N672MA (C172R)Klot klot field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, VOR, hood workN672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.11.10.64Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, VOR, hood work
2017-04-26 2017-04-26N674MA (C172R)Klot klot field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, slow flight, unusual attitude, power on/ off stall.N674MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.20.56Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, slow flight, unusual attitude, power on/ off stall.
2017-04-28 2017-04-28N192BA (C172R)klot krzl klot1.91.91.921st cross country, Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing.N192BA (C172R)KLOT-KRZL-KLOT1.91.91.92114.41st cross country, Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing.
2017-05-03 2017-05-03N673MA (C172R)klot kcmi klot2.62.62.62Sim engine fail, cross country, soft field/ short field takeoff/ landing.N673MA (C172R)KLOT-KCMI-KLOT2.62.62.62189.2Sim engine fail, cross country, soft field/ short field takeoff/ landing.
2017-05-10 2017-05-10N2054S (C172R)klot klot1.01.00.42hoodwork, short field takeoff/landing, soft field landing, VOR.N2054S (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.01.00.42hoodwork, short field takeoff/landing, soft field landing, VOR.
2017-05-11 2017-05-11N674MA (C172R)klot kmdw klot 1.51.58To Midway airport.N674MA (C172R)KLOT-KMDW-KLOT1.51.5837.6To Midway airport.
2017-09-01 2017-09-01N673MA (C172R)Klot klot around, flight review, solo localN673MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1. around, flight review, solo local
2017-09-11 2017-09-11N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.21slow flight , sim engine out, VOR, normal takeoff/landing.N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.21slow flight , sim engine out, VOR, normal takeoff/landing.
2017-09-15 2017-09-15N672MA (C172R)Klot koxi klot2.22.22Cross country N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KOXI-KLOT2.22.22133.2Cross country
2017-09-18 2017-09-18N172BF (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.25Short field, soft field take off/ landing. N172BF (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.25Short field, soft field take off/ landing.
2017-09-19 2017-09-19N673MA (C172R)klot kc09 klot1.51.51.532 full stop night landing, a touch and go. N673MA (C172R)KLOT-C09-KLOT1.51.51.5336.32 full stop night landing, a touch and go.
2017-09-22 2017-09-22N5059C (C172R)klot karr klot 1.51.59Normal landing. radio usage tower ops.N5059C (C172R)KLOT-KARR-KLOT1.51.5939.4Normal landing. radio usage tower ops.
2017-09-25 2017-09-25N672MA (C172R)klot karr klot local, steep turn, power on off stall.N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KARR-KLOT1. local, steep turn, power on off stall.
2017-09-29 2017-09-29N5059C (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.21VOR navigation, Soft field landing, sim loss procedure. N5059C (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.21VOR navigation, Soft field landing, sim loss procedure.
2017-10-17 2017-10-17N5059C (C172R)klot kcmi klot3. country nightN5059C (C172R)KLOT-KCMI-KLOT3. country night
2017-11-08 2017-11-08N197BA (C172R)klot krzl klot1. short cxN197BA (C172R)KLOT-KRZL-KLOT1. short cx
2017-11-19 2017-11-19N673MA (C172R)klot kpia ksqi klot3. solo cxN673MA (C172R)KLOT-KPIA-KSQI-KLOT3. solo cx
2017-11-20 2017-11-20N672MA (C172R)Klot klot 1.31.31Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, steep turn, sim engine out, power on/ off stall.N672MA (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.31.31Short field/ soft field takeoff/ landing, steep turn, sim engine out, power on/ off stall.
2017-11-20 2017-11-20N5059C (C172R)Klot klot 1.21.28PatternN5059C (C172R)KLOT-KLOT1.21.28Pattern
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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