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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodDayNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiSingleSeaComplexHPTailDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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Overall Totals: 143.455.
2004-07-07 2004-07-07N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.50.51Scott GerlachIntroductory FlightN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.50.50.510.5Scott GerlachIntroductory Flight
2004-07-08 2004-07-08N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.93Scott GerlachPreflight, engine startup, taxi, ground check, normal t.o & climb, turns to headings, climbs, turns, descents, checklists, collission avoidance, normal t.o & landings, postflightN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.90.90.930.9Scott GerlachPreflight, engine startup, taxi, ground check, normal t.o & climb, turns to headings, climbs, turns, descents, checklists, collission avoidance, normal t.o & landings, postflight
2004-07-14 2004-07-14N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.93Scott GerlachCollision avoidance, turns, climbs & descents, constant airspeed climbs $ descents, short-field t.o, normal t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.90.90.930.9Scott GerlachCollision avoidance, turns, climbs & descents, constant airspeed climbs $ descents, short-field t.o, normal t.o & landings
2004-08-03 2004-08-03N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.21.20.43Scott GerlachSteep turns, slow flight, straight & level flight (IR) constant airspeed climbs & descents (IR) turns to headings (IR) short-field t.o & landings, emergenciesN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. GerlachSteep turns, slow flight, straight & level flight (IR) constant airspeed climbs & descents (IR) turns to headings (IR) short-field t.o & landings, emergencies
2004-08-12 2004-08-12N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.94Scott Gerlachcollision avoidance, stalls & recovery, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.90.90.940.9Scott Gerlachcollision avoidance, stalls & recovery, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landings
2004-08-19 2004-08-19N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.94Scott Gerlachs-turns, turns around a point, rectangular patterns, go-arounds, emergencies, x-wind t.o & landings, steep turns, shallow & medium bank turnsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.90.90.940.9Scott Gerlachs-turns, turns around a point, rectangular patterns, go-arounds, emergencies, x-wind t.o & landings, steep turns, shallow & medium bank turns
2004-08-26 2004-08-26N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.90.34Scott Gerlachstraight & level flight (IR), climbs, turns & descents, constant airspeed climbs & descents, emergency short-field t.o & landings, s-turns, turns around a pointN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. Gerlachstraight & level flight (IR), climbs, turns & descents, constant airspeed climbs & descents, emergency short-field t.o & landings, s-turns, turns around a point
2004-09-07 2004-09-07N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.01.09Scott GerlachShort-field t.o & landings, soft-field t.o & landings, steep turns, collision avoidanceN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. GerlachShort-field t.o & landings, soft-field t.o & landings, steep turns, collision avoidance
2004-09-10 2004-09-10N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.84Scott GerlachSteep turns, slow flight, stalls & recovery emergencies, x-wind t.o & landings, landings w/wo flapsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.80.80.840.8Scott GerlachSteep turns, slow flight, stalls & recovery emergencies, x-wind t.o & landings, landings w/wo flaps
2004-09-27 2004-09-27N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.84Scott Gerlachsteep turns, collision avoidance, slow flight, emergencies, stalls & recovery, x-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.80.80.840.8Scott Gerlachsteep turns, collision avoidance, slow flight, emergencies, stalls & recovery, x-wind t.o & landings
2004-09-30 2004-09-30N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.84Scott Gerlachnormal t.o & climb, short-field t.o. & climbs, s-turns, turns-around-a-point, emergencies, x-wind t.o & landings, communicationsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.80.80.840.8Scott Gerlachnormal t.o & climb, short-field t.o. & climbs, s-turns, turns-around-a-point, emergencies, x-wind t.o & landings, communications
2004-10-05 2004-10-05N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.98Scott Gerlachtraffic pattern, communications, accuracy landings, forward slips, x-wind t.o & landings, short and soft-field t.o & landings, emergenciesN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.90.90.980.9Scott Gerlachtraffic pattern, communications, accuracy landings, forward slips, x-wind t.o & landings, short and soft-field t.o & landings, emergencies
2004-10-07 2004-10-07N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.95Scott GerlachSteep turns, emergencies, forward slips, s-turns, turns around a point, x-wind t.o & landings, short & soft-field, accuracy landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.90.90.950.9Scott GerlachSteep turns, emergencies, forward slips, s-turns, turns around a point, x-wind t.o & landings, short & soft-field, accuracy landings
2004-10-11 2004-10-11N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.01.00.34Scott GerlachHood, straight & level flight, turns to headings, constant airspeed climbs & descents, VOR tracking, short & soft-field t.o & landings, go-aroundsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. GerlachHood, straight & level flight, turns to headings, constant airspeed climbs & descents, VOR tracking, short & soft-field t.o & landings, go-arounds
2004-10-13 2004-10-13N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.50.55Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landings @ 30 ktsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.50.50.550.5Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landings @ 30 kts
2004-10-25 2004-10-25N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.84Scott GerlachStalls & recovery, slow flight, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landings, accuracy landings, slipsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.80.80.840.8Scott GerlachStalls & recovery, slow flight, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landings, accuracy landings, slips
2004-10-28 2004-10-28N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.90.24Scott GerlachCollision avoidance, unusual attitudes, s-turns, turns around a point, rectangular patterns, VOR tracking, x-wind & short & soft-field t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. GerlachCollision avoidance, unusual attitudes, s-turns, turns around a point, rectangular patterns, VOR tracking, x-wind & short & soft-field t.o & landings
2004-11-11 2004-11-11N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe 4x4 kmhe0.80.84Scott GerlachShort Field t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-4X4-KMHE0.80.80.840.854.8Scott GerlachShort Field t.o & landings
2004-12-01 2004-12-01N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe d65 kmhe0.80.84Scott GerlachSoft-field t.o & landings, emergenciesN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-D65-KMHE0.80.80.840.851.5Scott GerlachSoft-field t.o & landings, emergencies
2004-12-24 2004-12-24N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.21.24Scott GerlachDead reckoning, E6B work, stalls & recovery, collision avoidance, t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. GerlachDead reckoning, E6B work, stalls & recovery, collision avoidance, t.o & landings
2005-01-10 2005-01-10N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.01.00.65Scott GerlachHoodwork, constant airspeed climbs & descents, steep turns, slow flight, stalls & recovery, normal, x-wind, short & soft-field t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. GerlachHoodwork, constant airspeed climbs & descents, steep turns, slow flight, stalls & recovery, normal, x-wind, short & soft-field t.o & landings
2005-02-10 2005-02-10N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe 8v3 kmhe0.80.85Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landings, leaning proceduresN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-8V3-KMHE0.80.80.850.847.9Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landings, leaning procedures
2005-02-24 2005-02-24N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.72Scott Gerlachunusual attitudes, s-turns, turns around a point, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.70.70.720.7Scott Gerlachunusual attitudes, s-turns, turns around a point, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landings
2005-03-22 2005-03-22N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.73Scott Gerlachsoft-field t.o & landings, x-wind, t.o & landings, dutch rolls, s-turns, turns around a point N6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.70.70.730.7Scott Gerlachsoft-field t.o & landings, x-wind, t.o & landings, dutch rolls, s-turns, turns around a point
2005-04-06 2005-04-06N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.50.55Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.50.50.550.5Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landings
2005-04-18 2005-04-18N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0. GerlachSolo FlightN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. GerlachSolo Flight
2005-04-28 2005-04-28N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0. GerlachNormal t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. GerlachNormal t.o & landings
2005-05-04 2005-05-04N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.50.55Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.50.50.550.5Scott Gerlachx-wind t.o & landings
2005-05-19 2005-05-19N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.80.83steep turns, s-turns, turns around a point, power on stalls N6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, s-turns, turns around a point, power on stalls
2005-05-26 2005-05-26N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.80.82steep turns, s-turns, turns around a point, stalls & recoveryN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, s-turns, turns around a point, stalls & recovery
2005-06-20 2005-06-20N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.80.80.83steep turns, s-turns, turns around a point, normal & x-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, s-turns, turns around a point, normal & x-wind t.o & landings
2005-06-30 2005-06-30N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.90.94steep turns, turns around a point, normal & x0wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, turns around a point, normal & x0wind t.o & landings
2005-07-05 2005-07-05N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.01.01.05s-turns, turns around a point, rectangular patterns, x-wind t.o & landings, normal t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1., turns around a point, rectangular patterns, x-wind t.o & landings, normal t.o & landings
2005-07-06 2005-07-06N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.01.01.03steep turns, s-turns, turns around a pointN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. turns, s-turns, turns around a point
2005-07-07 2005-07-07N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.90.94steep turns, s-turns, turns around a pointN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, s-turns, turns around a point
2005-07-29 2005-07-29N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kbkx kmhe1.51.51.52Scott Gerlachdual x-countryN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KBKX-KMHE1. Gerlachdual x-country
2005-08-04 2005-08-04N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kbkx kmhe1. x-countryN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KBKX-KMHE1. x-country
2005-08-10 2005-08-10N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kbkx khon kmhe1. x-countryN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KBKX-KHON-KMHE1. x-country
2005-08-15 2005-08-15N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kfsd kmhe1.61.61.63Scott Gerlachdual x-countryN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KFSD-KMHE1. Gerlachdual x-country
2005-08-15 2005-08-15N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kfsd kmhe1. x-country - 3 landings to a full stopN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KFSD-KMHE1. x-country - 3 landings to a full stop
2005-08-23 2005-08-23N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.70.75Scott GerlachLCL night flight, steep turns, stalls, unusual attitudes, 5 t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.70.70.750.7Scott GerlachLCL night flight, steep turns, stalls, unusual attitudes, 5 t.o & landings
2005-09-16 2005-09-16N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kpir kmhe2. Gerlachdual x-country, hood, x-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KPIR-KMHE2. Gerlachdual x-country, hood, x-wind t.o & landings
2005-09-26 2005-09-26N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe 1d8 kmhe1. x-countryN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-1D8-KMHE1. x-country
2005-10-19 2005-10-19N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.70.75Normal t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. t.o & landings
2005-12-28 2005-12-28N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.70.74Normal t.o & landings, s-turnsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. t.o & landings, s-turns
2006-03-02 2006-03-02N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.90.90.94steep turns, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers, x-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers, x-wind t.o & landings
2006-03-10 2006-03-10N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.70.72steep turns, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers, w-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0. turns, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers, w-wind t.o & landings
2006-03-28 2006-03-28N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.70.74Scott Gerlachsteep turns, slow flight, stalls & recovery, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landings, x-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.70.70.740.7Scott Gerlachsteep turns, slow flight, stalls & recovery, emergencies, short & soft-field t.o & landings, x-wind t.o & landings
2006-04-04 2006-04-04N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe0.50.54Scott Gerlachshort & soft-field t.o & landings, x-wind t.o & landings, accuracy landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE0.50.50.540.5Scott Gerlachshort & soft-field t.o & landings, x-wind t.o & landings, accuracy landings
2006-04-26 2006-04-26N6141J (PA-28-151)kmhe kmhe1.01.00.32Scott Gerlachconstant airspeed climbs & descents, steep turns, stalls, slow flight, s-turns, turns around a point, x-wind t.o & landingsN6141J (PA-28-151)KMHE-KMHE1. Gerlachconstant airspeed climbs & descents, steep turns, stalls, slow flight, s-turns, turns around a point, x-wind t.o & landings
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodDayNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiSingleSeaComplexHPTailDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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