Viewing the logbook of: hongming
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Overall Totals: 2703.1109.51570.51073.568.2163.41923.6153.161.4556.41941698.51004.6420569.4
2016-08-27 2016-08-27N585PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.11.11Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 01 Dual: Introduction and Four FundamentalsN585PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.11.11.1Flight Lesson 01 Dual: Introduction and Four Fundamentals
2016-08-28 2016-08-28N586PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 02 Dual: Airspeed Control and Traffic PatternsN586PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21.2Flight Lesson 02 Dual: Airspeed Control and Traffic Patterns
2016-08-29 2016-08-29N583PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 03 Dual: Flight at Critically Low AirspeedsN583PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21.2Flight Lesson 03 Dual: Flight at Critically Low Airspeeds
2016-08-30 2016-08-30N582PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.30.31Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 04 Dual: Stalls and Basic Attitude InstrumentN582PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. Lesson 04 Dual: Stalls and Basic Attitude Instrument
2016-09-01 2016-09-01N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31Hongming ZhengGround reference, stalls, emergency proceduresN590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31.3Ground reference, stalls, emergency procedures
2016-09-03 2016-09-03N582PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 06 Dual: Demonstration Stalls and LandingN582PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31.3Flight Lesson 06 Dual: Demonstration Stalls and Landing
2016-09-03 2016-09-03N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.11.11Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 06 Dual: Demonstration Stalls and LandingN592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.11.11.1Flight Lesson 06 Dual: Demonstration Stalls and Landing
2016-09-06 2016-09-06N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.38Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 07 Dual: LandingsN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31.3Flight Lesson 07 Dual: Landings
2016-09-12 2016-09-12N580PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.38Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 07 Dual: LandingsN580PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31.3Flight Lesson 07 Dual: Landings
2016-09-13 2016-09-13N591PU (SR20)KLAF-KMCX-KLAF1.31.37Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 07 Dual: LandingsN591PU (SR20)KLAF-KMCX-KLAF1.31.31.338.9Flight Lesson 07 Dual: Landings
2016-09-15 2016-09-15N581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.27Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 07 Dual: LandingsN581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21.2Flight Lesson 07 Dual: Landings
2016-09-19 2016-09-19N581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. ZhengFlight Lesson 08 Dual/Solo: First SoloN581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. Lesson 08 Dual/Solo: First Solo
2016-09-20 2016-09-20N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. ZhengFlight Lesson 09 Dual/Solo: Second Supervised SoloN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. Lesson 09 Dual/Solo: Second Supervised Solo
2016-09-22 2016-09-22N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.41.40.45Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 10 complete; pattern work, VOR trackingN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 10 complete; pattern work, VOR tracking
2016-09-26 2016-09-26N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.41.40.32Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 11 complete; steep turns and ground reference maneuversN592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 11 complete; steep turns and ground reference maneuvers
2016-10-03 2016-10-03N581PU (SR20)KLAF-50I-KDNV-KLAF1.51.53Hongming Zheng10.6gphFlight Lesson 14 Dual: Short Cross CountryN581PU (SR20)KLAF-50I-KDNV-KLAF1.51.51.597.9Flight Lesson 14 Dual: Short Cross Country
2016-10-04 2016-10-04N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KSBN-KVPZ-KLAF2.42.42.43Hongming Zheng10.6gphFlight Lesson 15 Dual: First Cross CountryN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KSBN-KVPZ-KLAF2. Lesson 15 Dual: First Cross Country
2016-10-06 2016-10-06N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.11.11.11Hongming ZhengFlight Lesson 13: Solo Local ManeuversN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. Lesson 13: Solo Local Maneuvers
2016-10-11 2016-10-11N586PU (SR20)KLAF-KFWA-KMZZ-KLAF2.32.32.33Hongming Zheng10.6gphFlight Lesson 17 Dual: Second Cross CountryN586PU (SR20)KLAF-KFWA-KMZZ-KLAF2. Lesson 17 Dual: Second Cross Country
2016-10-18 2016-10-18N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.51.50.33Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 18 incomplete; stalls and unusual attitudes were not completedN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 18 incomplete; stalls and unusual attitudes were not completed
2016-10-20 2016-10-20N585PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.41.41.49Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 12 complete; night flight in the pattern, emergencies at nightN585PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 12 complete; night flight in the pattern, emergencies at night
2016-10-22 2016-10-22N580PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.41.43Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 18 complete; stalls, emergencies, unusual attitudesN580PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.41.41.4Flight lesson 18 complete; stalls, emergencies, unusual attitudes
2016-10-24 2016-10-24N580PU (SR20)KLAF-KIKK-KLAF1. Zheng10.6gphFlight lesson 16 complete; night cross country and night navigationN580PU (SR20)KLAF-KIKK-KLAF1. lesson 16 complete; night cross country and night navigation
2016-10-25 2016-10-25N581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.51.50.22Hongming ZhengFlight 19 complete; simulated stage checkN581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. 19 complete; simulated stage check
2016-11-03 2016-11-03N587PU (SR20)KLAF-KFKR-KLAF1.61.60.33Hongming ZhengAT 145 stage 1 stage check satisfactoryN587PU (SR20)KLAF-KFKR-KLAF1. 145 stage 1 stage check satisfactory
2016-11-05 2016-11-05N589PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.61.60.34Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 21 complete; review of private pilot maneuversN589PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 21 complete; review of private pilot maneuvers
2016-11-10 2016-11-10N583PU (SR20)KLAF-KHUF-KMTO-KLAF2. Zheng10.6gphFirst solo cross country complete.N583PU (SR20)KLAF-KHUF-KMTO-KLAF2. solo cross country complete.
2016-11-12 2016-11-12N586PU (SR20)KLAF-KBMG-KDEC-KLAF2. Zheng10.6gphLesson 22A second solo cross country complete.N586PU (SR20)KLAF-KBMG-KDEC-KLAF2. 22A second solo cross country complete.
2016-11-17 2016-11-17N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.51.54Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 23 incomplete; stalls, simulated instrument, and simulated emergencies not practicesN590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.51.51.5Flight lesson 23 incomplete; stalls, simulated instrument, and simulated emergencies not practices
2016-11-29 2016-11-29N589PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.20.31Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 23 complete, stalls slow flight and sim instrumentN589PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 23 complete, stalls slow flight and sim instrument
2016-12-03 2016-12-03N589PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF2.22.22.28Hongming ZhengLesson 24A Solo complete. Stalls, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers, short/soft field takeoffs/landings.N589PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF2. 24A Solo complete. Stalls, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers, short/soft field takeoffs/landings.
2016-12-10 2016-12-10N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.81.80.44Hongming ZhengFlight lesson 24 complete, review of private pilot maneuvers N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 24 complete, review of private pilot maneuvers
2016-12-13 2016-12-13N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.71.70.33Hongming Zheng10.6gphFlight lesson 25 complete, simulated stage checkN590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. lesson 25 complete, simulated stage check
2016-12-15 2016-12-15N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KFKR-KLAF1.41.40.23Hongming ZhengAT 145 stage 2 stage check complete/satisfactory.N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KFKR-KLAF1. 145 stage 2 stage check complete/satisfactory.
2017-01-25 2017-01-25N583PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.20.13Hongming Zheng[Pilot Checkride] Satisfactory N583PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.[Pilot Checkride] Satisfactory
2017-01-28 2017-01-28N63366 (C172)KLAF-KLAF0.90.90.97Hongming ZhengIntro to CessnaN63366 (C172)KLAF-KLAF0. to Cessna
2017-01-30 2017-01-30N581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.41.41.41Hongming ZhengLesson complete. Review of private pilot maneuversN581PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. complete. Review of private pilot maneuvers
2017-01-30 2017-01-30N62085 (C172)KLAF-KIND-KLAF1. Zheng7.4gphNight XC to IND. Cessna Checkout.N62085 (C172)KLAF-KIND-KLAF1. XC to IND. Cessna Checkout.
2017-02-01 2017-02-01N51204 (C172)KLAF-KLAF0.80.80.82Hongming ZhengFinal Cessna Review CheckoutN51204 (C172)KLAF-KLAF0. Cessna Review Checkout
2017-02-03 2017-02-03N580PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31.38Hongming ZhengSlow flight, landing stall, departure stall, takeoff stall, accelerated stall, steep turns, VOR tracking, GPS tracking, landings.N580PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. flight, landing stall, departure stall, takeoff stall, accelerated stall, steep turns, VOR tracking, GPS tracking, landings.
2017-02-05 2017-02-05N63366 (C172)KLAF-KLAF1. ZhengSuperbowl night flightN63366 (C172)KLAF-KLAF1. night flight
2017-02-06 2017-02-06N589PU (SR20)KLAF-KMCX-KLAF1.21.21.27Hongming ZhengLesson complete. Review of specialty takeoff and landingsN589PU (SR20)KLAF-KMCX-KLAF1. complete. Review of specialty takeoff and landings
2017-02-09 2017-02-09N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21.21Hongming ZhengLesson complete. Intro to chandelles, lazy eights, and commercial steep turns.N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. complete. Intro to chandelles, lazy eights, and commercial steep turns.
2017-02-10 2017-02-10N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.31.31.35Hongming ZhengAccuracy Landing: Perfect estimation on when to turn.good job with ias management, in 200ft. 36kt winds.N590PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. Landing: Perfect estimation on when to turn.good job with ias management, in 200ft. 36kt winds.
2017-02-11 2017-02-11N583PU (SR20)KLAF-KBEH-KSBN-KLAF2. Zheng10.6gphLesson complete. First dual XCN583PU (SR20)KLAF-KBEH-KSBN-KLAF2. complete. First dual XC
2017-02-12 2017-02-12N586PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21.215Hongming ZhengShort field+Soft field+Normal Takeoffs/Landings, Accuracy Landings.N586PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. field+Soft field+Normal Takeoffs/Landings, Accuracy Landings.
2017-02-13 2017-02-13N588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1.21.21.24Hongming ZhengLesson complete. Review of Commercial maneuversN588PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. complete. Review of Commercial maneuvers
2017-02-15 2017-02-15N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. ZhengLesson complete. Hood work, airspeed transitions, timed turns to headings | 2 Bald Eagles circling over 28N592PU (SR20)KLAF-KLAF1. complete. Hood work, airspeed transitions, timed turns to headings | 2 Bald Eagles circling over 28
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