Viewing the logbook of: openiduser1316
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 45.5130.60.011.3216.
2009-09-01 2009-09-01DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.0Level flight, level turns, Climbs, Descents, LandingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.0Level flight, level turns, Climbs, Descents, Landings
2009-09-02 2009-09-02DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.1Lesson 2. Straight and Level turns, Trim, LandingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.1Lesson 2. Straight and Level turns, Trim, Landings
2009-09-11 2009-09-11DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.3Ground Taxi, actual loss of oil pressureDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.3Ground Taxi, actual loss of oil pressure
2009-09-14 2009-09-14DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.8Stalls and recovery, Slow flight, Constant climbs and descents, crosswind ldgsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.8Stalls and recovery, Slow flight, Constant climbs and descents, crosswind ldgs
2009-09-15 2009-09-15DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.1Unusual attitudes, stalls, steep turns, tracking coursesDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.1Unusual attitudes, stalls, steep turns, tracking courses
2009-09-18 2009-09-18DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Ground Ref Manuevers, Power mgmt, ldgs, 1st landing by myselfDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Ground Ref Manuevers, Power mgmt, ldgs, 1st landing by myself
2009-09-23 2009-09-23DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.1All landing practiceDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.1All landing practice
2009-09-25 2009-09-25DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.4Lesson 7DA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.4Lesson 7
2009-09-28 2009-09-28DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.8Landing practiceDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.8Landing practice
2009-09-29 2009-09-29DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.5S-turns, ground ref rectangle courses, crosswind landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.5S-turns, ground ref rectangle courses, crosswind landings
2009-10-01 2009-10-01DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Stage 1 PrepDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Stage 1 Prep
2009-10-02 2009-10-02DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.2Ground ref manuevers, landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.2Ground ref manuevers, landings
2009-10-06 2009-10-06DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.2Stalls, slow flight, steep turns, emergency approach, ldgsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.2Stalls, slow flight, steep turns, emergency approach, ldgs
2009-10-08 2009-10-08DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Stalls, slow flight, steep turns, tracking VOR, identify position and VORDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Stalls, slow flight, steep turns, tracking VOR, identify position and VOR
2009-10-09 2009-10-09DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.2Intro to short field landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.2Intro to short field landings
2009-10-12 2009-10-12DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.8Stage 1 Mickey Koerner 3050870 CFI 05/10DA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.8Stage 1 Mickey Koerner 3050870 CFI 05/10
2009-10-13 2009-10-13DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.8Solo prep, test, ldgs, discontinued because of low oil pressureDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.8Solo prep, test, ldgs, discontinued because of low oil pressure
2009-10-15 2009-10-15DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.5Solo prep landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.5Solo prep landings
2009-10-15 2009-10-15DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.60.6Initial soloDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.60.6Initial solo
2009-10-16 2009-10-16DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.7Solo prep 2 landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.7Solo prep 2 landings
2009-10-16 2009-10-16DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.60.62nd solo in patternDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.60.62nd solo in pattern
2009-10-19 2009-10-19DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.80.81st solo outside the patternDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.80.81st solo outside the pattern
2009-10-20 2009-10-20DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Short and soft field landings and take-offDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Short and soft field landings and take-off
2009-10-21 2009-10-21DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.2Radio Nav, GPS Nav, short and soft field take-off and landingDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.2Radio Nav, GPS Nav, short and soft field take-off and landing
2009-10-26 2009-10-26DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.21.2Night flight, steep turns, stalls, landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.21.2Night flight, steep turns, stalls, landings
2009-11-02 2009-11-02DA20-C12.22.2First XC, flight following, tracking VORs, GPSDA20-C12.22.2First XC, flight following, tracking VORs, GPS
2009-11-10 2009-11-10DA20-C13.03.03.0Night XC to Wendover. Class B airspace. VOR, GPS, flyway intersectionsDA20-C13.03.03.0Night XC to Wendover. Class B airspace. VOR, GPS, flyway intersections
2009-11-11 2009-11-11DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.1Stage 2 check practiceDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.1Stage 2 check practice
2009-11-13 2009-11-13DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.2Stage 2 check rideDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.2Stage 2 check ride
2009-11-18 2009-11-18DA20-C12.22.22.2XC soloDA20-C12.22.22.2XC solo
2009-11-23 2009-11-23DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Lesson 21, manuevers, emergency landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Lesson 21, manuevers, emergency landings
2009-11-25 2009-11-25DA20-C12.92.92.9XC solo to Wendover. PilotageDA20-C12.92.92.9XC solo to Wendover. Pilotage
2009-12-02 2009-12-02DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.8Power-on/off stalls, steep turns, short field landingsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.8Power-on/off stalls, steep turns, short field landings
2009-12-11 2009-12-11DA20-C11.2Ground ref manuevers, snow packed ldg/take-offDA20-C11.2Ground ref manuevers, snow packed ldg/take-off
2009-12-15 2009-12-15DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.51.5Ground ref maneuvers, stalls, private pilot prepDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.51.5Ground ref maneuvers, stalls, private pilot prep
2009-12-21 2009-12-21DA20-C1KPVU KPVU0.9Steep turns, power-on stalls, short and soft field ldg, slip to landDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU0.9Steep turns, power-on stalls, short and soft field ldg, slip to land
2010-01-05 2010-01-05DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.5Performance and ground ref manuevers, slipsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.5Performance and ground ref manuevers, slips
2010-01-08 2010-01-08DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.51.5Ground ref maneuvers, steep turns practiceDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.51.5Ground ref maneuvers, steep turns practice
2010-01-13 2010-01-13DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.1Slow flight, steep turns, power-on/off stalls, emergency proced, grnd ref manuv.DA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.1Slow flight, steep turns, power-on/off stalls, emergency proced, grnd ref manuv.
2010-01-19 2010-01-19DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.5Ground ref manuevers, slow flight, S-turns, rectangular steep turns, slip to ldg, stallsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.5Ground ref manuevers, slow flight, S-turns, rectangular steep turns, slip to ldg, stalls
2010-01-20 2010-01-20DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Stage 3 checkDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Stage 3 check
2010-02-03 2010-02-03DA20-C1KPVU KSLC1.1Class B airspace experience, slip to landDA20-C1KPVU-KSLC1.136.1Class B airspace experience, slip to land
2010-02-05 2010-02-05DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.3Ground ref and performance manuevers, emergency ldgs, short & soft field ldgsDA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.3Ground ref and performance manuevers, emergency ldgs, short & soft field ldgs
2010-02-09 2010-02-09DA20-C1KPVU KPVU1.4Check ride Private Pilot. Practical Test Passed. DA20-C1KPVU-KPVU1.4Check ride Private Pilot. Practical Test Passed.
2010-03-01 2010-03-01FrascaKPVU KPVU0.8DA40 familiarizationFrascaKPVU-KPVU0.8DA40 familiarization
2010-03-03 2010-03-03DA40KPVU KPVU1.21.2DA40 checkout, stalls, steep turns, emergency proceduresDA40KPVU-KPVU1.21.2DA40 checkout, stalls, steep turns, emergency procedures
2010-03-10 2010-03-10PA61-128KPVU KPVU1.51.5Warrior checkout, stalls, emergency proceduresPA61-128KPVU-KPVU1.51.5Warrior checkout, stalls, emergency procedures
2010-03-12 2010-03-12PA61-128U77-KPVU- U771.20.7Night landings, leisure flight with Dave and AubreyPA61-128U77-KPVU-U771.20.710.9Night landings, leisure flight with Dave and Aubrey
2010-03-22 2010-03-22DA40KPVU-U14- KPVU1.91.9Power management, compass turns, timed turns, crosswind landings (11 kt x-wind)DA40KPVU-U14-KPVU1.91.959.4Power management, compass turns, timed turns, crosswind landings (11 kt x-wind)
2010-03-23 2010-03-23FrascaKPVU KPVU0.6Crosswind landingsFrascaKPVU-KPVU0.6Crosswind landings
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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