Training Flight Lesson #2 - Striaght and Level, Taxi at Uncontrolled Airport Ops, Fun with Flaps, climbs, descents, turns medium and steep bank, climbing and descending turns, gliding and descending with flaps.
Training Flight Lesson #4 - Slow Flight, stalls - power on and off, steep turns, S-turns, turns around a point, slips, forward slips to landing, turns to heading, x-wind landings.
Training Flight Lesson #6 - S-Turns, Turns around a point, BAI, Straight and Level, Climbs & Descents under the Hood, Emergency Descents, Emergency in Pattern Go - Arounds.
Flight #29 - Steep Turns, Power off Stalls, Slow Flight, Short Field Take offs and Landings, Soft Field Landings, In Flight Emergencies, Sim. Engine Out.