Viewing the logbook of: openiduser853
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals: 10.910.
Overall Totals:
2010-05-18 2010-05-18N109PH (CE-172)KPDK 9A1 KPDK1.21.21.24Crosswind Takeoff and LandingsN109PH (CE-172)KPDK-9A1-KPDK1.21.21.2453.8Crosswind Takeoff and Landings
2010-05-19 2010-05-19N109TJ (CE-172)KPDK KPDK3.63.6SkycompN109TJ (CE-172)KPDK-KPDK3.63.6Skycomp
2010-05-19 2010-05-19N109PH (CE-172)KPDK KPDK1.01.01.01Rhine CunninghamIntro FlightN109PH (CE-172)KPDK-KPDK1.01.01.01Rhine CunninghamIntro Flight
2010-05-20 2010-05-20N109TJ (CE-172)KPDK KPDK1.31.31.3Hunter DunlapSlow Flight, Power Off Stalls, Turn Around A PointN109TJ (CE-172)KPDK-KPDK1.31.31.3Hunter DunlapSlow Flight, Power Off Stalls, Turn Around A Point
2010-05-23 2010-05-23N109PH (CE-172)KPDK KPDK1.31.31.3Hunter DunlapSlow Flight, Power Off Stalls, Steep Turns, S TurnsN109PH (CE-172)KPDK-KPDK1.31.31.3Hunter DunlapSlow Flight, Power Off Stalls, Steep Turns, S Turns
2010-05-24 2010-05-24N109TJ (CE-172)KPDK KPDK1.21.21.21Hunter DunlapSlow Flight, Power On Stalls, Steep Turns, Turn Around A PointN109TJ (CE-172)KPDK-KPDK1.21.21.21Hunter DunlapSlow Flight, Power On Stalls, Steep Turns, Turn Around A Point
2010-05-26 2010-05-26N109PH (CE-172)KPDK KPDK1.31.31.3Hunter DunlapBasic Attitude InstrumentN109PH (CE-172)KPDK-KPDK1.31.31.3Hunter DunlapBasic Attitude Instrument
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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