Viewing the logbook of: openiduser817
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Page Totals: 30.923.00.02.826.
Overall Totals: 94.823.
2010-06-09 2010-06-09N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KDWA - KVCB - 2O32.12.12.17Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, diversion, ground reference maneuversN714XB (C-152)2O3-KDWA-KVCB-2O32.12.12.1765.6Peter Adeoguntakeoffs, landings, diversion, ground reference maneuvers
2010-06-10 2010-06-10N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KDWA - 2O31.81.81.88Kaye Varneyshort field and soft field takeoffs and landingsN714XB (C-152)2O3-KDWA-2O31.81.81.8854.3Kaye Varneyshort field and soft field takeoffs and landings
2010-06-14 2010-06-14N5368M (C-152)2O3 - KDWA - 2O31.71.21.78Stalls, steep turns, groud reference, short field, soft field, and go aroundN5368M (C-152)2O3-KDWA-2O31.71.21.7854.3Stalls, steep turns, groud reference, short field, soft field, and go around
2010-06-15 2010-06-15N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.11.11.17Stalls, steep turns, slow flight, short field, soft fieldN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.11.11.17Stalls, steep turns, slow flight, short field, soft field
2010-06-17 2010-06-17N714XB (C-152)2O3 - KVCB - 2O32.12.10.25Peter AdeogunGround reference, hood, lost procedure, short field, soft fieldN714XB (C-152)2O3-KVCB-2O32.12.10.2550.7Peter AdeogunGround reference, hood, lost procedure, short field, soft field
2010-06-18 2010-06-18N714XB (C-152)2O3 - 2O31.4ReinhardPrivate pilot practical test satisfactoryN714XB (C-152)2O3-2O31.4ReinhardPrivate pilot practical test satisfactory
2010-08-10 2010-08-10N423SP (C-172)KSTS - KSTS1.31.31.33Ron A.Cross wind takeoff and landings, slow flight, stall, 360'sN423SP (C-172)KSTS-KSTS1.31.31.33Ron A.Cross wind takeoff and landings, slow flight, stall, 360's
2010-10-12 2010-10-12N423SP (C-172)KSTS - KSTS0.90.90.91Ron A.GPS tracking, emergency 180 turn, spiral to touchdown from 5000 ftN423SP (C-172)KSTS-KSTS0.90.90.91Ron A.GPS tracking, emergency 180 turn, spiral to touchdown from 5000 ft
2011-02-28 2011-02-28N635SP (C-172)KSAC - KVIC - KSAC4. CrosslandIFR cross countryN635SP (C-172)KSAC-KVIC-KSAC4. CrosslandIFR cross country
2011-03-03 2011-03-03N635SP (C-172)KSAC - KRAL3. MartinXCSE cross countryN635SP (C-172)KSAC-KRAL3. MartinXCSE cross country
2011-03-03 2011-03-03N13293 (C-172)KRAL - KBFL1. MartinXCSE cross countryN13293 (C-172)KRAL-KBFL1. MartinXCSE cross country
2011-03-03 2011-03-03N13293 (C-172)KBFL - KSAC2. MartinXCSE cross countryN13293 (C-172)KBFL-KSAC2. MartinXCSE cross country
2011-03-07 2011-03-07N13293 (C-172)KSAC - KMOD - KSAC1. A.XCSE time buildN13293 (C-172)KSAC-KMOD-KSAC1. A.XCSE time build
2011-03-08 2011-03-08N13293 (C-172)KSAC - KBFL2. MartinXCSE timebuildN13293 (C-172)KSAC-KBFL2. MartinXCSE timebuild
2011-03-08 2011-03-08N13293 (C-172)KBFL - KSAC2. MartinXCSE timebuildN13293 (C-172)KBFL-KSAC2. MartinXCSE timebuild
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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