Viewing the logbook of: wsmolloy
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DateReg.RouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightDay L.App'sSeaDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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Overall Totals: 2199.12104.821.9180.91412.5102.859.618.32498268446.3193670.2
1999-04-22 1999-04-22N79898 (C-172)LEB Local1.31.31.01A. WarnerHood Work: Recoveries from unusual attitudes,VOR Navigation,ADF Navigation, Full-Flap landingN79898KLEB1.31.31.01A. WarnerHood Work: Recoveries from unusual attitudes,VOR Navigation,ADF Navigation, Full-Flap landing
1999-04-23 1999-04-23N721SA (C-172)LEB Local1.01.05A. Warner172R Familiarization, Steep turns, Landings, Ist pax WNNE-TV newsmanN721SAKLEB1.01.05A. Warner172R Familiarization, Steep turns, Landings, Ist pax WNNE-TV newsman
1999-04-25 1999-04-25N79898 (C-172)LEB Local1.01.01.08A. WarnerTOUCH AND GOESN79898KLEB1.01.01.08A. WarnerTOUCH AND GOES
1999-04-27 1999-04-27N79898 (C-172)LEB ORE LEB1.61.61.62A. WarnerPilotage, Dead Reckoning, Flight planning, Charts, Aircraft performane charts, Weather briefingN79898KLEB-KORE-KLEB1.61.61.62127.0A. WarnerPilotage, Dead Reckoning, Flight planning, Charts, Aircraft performane charts, Weather briefing
1999-04-28 1999-04-28N79898 (C-172)LEB Local0.70.75A. WarnerShort Field Landings, Soft Field takeoffs and LandingsN79898KLEB0.70.75A. WarnerShort Field Landings, Soft Field takeoffs and Landings
1999-04-30 1999-04-30N721SA (C-172)LEB SFM LEB2. WarnerCross country training, VOR Triangulation, VOR Tracking, Practice DF Steer, Lost proceduresN721SAKLEB-KSFM-KLEB2. WarnerCross country training, VOR Triangulation, VOR Tracking, Practice DF Steer, Lost procedures
1999-05-06 1999-05-06N35446 (C-172)LEB Local1.21.29A. WarnerShort field and Soft field takeoff and landingsN35446KLEB1.21.29A. WarnerShort field and Soft field takeoff and landings
1999-05-11 1999-05-11N35446 (C-172)LEB 2B3 LEB1.31.38A. WarnerShort field and Soft field takeoff and landings, Use of VFR charts, use of performance charts, traffic pattern arrival and departure procedures,Entry and approach,Climbs at bes angle and best rateN35446KLEB-2B3-KLEB1.31.3830.3A. WarnerShort field and Soft field takeoff and landings, Use of VFR charts, use of performance charts, traffic pattern arrival and departure procedures,Entry and approach,Climbs at bes angle and best rate
1999-05-13 1999-05-13N35446 (C-172)LEB Local1.21.27A. WarnerShort field and Soft field Takeoffs and Landings, Simulated Engine-out approach and landing, S-TurnsN35446KLEB1.21.27A. WarnerShort field and Soft field Takeoffs and Landings, Simulated Engine-out approach and landing, S-Turns
1999-05-14 1999-05-14N1973F (C-172)LEB VSF LEB1.21.21.23Pilotage, Non-Tower Communications, Touch and gosN1973FKLEB-KVSF-KLEB1.21.21.2338.7Pilotage, Non-Tower Communications, Touch and gos
1999-05-18 1999-05-18N79898 (C-172)LEB GFL LEB1. X-C, wind 180@16G24N79898KLEB-KGFL-KLEB1. X-C, wind 180@16G24
1999-06-07 1999-06-07N1973F (C-172)LEB Local0.90.90.97Touch and gos,short field and soft field landings, 360 diversion from patternN1973FKLEB0.90.90.97Touch and gos,short field and soft field landings, 360 diversion from pattern
1999-06-11 1999-06-11N35446 (C-172)LEB Local1.01.01.01Slow flight, steep turns, turns around a pointN35446KLEB1.01.01.01Slow flight, steep turns, turns around a point
1999-06-15 1999-06-15N79898 (C-172)LEB Local0.90.90.97A. WarnerNight Landings, Full Stop, Stop and GosN79898KLEB0.90.90.9A. WarnerNight Landings, Full Stop, Stop and Gos
DateReg.RouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightDay L.App'sSeaDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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