Viewing the logbook of: wsmolloy
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Overall Totals: 2199.12104.821.9180.91412.5102.859.618.32498268446.3193670.2
1999-08-23 1999-08-23N721SA (C-172)LEB VSF LEB1.21.21.25Touch and Go's at VSFN721SAKLEB-KVSF-KLEB1.21.21.2538.7Touch and Go's at VSF
1999-08-24 1999-08-24N721SA (C-172)LEB Local1.21.21.24Short Field T & L's, steep turns ,slow flight, power-off stalls and recoveriesN721SAKLEB1.21.21.24Short Field T & L's, steep turns ,slow flight, power-off stalls and recoveries
1999-08-26 1999-08-26N366ES (C-172)LEB Local1.31.31.34Soft Field T & L's, steep turns, stalls & recoveries, slow flight, TAPN366ESKLEB1.31.31.34Soft Field T & L's, steep turns, stalls & recoveries, slow flight, TAP
1999-09-01 1999-09-01N366ES (C-172)LEB VSF LEB1.21.21.25Short & Soft Field T & L's, x-wind landingN366ESKLEB-KVSF-KLEB1.21.21.2538.7Short & Soft Field T & L's, x-wind landing
1999-09-02 1999-09-02N366ES (C-172)LEB Local1.11.11.14Soft Field T & L's, steep turns, stalls & recoveries, slow flight, TAPN366ESKLEB1.11.11.14Soft Field T & L's, steep turns, stalls & recoveries, slow flight, TAP
1999-09-13 1999-09-13N366ES (C-172)LEB Local0.90.90.93Slow flight,touch and gos, power on stall, gusty windsN366ESKLEB0.90.90.93Slow flight,touch and gos, power on stall, gusty winds
1999-10-07 1999-10-07N721SA (C-172)LEB Local1.11.14T, AndersonSlow flight,touch and gos, go around, gusty winds, winds 330@14N721SAKLEB1.11.14T, AndersonSlow flight,touch and gos, go around, gusty winds, winds 330@14
1999-10-08 1999-10-08N721SA (C-172)LEB CNH LEB1.41.43T, AndersonGusty Winds, CNH Familiarization, Go Around, Traffic, Mtn Flying, winds 240 @15N721SAKLEB-KCNH-KLEB1.41.4331.2T, AndersonGusty Winds, CNH Familiarization, Go Around, Traffic, Mtn Flying, winds 240 @15
1999-10-15 1999-10-15N366ES (C-172)LEB Local1.01.01J. ManchesterApproach and Departure Stalls,Slow Flight, Steep Turns, Forced Landing, TAP, Go Around , SlipsN366ESKLEB1.01.01J. ManchesterApproach and Departure Stalls,Slow Flight, Steep Turns, Forced Landing, TAP, Go Around , Slips
1999-10-19 1999-10-19N366ES (C-172)LEB Local0.90.94J. ManchesterDep stall, Slow Flight, Steep Turns, Slips, Short Field TO Landings, Soft Field Landings, Forced LandingN366ESKLEB0.90.94J. ManchesterDep stall, Slow Flight, Steep Turns, Slips, Short Field TO Landings, Soft Field Landings, Forced Landing
1999-10-21 1999-10-21N721SA (C-172)LEB Local0.80.80.83Pilotage, Touch and gosN721SAKLEB0.80.80.83Pilotage, Touch and gos
1999-10-26 1999-10-26N721SA (C-172)LEB Local0.80.80.81VOR Navigation, ADF, Steep Turns, TAP, x-wind landingsN721SAKLEB0.80.80.81VOR Navigation, ADF, Steep Turns, TAP, x-wind landings
1999-10-29 1999-10-29N721SA (C-172)LEB VSF LEB0.90.90.94S Turns, TAP, uncontrolled airport ops, touch and gosN721SAKLEB-KVSF-KLEB0.90.90.9438.7S Turns, TAP, uncontrolled airport ops, touch and gos
1999-10-31 1999-10-31N721SA (C-172)LEB Local1. Sachs[Pilot Checkride] Private Pilot Practical Test - wind 220@12G17 - Passed !!!!!!N721SAKLEB1. Sachs[Pilot Checkride] Private Pilot Practical Test - wind 220@12G17 - Passed !!!!!!
DateReg.RouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightDay L.App'sSeaDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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