Viewing the logbook of: johnnybu
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals: 81.481.
Overall Totals: 433.7381.30.037.1164.767.1264.46.293.796.6162369116140.233.623712.1
2007-10-06 2007-10-06N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB1.71.71.73First instruction flight with Jimmy out to the pomona practice areaN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.71.71.73First instruction flight with Jimmy out to the pomona practice area
2007-11-10 2007-11-10N94469 (C-152)LGB-RAL0. VFR flight to RALN94469 (C-152)KLGB-KRAL0. VFR flight to RAL
2007-11-10 2007-11-10FTD (FTD)0.6HTKeith HolmanHolding ProceduresFTD (FTD)(0.6)HTKeith HolmanHolding Procedures
2007-11-10 2007-11-10N94469 (C-152)RAL-LGB1. pattern @ RAL, Solo VFR flight back to LGBN94469 (C-152)KRAL-KLGB1. pattern @ RAL, Solo VFR flight back to LGB
2007-12-09 2007-12-09N51594 (C-172)LGB-SBA1. Flight to SBA w/ Jack & JimmN51594 (C-172)KLGB-KSBA1. Flight to SBA w/ Jack & Jimm
2007-12-09 2007-12-09N51594 (C-172)SBA-LGB2. Flight back to LGB w/ Jack & JimmyN51594 (C-172)KSBA-KLGB2. Flight back to LGB w/ Jack & Jimmy
2008-01-16 2008-01-16N272WC (C-172)LGB-LGB1. pattern work then out to practice area. Gusts picked up towards end of flight. Flight with Chris WylerN272WC (C-172)KLGB-KLGB1. pattern work then out to practice area. Gusts picked up towards end of flight. Flight with Chris Wyler
2008-03-24 2008-03-24N272WC (C-172)RAL-LGB1.11.11.15Traffic pattern work. VFR flight following back to LGBN272WC (C-172)KRAL-KLGB1.11.11.1536.2Traffic pattern work. VFR flight following back to LGB
2008-03-24 2008-03-24N272WC (C-172)LGB-RAL1.01.01.01VFR flight following to Riverside w/ LaurenceN272WC (C-172)KLGB-KRAL1.01.01.0136.2VFR flight following to Riverside w/ Laurence
2008-04-05 2008-04-05N116SM (C182TG1000)LGB-LGB1.01.01.02182 Checkout slow flight, stalls, steep turnsN116SM (C182TG1000)KLGB-KLGB1. Checkout slow flight, stalls, steep turns
2008-05-03 2008-05-03N116SM (C182TG1000)LGB-CNO-SNA-LGB1.61.61.63XC G1000 check vfr class C airspace proceduresN116SM (C182TG1000)KLGB-KCNO-KSNA-KLGB1.61.61.631.665.3XC G1000 check vfr class C airspace procedures
2008-05-26 2008-05-26FTD (FTD)1.56 HHolding procedures, VOR A AJO, ILS 26R, CNO (2x), ILS 9 RAL (2x) GPS Rwy 6 CCBFTD (FTD)(1.5)6 HHolding procedures, VOR A AJO, ILS 26R, CNO (2x), ILS 9 RAL (2x) GPS Rwy 6 CCB
2008-05-26 2008-05-26N35389 (C-172)RAL-SBA0.50.50.53VFR flight, traffic pattern work - Josh Drainville CFIN35389 (C-172)KRAL-KSBA0.50.50.53122.4VFR flight, traffic pattern work - Josh Drainville CFI
2008-05-26 2008-05-26N35389 (C-172)SBA-RAL0.50.50.5VFR, Traffic pattern work dual given to Josh DrainvilleN35389 (C-172)KSBA-KRAL0.50.50.5122.4VFR, Traffic pattern work dual given to Josh Drainville
2008-05-31 2008-05-31N724SP (C-172)LGB-LGB1.31.31.33Intro flight with Thomas Moyer. Traffic pattern work out to long beach practice areaN724SP (C-172)KLGB-KLGB1.31.31.33Intro flight with Thomas Moyer. Traffic pattern work out to long beach practice area
2008-06-22 2008-06-22N116SM (C182TG1000)HHR-LGB-SMO-LGB-SMO3.23.25Flight with Steve Rechnitz. Island hopping. Flight terminated with flat right tire.N116SM (C182TG1000)KHHR-KLGB-KSMO-KLGB-KSMO3. with Steve Rechnitz. Island hopping. Flight terminated with flat right tire.
2008-07-31 2008-07-31N272WC (C-172)LGB-HMT-RAL-LGB2. X-Country with JackN272WC (C-172)KLGB-KHMT-KRAL-KLGB2. X-Country with Jack
2008-10-09 2008-10-09N3048E (C-172)LGB-REI-RAL-LGB2. VFR x-country. Day off from work.N3048E (C-172)KLGB-KREI-KRAL-KLGB2. VFR x-country. Day off from work.
2008-11-06 2008-11-06N6049K (C182TG1000)LGB-TOA-LGB1. TT/O and landings, patterns, ILS (x3) with David Mann (CFI at California Flight Center)N6049K (C182TG1000)KLGB-KTOA-KLGB1. T1.618.9T/O and landings, patterns, ILS (x3) with David Mann (CFI at California Flight Center)
2008-12-07 2008-12-07N724SP (C-172)LGB-RAL-LGB2.12.12.14VFR with Jack and Sung Ming. Patterns work @RAL. Mexican food to fill stomachs.N724SP (C-172)KLGB-KRAL-KLGB2.12.12.1472.4VFR with Jack and Sung Ming. Patterns work @RAL. Mexican food to fill stomachs.
2008-12-28 2008-12-28N724SP (C-172)LGB-MYF-LGB2. down to MYF w/ Jimmy and Fumi for dinner. Great visibility and weather.N724SP (C-172)KLGB-KMYF-KLGB2. down to MYF w/ Jimmy and Fumi for dinner. Great visibility and weather.
2009-03-03 2009-03-03N51594 (C-172)LGB-REI-RAL-LGB2. with Jimmy. Ate at Thai restaurant. Practice patterns in RAL.N51594 (C-172)KLGB-KREI-KRAL-KLGB2. with Jimmy. Ate at Thai restaurant. Practice patterns in RAL.
2009-03-25 2009-03-25N51515 (C-172)FUL-LGB-TOA-SNA-FUL1. TPractice approaches with James So. ILS LGB, ILS SNA. Safety pilot for James at FUL, TOAN51515 (C-172)KFUL-KLGB-KTOA-KSNA-KFUL1. T56.5Practice approaches with James So. ILS LGB, ILS SNA. Safety pilot for James at FUL, TOA
2009-04-15 2009-04-15N51515 (C-172)FUL-RAL-FUL1.01.01.01VFR flight to Bermuda Dunes (KUDD) with James. Too choppy after passing Banning pass. Opted to divert back and land at KRAL. Total flight 2 hours. Loggable hours 1 hour.N51515 (C-172)KFUL-KRAL-KFUL1.01.01.0154.2VFR flight to Bermuda Dunes (KUDD) with James. Too choppy after passing Banning pass. Opted to divert back and land at KRAL. Total flight 2 hours. Loggable hours 1 hour.
2009-04-18 2009-04-18N3048E (C-172)SBA-RAL1. TTower enroute back to Riverside. ILS rwy 9, circle to land 27. Gusts picked up to 15.N3048E (C-172)KSBA-KRAL1. T122.4Tower enroute back to Riverside. ILS rwy 9, circle to land 27. Gusts picked up to 15.
2009-04-18 2009-04-18N3048E (C-172)LGB-RAL0.80.80.81VFR flight following to RAL to pick up Chuck BuffingtonN3048E (C-172)KLGB-KRAL0.80.80.8136.2VFR flight following to RAL to pick up Chuck Buffington
2009-04-18 2009-04-18N3048E (C-172)RAL-RAL0.80.80.511 HTVFR practice approach (ILS 9 KRAL) and holding patterns over PDZ. Safety pilot Chuck BuffingtonN3048E (C-172)KRAL-KRAL0.80.80.511 HTVFR practice approach (ILS 9 KRAL) and holding patterns over PDZ. Safety pilot Chuck Buffington
2009-04-18 2009-04-18N3048E (C-172)RAL-SBA1. to SBA.N3048E (C-172)KRAL-KSBA1. to SBA.
2009-04-18 2009-04-18N3048E (C-172)RAL-LGB0.70.70.72VFR flight following back to Long Beach.N3048E (C-172)KRAL-KLGB0.70.70.7236.2VFR flight following back to Long Beach.
2009-06-17 2009-06-17N9964L (C-172)SBA-FUL1. en-route back to FUL. Safety pilot for James.N9964L (C-172)KSBA-KFUL1. en-route back to FUL. Safety pilot for James.
2009-06-17 2009-06-17N9964L (C-172)FUL-SBA1. TVFR flight to SBA w/ James acting as safety pilot. Practive approach at LGB (ILS) and SBA (VOR) to regain currency. N9964L (C-172)KFUL-KSBA1. T98.3VFR flight to SBA w/ James acting as safety pilot. Practive approach at LGB (ILS) and SBA (VOR) to regain currency.
2009-06-21 2009-06-21N926CT (SR-22)SNA-CRQ-SNA3. TJustin BeilterTransition traning for Cirrus SR-22 Turbo. T/O, pattern work, GPS/ILS approaches, auto pilot operations, steep turns, PFD failure, abnormal procedures, pattern work and landingN926CT (SR-22)KSNA-KCRQ-KSNA3. T3.888.4Justin BeilterTransition traning for Cirrus SR-22 Turbo. T/O, pattern work, GPS/ILS approaches, auto pilot operations, steep turns, PFD failure, abnormal procedures, pattern work and landing
2009-06-27 2009-06-27N997SP (C-172)F70-RAL1.21.21.24BFR training, instructor Joshua Drainville. Pattern work, landings, ground reference maneuvers, steep turns, p on/off stalls.N997SP (C-172)F70-KRAL1.21.21.2427.7BFR training, instructor Joshua Drainville. Pattern work, landings, ground reference maneuvers, steep turns, p on/off stalls.
2009-06-27 2009-06-27N997SP (C-172)RAL-F701.21.21.2VFR flight for Joshua Drainville. Gave BFR. N997SP (C-172)KRAL-F701. flight for Joshua Drainville. Gave BFR.
2009-06-28 2009-06-28N926CT (SR-22)SNA-SMO-CRQ-SNA-CRQ-SNA4. TLAX transition procedures, emergency procedures, high altitude procedures, approaches (GPS 24 CRQ, ILS 19R SNA)N926CT (SR-22)KSNA-KSMO-KCRQ-KSNA-KCRQ-KSNA4. T4.5247.4LAX transition procedures, emergency procedures, high altitude procedures, approaches (GPS 24 CRQ, ILS 19R SNA)
2009-07-08 2009-07-08N51515 (C-172)FUL-MHV-APV-FUL3. with James. Great visibility - unlimited. Gusting winds at Mojave. N51515 (C-172)KFUL-KMHV-KAPV-KFUL3. with James. Great visibility - unlimited. Gusting winds at Mojave.
2009-07-15 2009-07-15N724SP (C-172)LGB-CRQ-LGB2. FriedenthalFlight with Rob Friedenthal - (Rob flying, while I instruct) Pattern work, lgb practice area, slow flight, stalls, flight to CRQ and back.N724SP (C-172)KLGB-KCRQ-KLGB2. FriedenthalFlight with Rob Friedenthal - (Rob flying, while I instruct) Pattern work, lgb practice area, slow flight, stalls, flight to CRQ and back.
2009-08-02 2009-08-02N926CT (SR-22)SNA-BUR1.01.01.01IFR tower en-route to Burbank to pick up Steve for demo flight. N926CT (SR-22)KSNA-KBUR1. tower en-route to Burbank to pick up Steve for demo flight.
2009-08-02 2009-08-02N926CT (SR-22)BUR-SNA1. tower en-route back to SNA.N926CT (SR-22)KBUR-KSNA1. tower en-route back to SNA.
2009-08-02 2009-08-02N926CT (SR-22)BUR-BUR0.50.51Demo flight for Steve. Pattern work, then cleared into bravo airspace to sightsee Steve's home. N926CT (SR-22)KBUR-KBUR0.50.510.5Demo flight for Steve. Pattern work, then cleared into bravo airspace to sightsee Steve's home.
2009-08-22 2009-08-22N171MP (SR-22)SNA-SJC2. TJoshua DrainvillePattern work at SNA, then IFR flight to San Jose to have lunch with Yoona's uncle. Encountered cloud cells and rain for IMC conditions.N171MP (SR-22)KSNA-KSJC2. T2.6297.6Joshua DrainvillePattern work at SNA, then IFR flight to San Jose to have lunch with Yoona's uncle. Encountered cloud cells and rain for IMC conditions.
2009-08-22 2009-08-22N171MP (SR-22)SJC-SNA2. DrainvilleFlight back from San Jose with Josh. Cloud cells moved north from previous.N171MP (SR-22)KSJC-KSNA2. DrainvilleFlight back from San Jose with Josh. Cloud cells moved north from previous.
2009-08-25 2009-08-25N171MP (SR-22)SNA-VGT-SNA3.93.93.921Brian CaoIFR flight for CDW vendor meet and distribution center tour.N171MP (SR-22)KSNA-KVGT-KSNA3.93.93.9213.9402.8Brian CaoIFR flight for CDW vendor meet and distribution center tour.
2009-09-05 2009-09-05N807EB (SR-22)SNA-SJC-SNA4. TIFR flight round-robin to pick up Yoona's uncle at San Jose. Great weather. N807EB (SR-22)KSNA-KSJC-KSNA4. T4.7595.1IFR flight round-robin to pick up Yoona's uncle at San Jose. Great weather.
2009-11-09 2009-11-09N9964L (C-172)KFUL-KFUL0.80.83Checkout flight for funoutside aviation. Slow flight, steep turns, short field/soft field t/o and landing. Area familiarization. N9964L (C-172)KFUL-KFUL0.80.83Checkout flight for funoutside aviation. Slow flight, steep turns, short field/soft field t/o and landing. Area familiarization.
2009-11-24 2009-11-24N55515 (C-172)FUL-FUL0.70.70.72Allan LavapieIntro flight for Allan Lavapie. Fundamentals, Pattern work. Flew over la habra practice areaN55515 (C-172)KFUL-KFUL0.70.70.72Allan LavapieIntro flight for Allan Lavapie. Fundamentals, Pattern work. Flew over la habra practice area
2009-12-19 2009-12-19N55515 (C-172)FUL-REI-FUL2. MassetIntro flight with Zack Masset. Great visibility. Flew to Lake Matthews for maneuvers - slow flight, steep turns, then pattern work @redlandsN55515 (C-172)KFUL-KREI-KFUL2. MassetIntro flight with Zack Masset. Great visibility. Flew to Lake Matthews for maneuvers - slow flight, steep turns, then pattern work @redlands
2010-02-09 2010-02-09N55515 (C-172)FUL0.70.70.73Morning traffic pattern work. SoloN55515 (C-172)KFUL0.70.70.73Morning traffic pattern work. Solo
2010-03-10 2010-03-10N51515 (C-172)RAL-RAL1. HTJoshua DrainvillePractice approaches: ILS CNO, VOR AJO, ILS (2x) RAL. 2 practice holds over PDZ Safety pilot Josh DrainvilleN51515 (C-172)KRAL-KRAL1. HTJoshua DrainvillePractice approaches: ILS CNO, VOR AJO, ILS (2x) RAL. 2 practice holds over PDZ Safety pilot Josh Drainville
2010-03-10 2010-03-10N51515 (C-172)FUL-RAL0. to RAL to meet with Josh to get current on IFR currencyN51515 (C-172)KFUL-KRAL0. to RAL to meet with Josh to get current on IFR currency
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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