Viewing the logbook of: johnnybu
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals: 67.924.
Overall Totals: 433.7381.30.037.1164.767.1264.46.293.796.6162369116140.233.623712.1
2005-03-16 2005-03-16N5528P (C-152)FUL-FUL0.80.81Moe MowlaPre flight, taxi, runup, checklist use, normal t/o & landing, 4 funds - M MowlaN5528P (C-152)KFUL-KFUL0.80.81Moe MowlaPre flight, taxi, runup, checklist use, normal t/o & landing, 4 funds - M Mowla
2005-03-26 2005-03-26N5528P (C-152)FUL-FUL1.11.12Moe MowlaPre Flight, taxi, runup, checklist use, 4 fundamentals, trimming, area orientation, normal t/o & landings, comm. N5528P (C-152)KFUL-KFUL1.11.12Moe MowlaPre Flight, taxi, runup, checklist use, 4 fundamentals, trimming, area orientation, normal t/o & landings, comm.
2005-03-29 2005-03-29N68212 (C-152)FUL-FUL0.90.91Moe MowlaClass C, trimming, climb and descnets, turns, turn coordination, left turning tendencies, gliding, descents with and without flaps, go aroundsN68212 (C-152)KFUL-KFUL0.90.91Moe MowlaClass C, trimming, climb and descnets, turns, turn coordination, left turning tendencies, gliding, descents with and without flaps, go arounds
2005-03-31 2005-03-31N5528P (C-152)FUL-FUL0.90.91Moe Mowlacomm, taxi, normal t/o and landings, approach setup, area nav, trimming, traffic patter, collision avoidance.N5528P (C-152)KFUL-KFUL0.90.91Moe Mowlacomm, taxi, normal t/o and landings, approach setup, area nav, trimming, traffic patter, collision avoidance.
2005-04-30 2005-04-30N5528P (C-152)FUL-FUL1.21.20.21Dale LarsonIE Manuevers, mca and recoveryN5528P (C-152)KFUL-KFUL1.21.20.21Dale LarsonIE Manuevers, mca and recovery
2006-09-16 2006-09-16N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB1.31.31Cody Pierce4 basics, glides, normal takeoff and landings, pre-flight, taxiN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.31.31Cody Pierce4 basics, glides, normal takeoff and landings, pre-flight, taxi
2006-09-19 2006-09-19N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.01.01.01Cody PierceSlow flight + 4 basics. Night landing/takeoffN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.01.01.01Cody PierceSlow flight + 4 basics. Night landing/takeoff
2006-09-23 2006-09-23N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB2.22.22cody pierceslow flight/mca, p off/on stalls, glides x2, sim eng failure, go around procedures, normal landingN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB2.22.22cody pierceslow flight/mca, p off/on stalls, glides x2, sim eng failure, go around procedures, normal landing
2006-09-26 2006-09-26N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB1.21.21.21Cody Pierceslow flight, p off/on stalls, sim eng failure, 1 night landingN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.21.21.21Cody Pierceslow flight, p off/on stalls, sim eng failure, 1 night landing
2006-09-30 2006-09-30N48962 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.51.52Cody Piercesteep turns, sim eng failure, crosswind landingsN48962 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.51.52Cody Piercesteep turns, sim eng failure, crosswind landings
2006-10-02 2006-10-02N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.31.31.36Cody Piercenight landingsN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.31.31.36Cody Piercenight landings
2006-10-04 2006-10-04N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.21.21.27Cody PierceNight landings and simulated engine failureN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.21.21.27Cody PierceNight landings and simulated engine failure
2006-10-10 2006-10-10N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.11.17Cody Piercesame as above, short approaches, go aroundsN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.11.17Cody Piercesame as above, short approaches, go arounds
2006-10-15 2006-10-15N5301H (C-152)LGB-HHR2.12.15Cody PierceP. off/on stalls, slow flight, emg procedures, GRM'sN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KHHR2.12.1511.1Cody PierceP. off/on stalls, slow flight, emg procedures, GRM's
2006-10-15 2006-10-15N5301H (C-152)1.21.29Cody Piercenormal,sim eng failure and no flap landings and go aroundsN5301H (C-152)1.21.29Cody Piercenormal,sim eng failure and no flap landings and go arounds
2006-10-17 2006-10-17N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.11.12Cody PierceP/off/on stalls, slow flight, emergency procedures, no flap landingN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.11.12Cody PierceP/off/on stalls, slow flight, emergency procedures, no flap landing
2006-10-23 2006-10-23N94469 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.01.02Mike FordPre-solo stagecheck 61.87N94469 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.01.02Mike FordPre-solo stagecheck 61.87
2006-10-31 2006-10-31N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.11.17Cody Piercenormal landings and simulated engine failuresN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.11.17Cody Piercenormal landings and simulated engine failures
2006-11-04 2006-11-04N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.90.98Cody Piercenormal landings, go-aroundsN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.90.98Cody Piercenormal landings, go-arounds
2006-11-04 2006-11-04N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.50.51Mike FordPresolo stage checkN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.50.51Mike FordPresolo stage check
2006-11-06 2006-11-06N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.60.63Cody PierceSolo prep!N48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.60.63Cody PierceSolo prep!
2006-11-06 2006-11-06N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.60.60.63Solo traffic pattern / landing to full stop!N48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.60.60.63Solo traffic pattern / landing to full stop!
2006-11-08 2006-11-08N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.50.52Cody PierceNormal pattern workN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.50.52Cody PierceNormal pattern work
2006-11-08 2006-11-08N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.70.70.74Solo traffic pattern, landing with full stopN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.70.70.74Solo traffic pattern, landing with full stop
2006-11-11 2006-11-11N5301H (C-152)LGB-SNA-LGB1.31.32Cody PierceCross country procedures, diversion to SNA for weatherN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KSNA-KLGB1.31.3233.1Cody PierceCross country procedures, diversion to SNA for weather
2006-11-13 2006-11-13N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB0. PierceBAI, normal takeoff and landingN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0. PierceBAI, normal takeoff and landing
2006-11-16 2006-11-16N94469 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.11.14Solo traffic pattern, normal takeoff and landingN94469 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.11.14Solo traffic pattern, normal takeoff and landing
2006-11-25 2006-11-25N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB1.61.60.45Cody Piercesoft and crosswind landings and takeoff. BAI sim eng failureN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.61.60.45Cody Piercesoft and crosswind landings and takeoff. BAI sim eng failure
2006-11-28 2006-11-28N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB1.41.40.73Cody PierceSoft field landing and takeoff BAIN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.41.40.73Cody PierceSoft field landing and takeoff BAI
2006-12-02 2006-12-02N5301H (C-152)LGB-RNM-LGB2.42.42.42Cody PierceDay VFR x/c pilotage, dead reconing, crosswind landingsN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KRNM-KLGB2.42.42.42155.4Cody PierceDay VFR x/c pilotage, dead reconing, crosswind landings
2006-12-04 2006-12-04N5301H (C-152)LGB-HMT-RAL-LGB2. PierceNight VFR x/c pilotage, dead reconingN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KHMT-KRAL-KLGB2. PierceNight VFR x/c pilotage, dead reconing
2006-12-07 2006-12-07N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB0.80.80.41Cody PierceShort field takeoff/landing, vor navigation, BAIN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.80.80.41Cody PierceShort field takeoff/landing, vor navigation, BAI
2006-12-11 2006-12-11N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB1.21.21.25Solo short & soft field takeoff and landings, traffic patternN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.21.21.25Solo short & soft field takeoff and landings, traffic pattern
2006-12-14 2006-12-14N94469 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.01.01.04same as aboveN94469 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.01.01.04same as above
2007-01-13 2007-01-13N5301H (C-152)LGB-L70-SZP-LGB2.42.42.43Cody PierceVFR x/c, vor nav, crosswind landing, pilotage, diversionsN5301H (C-152)KLGB-L70-KSZP-KLGB2.42.42.43135.6Cody PierceVFR x/c, vor nav, crosswind landing, pilotage, diversions
2007-01-25 2007-01-25N94469 (C-152)LGB-FUL-LGB1.21.20.22Solo x/c stage check 61.93N94469 (C-152)KLGB-KFUL-KLGB1.21.20.2218.4Solo x/c stage check 61.93
2007-02-03 2007-02-03N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB0.30.31Cody Piercesoft field takeoff / landingsN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.30.31Cody Piercesoft field takeoff / landings
2007-02-03 2007-02-03N94469 (C-152)LGB-CRQ-LGB2. x/c, pilotage, dead reconingN94469 (C-152)KLGB-KCRQ-KLGB2. x/c, pilotage, dead reconing
2007-02-04 2007-02-04N48962 (C-152)LGB-PSP-AJO-LGB3. x/c pilotage, dead reckoning, vor nav, crosswing landings, uncontrolled airport patterns, nav calls, landingN48962 (C-152)KLGB-KPSP-KAJO-KLGB3. x/c pilotage, dead reckoning, vor nav, crosswing landings, uncontrolled airport patterns, nav calls, landing
2007-02-17 2007-02-17N48962 (C-152)LGB-LGB0.50.50.52Solo traffic patterns, short and soft field takeoffs and landingsN48962 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.50.50.52Solo traffic patterns, short and soft field takeoffs and landings
2007-02-17 2007-02-17N48962 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.12Cody Piercesoft field takeoff/landing, steep turns, power on/off stalls, go around, sim engine failureN48962 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.12Cody Piercesoft field takeoff/landing, steep turns, power on/off stalls, go around, sim engine failure
2007-02-17 2007-02-17N48962 (C-152)LGB-HHR-LGB1.61.60.54Cody PierceCheckride prep - all private pilot maneuversN48962 (C-152)KLGB-KHHR-KLGB1.61.60.5422.2Cody PierceCheckride prep - all private pilot maneuvers
2007-02-19 2007-02-19N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.11.15Cody PierceSoft / short field takeoff and landings. Eng failures on upwind return to 7RN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.11.15Cody PierceSoft / short field takeoff and landings. Eng failures on upwind return to 7R
2007-02-23 2007-02-23N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.41.40.24Reed Novisoff[Pilot Checkride][Flight Review] Checkride - Airplane single engine land - PASS!!N48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.41.40.24Reed Novisoff[Pilot Checkride][Flight Review] Checkride - Airplane single engine land - PASS!!
2007-02-26 2007-02-26N5301H (C-152)LGB-LGB0.80.80.81Night landing on runway 30. PIC night flight with JeenaN5301H (C-152)KLGB-KLGB0.80.80.81Night landing on runway 30. PIC night flight with Jeena
2007-02-27 2007-02-27N48340 (C-152)LGB-LGB1.11.11.13Traffic pattern w/ change in runway from 25L to 30. Pic night flight with JackN48340 (C-152)KLGB-KLGB1.11.11.13Traffic pattern w/ change in runway from 25L to 30. Pic night flight with Jack
2007-02-28 2007-02-28N8986V (C-172)RAL-CMA-RAL3. HooverIFR X-Country Training, VOR CMAN8986V (C-172)KRAL-KCMA-KRAL3. HooverIFR X-Country Training, VOR CMA
2007-02-28 2007-02-28N8986V (C-172)RAL-MYF-CRQ-RAL3. HooverIFR X-Country training, ILS MYF, ILS CRQN8986V (C-172)KRAL-KMYF-KCRQ-KRAL3. HooverIFR X-Country training, ILS MYF, ILS CRQ
2007-03-04 2007-03-04N8986V (C-172)SBA-MYF2. HooverIFR X-Country TrainingN8986V (C-172)KSBA-KMYF2. HooverIFR X-Country Training
2007-03-04 2007-03-04N8986V (C-172)RAL-SBA1. HooverIFR X-country trainingN8986V (C-172)KRAL-KSBA1. HooverIFR X-country training
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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