Viewing the logbook of: openiduser782
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 1749.11672.50.0157.8236.41150.
2006-10-15 2006-10-15N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.
2006-12-11 2006-12-11N647SP (Cessna172SP)1.11.111instrm app 58m vor rwy31N647SP (Cessna172SP)1.11.111instrm app 58m vor rwy31
2007-01-03 2007-01-03N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to GeorgetownN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Georgetown
2007-01-03 2007-01-03N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-01-10 2007-01-10N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to MillvilleN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Millville
2007-01-10 2007-01-10N38564 (PiperPA28-201) ils rwy 10 mivN38564 (PiperPA28-201) ils rwy 10 miv
2007-01-11 2007-01-11N38564 (PiperPA28-201) (PiperPA28-201)
2007-02-17 2007-02-17N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to York,practice instrument app THVN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to York,practice instrument app THV
2007-02-17 2007-02-17N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.
2007-02-27 2007-02-27N647SP (Cessna172SP) to Ridgley & Harford CoN647SP (Cessna172SP) to Ridgley & Harford Co
2007-03-02 2007-03-02N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Lynchburg VaN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Lynchburg Va
2007-03-02 2007-03-02N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Lawrenceville GaN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Lawrenceville Ga
2007-03-04 2007-03-04N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Grand Strand Myrtle Beach NCN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Grand Strand Myrtle Beach NC
2007-03-04 2007-03-04N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-03-13 2007-03-13N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to GeorgetownN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Georgetown
2007-03-13 2007-03-13N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-04-23 2007-04-23N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Ocean City NJN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Ocean City NJ
2007-04-23 2007-04-23N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.
2007-05-08 2007-05-08N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to FrederickN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Frederick
2007-05-08 2007-05-08N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.
2007-05-22 2007-05-22N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Pottstown LimerickN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Pottstown Limerick
2007-05-22 2007-05-22N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co.
2007-05-24 2007-05-24N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Ocean City MDN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Ocean City MD
2007-05-24 2007-05-24N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-06-01 2007-06-01N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Atlantic City NJN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Atlantic City NJ
2007-06-01 2007-06-01N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-06-16 2007-06-16n73134 (Cessna172) to Yorkn73134 (Cessna172) to York
2007-06-24 2007-06-24N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to CambridgeN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Cambridge
2007-06-24 2007-06-24N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-07-06 2007-07-06N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Myrtle Beach NCN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Myrtle Beach NC
2007-07-08 2007-07-08N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-07-22 2007-07-22N647SP (Cessna172SP) to CambridgeN647SP (Cessna172SP) to Cambridge
2007-07-22 2007-07-22N647SP (Cessna172SP) to Harford CoN647SP (Cessna172SP) to Harford Co
2007-08-03 2007-08-03N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Georgetown DEN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Georgetown DE
2007-08-03 2007-08-03N38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford CoN38564 (PiperPA28-201) to Harford Co
2007-09-06 2007-09-06N38564 (PiperPA28-201) off& landingsN38564 (PiperPA28-201) off& landings
2007-09-11 2007-09-11N2931T (PiperSeminole)2.02.03Take off&landings,stalls,slow flight,VMC,Emergencies N2931T (PiperSeminole)2.02.03Take off&landings,stalls,slow flight,VMC,Emergencies
2007-09-16 2007-09-16N7944M (PiperSeminole)1.91.941stalls,slow flight,vmc,steep turns,emergency lndgs,ILS2 RICN7944M (PiperSeminole)1.91.941stalls,slow flight,vmc,steep turns,emergency lndgs,ILS2 RIC
2007-09-18 2007-09-18N7944M (PiperSeminole)1.81.83stalls,slow flight,steep turns,emrgcy lndsN7944M (PiperSeminole)1.81.83stalls,slow flight,steep turns,emrgcy lnds
2007-09-18 2007-09-18N7944M (PiperSeminole)1.01.01stalls,slow flight,engine out,w/Jim MartinN7944M (PiperSeminole)1.01.01stalls,slow flight,engine out,w/Jim Martin
2007-09-18 2007-09-18N7944M (PiperSeminole)1.01.01x-con to RichmondN7944M (PiperSeminole)1.01.01x-con to Richmond
2007-09-20 2007-09-20N2931T (PiperSeminole)0.90.9222 instrument App./with examinerILS 20,GPS20 RICN2931T (PiperSeminole)0.90.9222 instrument App./with examinerILS 20,GPS20 RIC
2007-09-21 2007-09-21N3047R (PiperSeminole) to Lynchburg Va,ILS2RIC,LOC4 LYHN3047R (PiperSeminole) to Lynchburg Va,ILS2RIC,LOC4 LYH
2007-09-23 2007-09-23N3047R (PiperSeminole) t'o and lnds@night,x-con to Willmingtn NCN3047R (PiperSeminole) t'o and lnds@night,x-con to Willmingtn NC
2007-09-28 2007-09-28N3047R (PiperSeminole) to Akron OH,Petrsburg Va,Hanover Co.N3047R (PiperSeminole) to Akron OH,Petrsburg Va,Hanover Co.
2007-09-29 2007-09-29N39471 (PiperSeminole) to Trenton NJ,100nm day,100nm nightN39471 (PiperSeminole) to Trenton NJ,100nm day,100nm night
2007-10-01 2007-10-01N8532Z (PiperSeminole) to Willmington NCN8532Z (PiperSeminole) to Willmington NC
2007-10-02 2007-10-02N39471 (PiperSeminole) to Raleigh Duram NCN39471 (PiperSeminole) to Raleigh Duram NC
2007-10-05 2007-10-05N2221F (PiperSeminole) to Trenton NJN2221F (PiperSeminole) to Trenton NJ
2007-10-08 2007-10-08N3047R (PiperSeminole)2.52.51x-con to Akron OHN3047R (PiperSeminole)2.52.51x-con to Akron OH
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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