Viewing the logbook of: Viper684
Avatar for Viper684
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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2010-10-22 2010-10-22N31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KHAO-KISZ0.80.83Ken ElingIntro FlightN31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KHAO-KISZ0.80.83Ken ElingIntro Flight
2011-07-14 2011-07-14N21SZ (C-172)KISZ-KMWO-KISZ1.21.25Joe WitkowskiSlow flight, stalls, preflight, landings, pattern, commN21SZ (C-172)KISZ-KMWO-KISZ1.21.25Joe WitkowskiSlow flight, stalls, preflight, landings, pattern, comm
2011-07-24 2011-07-24N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KMGY-KMWO-KISZ1.21.23Joe WitkowskiStalls, slowflight, comm, emergency proceduresN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KMGY-KMWO-KISZ1.21.23Joe WitkowskiStalls, slowflight, comm, emergency procedures
2011-08-04 2011-08-04N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.90.93Joe WitkowskiGRM's, steep turns, emer. procedures, deadstick landing, commN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.90.93Joe WitkowskiGRM's, steep turns, emer. procedures, deadstick landing, comm
2011-08-14 2011-08-14N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.61Joe WitkowskiSlow flight, stalls, steep turns, straight approach to landN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.61Joe WitkowskiSlow flight, stalls, steep turns, straight approach to land
2011-08-31 2011-08-31N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.11.12Joe WitkowskiStalls, no flap landings, emergency proceduresN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.11.12Joe WitkowskiStalls, no flap landings, emergency procedures
2011-09-10 2011-09-10N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.01.05Eric WilliamsSlow flight, stalls, steep turns, pattern, approachN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.01.05Eric WilliamsSlow flight, stalls, steep turns, pattern, approach
2011-10-09 2011-10-09N31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.01.08Eric Williams8 Touch n Go's, go around, sim engine out, pattern opps,N31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.01.08Eric Williams8 Touch n Go's, go around, sim engine out, pattern opps,
2011-10-22 2011-10-22N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.01.09Eric Williams9 Touch n Go's, comm, pattern ops, sim engine outN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.01.09Eric Williams9 Touch n Go's, comm, pattern ops, sim engine out
2011-11-06 2011-11-06N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.11.112Eric Williams12 Touch n Go's, crosswind landings, comm, pattern ops, winds gusting to 17ktsN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.11.112Eric Williams12 Touch n Go's, crosswind landings, comm, pattern ops, winds gusting to 17kts
2011-11-12 2011-11-12N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.66Eric Williams6 Touch n Go's, crosswind landings, comm, pattern ops, winds gusting to 19ktsN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.66Eric Williams6 Touch n Go's, crosswind landings, comm, pattern ops, winds gusting to 19kts
2011-11-23 2011-11-23N31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.70.76Eric WilliamsPre-solo phase check, 6 Touch n Go's, comm, pattern oppN31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.70.76Eric WilliamsPre-solo phase check, 6 Touch n Go's, comm, pattern opp
2011-11-23 2011-11-23N31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.60.63First Solo!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 full-stop landings, comm, pattern oppN31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.60.63First Solo!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 full-stop landings, comm, pattern opp
2011-12-10 2011-12-10N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.64Eric Williams4 Touch N Go's, comm, pattern oppN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.60.64Eric Williams4 Touch N Go's, comm, pattern opp
2011-12-10 2011-12-10N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.70.70.73Second Solo. 3 full-stop landings, comm, pattern opp. Clear day, light windsN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.70.70.73Second Solo. 3 full-stop landings, comm, pattern opp. Clear day, light winds
2011-12-17 2011-12-17N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.61.61.677 full-stop landings, pattern work, comm, light winds.N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ1.61.61.677 full-stop landings, pattern work, comm, light winds.
2011-12-24 2011-12-24N4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.50.50.522 full stop landings, comm, pattern opp, light winds, christmas eve flightN4308Q (C-172)KISZ-KISZ0.50.50.522 full stop landings, comm, pattern opp, light winds, christmas eve flight
2012-01-15 2012-01-15N31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KHAO-KISZ1.51.51.57Eric WilliamsIntro to night opps, 7 full-stop landings. 6-HAO, 1-ISZN31SZ (C-172)KISZ-KHAO-KISZ1.51.51.5718.7Eric WilliamsIntro to night opps, 7 full-stop landings. 6-HAO, 1-ISZ
2012-02-17 2012-02-17N21SZ (C-172)KISZ-KHAO-I23-KISZ1. WilliamsNight X-Country, simulate instrument, navigation, spacial disorientation, clear, light winds.N21SZ (C-172)KISZ-KHAO-I23-KISZ1. WilliamsNight X-Country, simulate instrument, navigation, spacial disorientation, clear, light winds.
2012-03-24 2012-03-24N21SZ (C-172)KISZ-KFGX-KLUK-KISZ1.81.81.83Eric WilliamsDay X-Country, tower opps, navigation, VFR flight planning, broken cloudsN21SZ (C-172)KISZ-KFGX-KLUK-KISZ1.81.81.83107.0Eric WilliamsDay X-Country, tower opps, navigation, VFR flight planning, broken clouds
2013-06-26 2013-06-26N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.90.92Brian Sloan8.0gphSteep turns, power off stalls, E.P's, normal TO and landingsN82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.90.92Brian SloanSteep turns, power off stalls, E.P's, normal TO and landings
2013-07-08 2013-07-08N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY1.41.43Brian SloanNormal T/O, landings, GRM refresher, go aroundN82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY1.41.43Brian SloanNormal T/O, landings, GRM refresher, go around
2013-07-11 2013-07-11N82926 (P28A)KMGY-I68-KMGY1.31.39Brian SloanX-wind landings/takeoffs, pattern workN82926 (P28A)KMGY-I68-KMGY1.31.3915.4Brian SloanX-wind landings/takeoffs, pattern work
2013-07-12 2013-07-12N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY1.31.36Brian SloanPower off stalls, slow flight, pattern work, normal t/o and landingsN82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY1.31.36Brian SloanPower off stalls, slow flight, pattern work, normal t/o and landings
2013-07-17 2013-07-17N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.80.86Brian Sloan8.0gphNormal takeoffs/landings, pattern workN82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.80.86Brian SloanNormal takeoffs/landings, pattern work
2013-07-23 2013-07-23N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.30.30.318.0gphSolo at MGY, one takeoff/landing N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.30.30.31Solo at MGY, one takeoff/landing
2013-07-26 2013-07-26N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0. solo, three takeoffs/landingsN82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.60.60.62nd solo, three takeoffs/landings
2013-07-29 2013-07-29N82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.70.70.748.0gph4 takeoffs/landingsN82926 (P28A)KMGY-KMGY0.70.70.744 takeoffs/landings
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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