Viewing the logbook of: awinca25
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DateReg.RouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.Dist (NM)61 XCPersonInstructorRemarks
Page Totals: 109.80.854.20.023.957.
Overall Totals: 109.80.854.20.023.957.
1993-09-06 1993-09-06N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA840.80.81Dale HydePreflight, eng. start, taxi, breake check, t/o, 4 basics, landing, eng. shutdownN80137WA84-WA840.80.81Dale HydeDale HydePreflight, eng. start, taxi, breake check, t/o, 4 basics, landing, eng. shutdown
1993-09-09 1993-09-09N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA840.80.81Dale HydePreflight, eng. start, taxi, brake check, t/o, controls, 4 basics, radio scan, ARROW, landing, eng. shutdownN80137WA84-WA840.80.81Dale HydeDale HydePreflight, eng. start, taxi, brake check, t/o, controls, 4 basics, radio scan, ARROW, landing, eng. shutdown
1993-09-20 1993-09-20N5202F (C-172)WA84 - S36 - WA840.90.92Dale HydePreflight, eng. start, taxi, brake check, t/o, controls, land, refuel, t/o, landN5202FWA84-S36-WA840.90.927.7Dale HydeDale HydePreflight, eng. start, taxi, brake check, t/o, controls, land, refuel, t/o, land
1993-09-23 1993-09-23N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA840.90.91Dale HydePreflight, t/o, land, slow flight, climb/turn combo, radio, pattern entry, left turn tendancyN80137WA84-WA840.90.91Dale HydeDale HydePreflight, t/o, land, slow flight, climb/turn combo, radio, pattern entry, left turn tendancy
1993-09-27 1993-09-27N5202F (C-172)WA84 - WA841.51.51Dale HydeT/O, altitude & hdg hold, slow flight, min. controlled airspeed, 45 deg turns, 360's, no pwr stall, appr stalls, dep stalls, spin, chklst, landing patternN5202FWA84-WA841.51.51Dale HydeDale HydeT/O, altitude & hdg hold, slow flight, min. controlled airspeed, 45 deg turns, 360's, no pwr stall, appr stalls, dep stalls, spin, chklst, landing pattern
1993-09-29 1993-09-29N80137 (C-172)WA84 - S36 - WA841.11.12Dale HydeRefuelling, 60 deg bank turns, radio work, flare, slow flight, chklst, flaps, go-aroundsN80137WA84-S36-WA841.11.127.7Dale HydeDale HydeRefuelling, 60 deg bank turns, radio work, flare, slow flight, chklst, flaps, go-arounds
1993-10-06 1993-10-06N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.31.32Dale HydeX-wind t/o & land, MCAS, unusual attitudes, steep turns, taxi in wind, slipsN80137WA84-WA841.31.32Dale HydeDale HydeX-wind t/o & land, MCAS, unusual attitudes, steep turns, taxi in wind, slips
1993-10-10 1993-10-10N80137 (C-172)WA84 - BFI - WA841.31.33Dale HydeControlled airport, ATIS, ground/twr radio work, go-aroundsN80137WA84-KBFI-WA841.31.3332.4Dale HydeDale HydeControlled airport, ATIS, ground/twr radio work, go-arounds
1993-10-11 1993-10-11N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.21.20.32Dale HydeSoft field t/o & ldg, emergency ldg, unusual attitudes, VFR/IFR app & dep stalls with turns, IFR 4 basics, climb & des. turns, chklstsN80137WA84-WA841.21.20.32Dale HydeDale HydeSoft field t/o & ldg, emergency ldg, unusual attitudes, VFR/IFR app & dep stalls with turns, IFR 4 basics, climb & des. turns, chklsts
1993-10-13 1993-10-13N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.21.24Dale HydeSoft field t/o & ldg, slips, airspeed control, alt. hold, climb & des durns, dep stallsN80137WA84-WA841.21.24Dale HydeDale HydeSoft field t/o & ldg, slips, airspeed control, alt. hold, climb & des durns, dep stalls
1993-10-18 1993-10-18N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.11.11Dale HydeX-wind t/o & land, 720/45 deg bank turns, turns around a point, s-turns along road, emerg. landings, chklstsN80137WA84-WA841.11.11Dale HydeDale HydeX-wind t/o & land, 720/45 deg bank turns, turns around a point, s-turns along road, emerg. landings, chklsts
1993-10-20 1993-10-20N80137 (C-172)WA84 - S36 - WA841.11.12Dale Hydesoft field t/o, slow flight, refuel, pattern work at altitude, airspeed controlN80137WA84-S36-WA841.11.127.7Dale HydeDale Hydesoft field t/o, slow flight, refuel, pattern work at altitude, airspeed control
1993-11-01 1993-11-01N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.31.32Dale HydeClimb & des. turns, 360/45 deg bank turns, navigation, airspace, sideslips, no flap ldg, app and dep stalls, turns, landingsN80137WA84-WA841.31.32Dale HydeDale HydeClimb & des. turns, 360/45 deg bank turns, navigation, airspace, sideslips, no flap ldg, app and dep stalls, turns, landings
1993-11-03 1993-11-03N80137 (C-172)WA84 - S36 - WA841.11.12Dale HydeX-wind t/o & land, rect. course, turns around a point, altitude hold, crabbing, sideslip to landing, MCAS, landed at Crest w/ windsN80137WA84-S36-WA841.11.127.7Dale HydeDale HydeX-wind t/o & land, rect. course, turns around a point, altitude hold, crabbing, sideslip to landing, MCAS, landed at Crest w/ winds
1993-11-07 1993-11-07N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.41.42Dale HydeFun flight, steep turns, app & dep stalls, zero g, MCAS landingsN80137WA84-WA841.41.42Dale HydeDale HydeFun flight, steep turns, app & dep stalls, zero g, MCAS landings
1993-11-08 1993-11-08N80137 (C-172)WA84 - S36 - WA841.21.23Dale HydeRefuel, slow flight, airspeed hold, landings, pattern, MCASN80137WA84-S36-WA841.21.237.7Dale HydeDale HydeRefuel, slow flight, airspeed hold, landings, pattern, MCAS
1993-11-10 1993-11-10N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.41.411Dale HydeSoft field t/o & land, rudder, landing practice, alt. hold during soft field t/o, hold long. axis straight, aileron to hold position, pattern work, hold long. axis straight while brakingN80137WA84-WA841.41.411Dale HydeDale HydeSoft field t/o & land, rudder, landing practice, alt. hold during soft field t/o, hold long. axis straight, aileron to hold position, pattern work, hold long. axis straight while braking
1993-11-17 1993-11-17N80137 (C-172)WA84 - S50 - WA841.61.66Dale HydeX-wind t/o & land, pattern work, flare, unfamiliar airportN80137WA84-S50-WA841.61.668.4Dale HydeDale HydeX-wind t/o & land, pattern work, flare, unfamiliar airport
1993-12-06 1993-12-06N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.21.28Dale HydeShort field t/o, soft field t/o, normal landings, pattern work, coordination, airspeed control, flare, base to final turnN80137WA84-WA841.21.28Dale HydeDale HydeShort field t/o, soft field t/o, normal landings, pattern work, coordination, airspeed control, flare, base to final turn
1993-12-15 1993-12-15N80137 (C-172)WA84 - WA841.11.11Dale HydeTook Amy Pallo up over the Sound, 360/45/60 deg bank turns, dep. stalls, zero g, pilotageN80137WA84-WA841.11.11Dale HydeDale HydeTook Amy Pallo up over the Sound, 360/45/60 deg bank turns, dep. stalls, zero g, pilotage
1994-03-09 1994-03-09N80137 (C-172)WA84 - TIW - WA841.11.12Dale HydeSoft field t/o & land, radio work, controlled airport, 720/60 deg bank to left, dep & app stalls with turnN80137WA84-KTIW-WA841.11.1234.9Dale HydeDale HydeSoft field t/o & land, radio work, controlled airport, 720/60 deg bank to left, dep & app stalls with turn
2000-10-23 2000-10-23N4959R (C-172)nzy - sdm - nzy1.51.54Stephanie WolffSlow flight, stalls, landingsN4959RKNZY-KSDM-KNZY1.51.5428.3Stephanie WolffStephanie WolffSlow flight, stalls, landings
2000-10-30 2000-10-30N5120F (C-172)nzy - sdm - nzy2.22.212Stephanie WolffLandingsN5120FKNZY-KSDM-KNZY2.22.21228.3Stephanie WolffStephanie WolffLandings
2000-11-01 2000-11-01N93484 (C-152)nzy - myf - nzy2.32.32Stephanie WolffSlow flight, steep turns, stall, touch & goN93484KNZY-KMYF-KNZY2.32.3215.9Stephanie WolffStephanie WolffSlow flight, steep turns, stall, touch & go
2000-11-03 2000-11-03N5202F (C-172)nzy - sdm - nzy1.01.04Stephanie WolffTouch & go's, go aroundsN5202FKNZY-KSDM-KNZY1.01.0428.3Stephanie WolffStephanie WolffTouch & go's, go arounds
2009-08-25 2009-08-25N80678 (C-172)vuo - vuo1.31.33Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Slow flight with & w/o flaps, pwr off stalls & recoveries, steep turns, ground ref maneuvers, normal ldgsN80678KVUO-KVUO1.31.33Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Slow flight with & w/o flaps, pwr off stalls & recoveries, steep turns, ground ref maneuvers, normal ldgs
2009-08-26 2009-08-26N80678 (C-172)vuo - spb - vuo1.41.49CFI#2750159Pattern work, touch & go's, go arounds, ldgsN80678KVUO-KSPB-KVUO1.41.4925.0CFI#2750159CFI#2750159Pattern work, touch & go's, go arounds, ldgs
2009-08-27 2009-08-27N80347 (C-172)vuo - spb - vuo1.31.35Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Sim. emerg. proc., sim. eng. out to landings, slips, go arounds, normal ldgs, no-flap ldgsN80347KVUO-KSPB-KVUO1.31.3525.0Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Sim. emerg. proc., sim. eng. out to landings, slips, go arounds, normal ldgs, no-flap ldgs
2009-08-28 2009-08-28N80347 (C-172)vuo - vuo1.01.03Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Power on stalls & recoveries, turning stalls, slips, nomal ldgs, pwr off ldgs, no flap ldgs, go aroundsN80347KVUO-KVUO1.01.03Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Power on stalls & recoveries, turning stalls, slips, nomal ldgs, pwr off ldgs, no flap ldgs, go arounds
2009-08-29 2009-08-29N80347 (C-172)vuo - wa46 - vuo1.11.13CFI#2750159Slow flight, stalls, steep turns, emerg. ldg, go around, x-wind ldgs, eng. failure, STAGE 1 checkN80347KVUO-WA46-KVUO1.11.1325.3CFI#2750159CFI#2750159Slow flight, stalls, steep turns, emerg. ldg, go around, x-wind ldgs, eng. failure, STAGE 1 check
2009-08-31 2009-08-31N80347 (C-172)vuo - vuo0.30.33Brian ??? CFI# 2780568X-wind t/o & ldgsN80347KVUO-KVUO0.30.33Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568X-wind t/o & ldgs
2009-09-01 2009-09-01N80347 (C-172)vuo - spb - vuo1.21.21.28First solo! Pattern, landingsN80347KVUO-KSPB-KVUO1.21.21.2825.0First solo! Pattern, landings
2009-09-02 2009-09-02N80678 (C-172)vuo - spb - vuo1.61.61.611Slow flight clean & dirty w/ turns, dead reckoning, power off 180s, touch & go'sN80678KVUO-KSPB-KVUO1.61.61.61125.0Slow flight clean & dirty w/ turns, dead reckoning, power off 180s, touch & go's
2009-09-03 2009-09-03N80347 (C-172)vuo - spb - vuo1.71.71.716Steep turns, turns around a point, landingsN80347KVUO-KSPB-KVUO1.71.71.71625.0Steep turns, turns around a point, landings
2009-09-03 2009-09-03N80347 (C-172)vuo - 5wa9 - w56 - ttd - vuo1.61.60.57Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Flight by instrument ref, unusual attitude recovery, VOR nav & track, short & soft field t/o & ldgs, ldgs at twrd arptN80347KVUO-5WA9-W56-KTTD-KVUO1.61.60.5731.5Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Flight by instrument ref, unusual attitude recovery, VOR nav & track, short & soft field t/o & ldgs, ldgs at twrd arpt
2009-09-04 2009-09-04N80347 (C-172)vuo,@btg,!@piter,@ubg,!@glara,@btg,kvuo1.61.61.61Airways, VOR nav, flight following, mixture @ altitude, triangulationN80347KVUO-BTG-PITER-UBG-GLARA-BTG-KVUO1.61.61.61114.7Airways, VOR nav, flight following, mixture @ altitude, triangulation
2009-09-04 2009-09-04N80347 (C-172)vuo - vuo0.40.40.43Pattern, touch & go's, no flap landingN80347KVUO-KVUO0.40.40.43Pattern, touch & go's, no flap landing
2009-09-08 2009-09-08N738FD (C-172)vuo - ast - 05s - vuo2.12.12.13Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Pilotage & VOR nav, sim. emerg. procedures, diversionN738FDKVUO-KAST-05S-KVUO2.12.12.13121.12.1Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Pilotage & VOR nav, sim. emerg. procedures, diversion
2009-09-09 2009-09-09N80347 (C-172)vuo - ttd - vuo1.61.61.612Towered field full stops x3, touch & go's, pilotage, class c xsition, KPDX midfield xsitionN80347KVUO-KTTD-KVUO1.61.61.61223.1Towered field full stops x3, touch & go's, pilotage, class c xsition, KPDX midfield xsition
2009-09-09 2009-09-09N80347 (C-172)vuo - w27 - 5wa9 - w56 - vuo1.61.60.77Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Flight by instrument ref, unusual attitude recovery, VOR nav, short field t/o & ldgs, soft field t/o & ldgs, go arounds, x-wind ldgN80347KVUO-W27-5WA9-W56-KVUO1.61.60.7739.6Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Flight by instrument ref, unusual attitude recovery, VOR nav, short field t/o & ldgs, soft field t/o & ldgs, go arounds, x-wind ldg
2009-09-12 2009-09-12N738FD (C-172)vuo - spb - s12 - sle - mmv - hio - vuo3. ??? CFI# 2780568Night cross country, VOR nav, flight by instrument ref, unusual attitude recovery, full stop landingsN738FDKVUO-KSPB-S12-KSLE-KMMV-KHIO-KVUO3. ??? CFI# 2780568Brian ??? CFI# 2780568Night cross country, VOR nav, flight by instrument ref, unusual attitude recovery, full stop landings
2009-09-15 2009-09-15N80347 (C-172)vuo - 5wa9 - hio - vuo1.21.21.24Soft field landings & t/o, controlled fieldN80347KVUO-5WA9-KHIO-KVUO1.21.21.2441.4Soft field landings & t/o, controlled field
2009-09-16 2009-09-16N80678 (C-172)vuo - @4s4 - @or61 - @30or - 17s - vuo1.61.61.62James GreeneStage checkout w/ JaimeN80678KVUO-4S4-OR61-30OR-17S-KVUO1.61.61.6288.1James GreeneJames GreeneStage checkout w/ Jaime
2009-09-18 2009-09-18N738FD (C-172)vuo - hio - @btg - olm - s50 - !@ortin - !@alder - @btg - vuo3. XC; met Colin Cowger @ S50; stayed outside of Bravo airspace (KVUO-KHIO-BTG-V23-KOLM-S50-ORTIN-ALDER-V495-BTG-KVUO)N738FDKVUO-KHIO-BTG-KOLM-S50-ORTIN-ALDER-BTG-KVUO3. XC; met Colin Cowger @ S50; stayed outside of Bravo airspace (KVUO-KHIO-BTG-V23-KOLM-S50-ORTIN-ALDER-V495-BTG-KVUO)
2009-09-22 2009-09-22N80347 (C-172)vuo - @eug - eug - vuo2. XC; original plan was to go to Cottage Grove, but got just south of KEUG and realized too much smoke in the valley and poor vis. Diverted to KEUG (KVUO-OSWEG-V23-EUG-KEUG-V23-OSWEG-KVUO)N80347KVUO-EUG-KEUG-KVUO2. XC; original plan was to go to Cottage Grove, but got just south of KEUG and realized too much smoke in the valley and poor vis. Diverted to KEUG (KVUO-OSWEG-V23-EUG-KEUG-V23-OSWEG-KVUO)
2010-07-26 2010-07-26N5201H (C-172)ttd - 5s9 - vuo1.31.34Kraig SchellSlow flight, steep turns, pwr off stalls, pwr on stalls, engine out emerg, short field t/o, no pwr ldg, touch & go'sN5201HKTTD-5S9-KVUO1.31.3438.4Kraig SchellKraig SchellSlow flight, steep turns, pwr off stalls, pwr on stalls, engine out emerg, short field t/o, no pwr ldg, touch & go's
2010-07-27 2010-07-27N5201H (C-172)ttd - uao - 4s9 - ttd1.31.34Kraig SchellPilotage, dead reckoning, ATC comms, engine out,N5201HKTTD-KUAO-4S9-KTTD1.31.3453.3Kraig SchellKraig SchellPilotage, dead reckoning, ATC comms, engine out,
2010-07-28 2010-07-28N5201H (C-172)ttd - ttd1.11.111Kraig SchellForward slips, soft field, short field, short approach, touch & go'sN5201HKTTD-KTTD1.11.111Kraig SchellKraig SchellForward slips, soft field, short field, short approach, touch & go's
2010-07-28 2010-07-28N5201H (C-172)ttd - ttd1.11.11.19Touch & go's, radio work through class cN5201HKTTD-KTTD1.11.11.19Touch & go's, radio work through class c
2010-08-04 2010-08-04N5201H (C-172)ttd - ttd1.01.01.09Touch & go's, short appr, fwd slipsN5201HKTTD-KTTD1.01.01.09Touch & go's, short appr, fwd slips
2010-08-05 2010-08-05N5201H (C-172)ttd - spb - hio - ttd2.02.02.07Slow flight, stalls, turns around a point, s-turns, touch & go'sN5201HKTTD-KSPB-KHIO-KTTD2.02.02.0761.0Slow flight, stalls, turns around a point, s-turns, touch & go's
2010-08-06 2010-08-06N5201H (C-172)ttd - uao - 4s9 - ttd1.81.81.813Steep turns, power on/off stalls, short field t/o & landN5201HKTTD-KUAO-4S9-KTTD1.81.81.81353.3Steep turns, power on/off stalls, short field t/o & land
2010-08-07 2010-08-07N172MR (C-172)ttd - dls - ttd2. SchellBAI, unusual attitude, x-wind, steep turns, stalls & recovery, diversion, slow flight, touch & go'sN172MRKTTD-KDLS-KTTD2. SchellKraig SchellBAI, unusual attitude, x-wind, steep turns, stalls & recovery, diversion, slow flight, touch & go's
2010-08-11 2010-08-11N75542 (C-172)ttd - spb - ttd1.51.51.57Stalls, short field approaches, slow flightN75542KTTD-KSPB-KTTD1.51.51.5747.0Stalls, short field approaches, slow flight
2010-08-12 2010-08-12N75542 (C-172)ttd - ttd1.31.30.44Kraig SchellSlow flight, stalls & recovery, steep turns, BAI, ground ref, soft field, emerg proc, touch & go's, go arounds, slips, check ride prepN75542KTTD-KTTD1.31.30.44Kraig SchellKraig SchellSlow flight, stalls & recovery, steep turns, BAI, ground ref, soft field, emerg proc, touch & go's, go arounds, slips, check ride prep
2010-08-15 2010-08-15N5201H (C-172)ttd - ttd0.80.87Kraig SchellLandingsN5201HKTTD-KTTD0.80.87Kraig SchellKraig SchellLandings
2010-08-16 2010-08-16N5201H (C-172)ttd-ttd1.11.11.14Rob TymPre-checkride practice flightN5201HKTTD-KTTD1.11.11.14Rob TymPre-checkride practice flight
2010-08-17 2010-08-17N5201H (C-172)ttd-ttd1.81.80.33Private pilot checkrideN5201HKTTD-KTTD1.81.80.33Private pilot checkride
2010-08-18 2010-08-18N5201H (C-172)ttd - ttd0.80.81VanessaVanessa's first flight with me, she got sick :(N5201HKTTD-KTTD0.80.81VanessaVanessa's first flight with me, she got sick :(
2010-08-24 2010-08-24N21391 (C-172)mod-mod0.80.82Rental checkout with instructorN21391KMOD-KMOD0.80.82Rental checkout with instructor
2010-08-24 2010-08-24N21391 (C-172)mod-mod1.41.44FamilyTook Robyn's kids flyingN21391KMOD-KMOD1.41.44FamilyTook Robyn's kids flying
2010-08-27 2010-08-27N75542 (C-172)Ttd hio pfc @ktmk hio ttd2. MillerLunch with shannonN75542KTTD-KHIO-KPFC-KTMK-KHIO-KTTD2. MillerLunch with shannon
2010-09-21 2010-09-21N5201H (C-172)ttd ttd1.01.02Outhaifly for fun with OuthaiN5201HKTTD-KTTD1.01.02Outhaifly for fun with Outhai
2010-10-19 2010-10-19N172MR (C-172)ttd spb ttd1.01.03Coreyflying with CoreyN172MRKTTD-KSPB-KTTD1.01.0347.0Coreyflying with Corey
2011-04-01 2011-04-01N5301H (C-172)ttd - ttd0.70.76RoyTook Roy flying (biz)N5301HKTTD-KTTD0.70.76RoyTook Roy flying (biz)
2011-05-19 2011-05-19N5201H (C-172)ttd - vuo @wa87 - vuo - 1w1 - ttd1.71.70.34JasonTook Jason, Liliana, and Landon flyingN5201HKTTD-KVUO-WA87-KVUO-1W1-KTTD1.71.70.3451.9JasonTook Jason, Liliana, and Landon flying
2011-05-21 2011-05-21N5201H (C-172)kttd - @kkls - @kast - @56s - @3s7 - 56s - @kast - @kkls - kttd2.42.42.42JasonAttempted to get into Nehalem Bay, but Wx turned bad upon arrival. Barely VFR over the ocean @ 400 ft. Diverted to SeasideN5201HKTTD-KKLS-KAST-56S-3S7-56S-KAST-KKLS-KTTD2.42.42.42217.42.4JasonAttempted to get into Nehalem Bay, but Wx turned bad upon arrival. Barely VFR over the ocean @ 400 ft. Diverted to Seaside
2011-07-01 2011-07-01N5201H (C-172)kttd khio @ubg !@v182 s12 khio kttd2. MillerShannon Miller was safety pilot for planned "hood time" trip to KONP. Ran short on time and diverted to S12 to meet 50nm XC requirement. Did a practice DP out of KHIO (Farmington 5). KTTD-KHIO-UBG-UBG204038-S12-KHIO-KTTDN5201HKTTD-KHIO-UBG-V182-S12-KHIO-KTTD2. MillerShannon Miller was safety pilot for planned "hood time" trip to KONP. Ran short on time and diverted to S12 to meet 50nm XC requirement. Did a practice DP out of KHIO (Farmington 5). KTTD-KHIO-UBG-UBG204038-S12-KHIO-KTTD
2011-07-12 2011-07-12N9TF (Truflight) TymDME Arc's, holdsN9TF(0.8) TymRob TymDME Arc's, holds
2011-07-29 2011-07-29N5201H (C-172)ttd - hio - pfc - ttd2.02.02.03TimTim needed ride from HIO to PFC. Was 100 lbs under GW (he weighed 360). Scary approach and landing at PFC in very gusty conditions.N5201HKTTD-KHIO-KPFC-KTTD2.02.02.03139.72.0TimTim needed ride from HIO to PFC. Was 100 lbs under GW (he weighed 360). Scary approach and landing at PFC in very gusty conditions.
2011-10-20 2011-10-20N5201H (C-172)kttd khio ubg 7s5 ubg khio kttd2. MillerExcellent night flight. Landing light burned out, made night landing more interesting.N5201HKTTD-KHIO-UBG-7S5-UBG-KHIO-KTTD2. MillerExcellent night flight. Landing light burned out, made night landing more interesting.
2012-01-28 2012-01-28N75542 (C-172)kttd kpdx kttd0.70.70.73Vanessa, Liliana, KorbinFun flight with the family. Sightseeing over downtown Portland, then stop and go on 10L at PDX.N75542KTTD-KPDX-KTTD0.70.70.7317.2Vanessa, Liliana, KorbinFun flight with the family. Sightseeing over downtown Portland, then stop and go on 10L at PDX.
2012-02-02 2012-02-02N5201H (C-172)kttd ltj dsd rdm dsd v595 ttd4. WolfHood work, VOR-A, ILS 22, holdsN5201HKTTD-LTJ-DSD-KRDM-DSD-V595-KTTD4. WolfHood work, VOR-A, ILS 22, holds
2012-02-27 2012-02-27N75542 (C-172)kttd kttd0.90.94Took family flying, Vanessa got sick, dropped her off, took kids.N75542KTTD-KTTD0.90.94Took family flying, Vanessa got sick, dropped her off, took kids.
2012-02-28 2012-02-28N75542 (C-172)kttd btg olm ks36 olm btg kttd2.82.82.82TBreakfast with Jon McKenzie. Horrible ride back in snow and 50kt headwind.N75542KTTD-BTG-KOLM-S36-KOLM-BTG-KTTD2.82.82.82254.62.8Breakfast with Jon McKenzie. Horrible ride back in snow and 50kt headwind.
DateReg.RouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.Dist (NM)61 XCPersonInstructorRemarks

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