Viewing the logbook of: openiduser1156
Avatar for openiduser1156
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals:
2011-10-30 2011-10-30N88GX (GX)ASG to ASG0.92Brandon BryantFirst LessonN88GX (GX)KASG-KASG0.92Brandon BryantFirst Lesson
2011-11-30 2011-11-30N88GX (GX)asg to asg1.02brandon bryant2nd lesson > slow flight, steep turns and landingsN88GX (GX)KASG-KASG1.02brandon bryant2nd lesson > slow flight, steep turns and landings
2011-12-10 2011-12-10N88GX (GX)asg to slg to asg1.04Brandon BryantlandingsN88GX (GX)KASG-KSLG-KASG1.0436.0Brandon Bryantlandings
2011-12-15 2011-12-15N88GX (GX)KASG - KASG0.96Brandon BryantNormal T/O and LandingsN88GX (GX)KASG-KASG0.96Brandon BryantNormal T/O and Landings
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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