Viewing the logbook of: openiduser1498
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2012-05-17 2012-05-17N1908m (182P)KBPK KLXT3.53.522Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer12gphTook my wife, Brenda, my daughter, Heather Grace, and my niece, Anna Henderson, to Josh Henderson's graduation party from High School. Beautiful trip landed and took off the 182 without incident probably because of the hundreds of hours of flight simulator time as well as experience flying in CollegeN1908m (182P)KBPK-KLXT3.53.522180.1Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerTook my wife, Brenda, my daughter, Heather Grace, and my niece, Anna Henderson, to Josh Henderson's graduation party from High School. Beautiful trip landed and took off the 182 without incident probably because of the hundreds of hours of flight simulator time as well as experience flying in College
2012-05-29 2012-05-29N1908m (182P)KBPK KBPK1.51.544Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer14gphRyan Hernandez, my CFI, began my training toward my Sport License with the ultimate goal of Private and also Instrument and also SeaPlane ratings. We will focus this week on getting my hours. Slow turns, stalls, steep turns, emergency landings, turns around pointN1908m (182P)KBPK-KBPK1.51.544Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerRyan Hernandez, my CFI, began my training toward my Sport License with the ultimate goal of Private and also Instrument and also SeaPlane ratings. We will focus this week on getting my hours. Slow turns, stalls, steep turns, emergency landings, turns around point
2012-05-29 2012-05-29N1908m (182P)KBPK KBPK1.11.166Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer13gphLearning to fly with 182P with Ryan as my CFI flew over to Flippin for touch and go and other landings. Practiced Slow Flight, Stalls, Steep Turns, Touch and Go's. 182 Alternator went out electrical outtage with full flaps down. Was able to reset the breakers so that we got flaps up. Then drove Ryan over to Springdale, Arkansas and picked up Remos Light Sport Remos N27GX. Performed slow flight, stalls, steep turns, touch and go'sN1908m (182P)KBPK-KBPK1.11.166Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerLearning to fly with 182P with Ryan as my CFI flew over to Flippin for touch and go and other landings. Practiced Slow Flight, Stalls, Steep Turns, Touch and Go's. 182 Alternator went out electrical outtage with full flaps down. Was able to reset the breakers so that we got flaps up. Then drove Ryan over to Springdale, Arkansas and picked up Remos Light Sport Remos N27GX. Performed slow flight, stalls, steep turns, touch and go's
2012-05-29 2012-05-29N27GX (LightSportGX)KASG KASG1.41.466Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer6gphConcentrated learning with Ryan on stalls, slow flight, steep turns, turns around pointN27GX (LightSportGX)KASG-KASG1.41.466Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerConcentrated learning with Ryan on stalls, slow flight, steep turns, turns around point
2012-05-29 2012-05-29N27GX (LightSportGX)KASG H341.01.01212Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer4gphConcentrated flight instruction from Ryan on just take offs and landingsN27GX (LightSportGX)KASG-H341.01.0121218.7Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerConcentrated flight instruction from Ryan on just take offs and landings
2012-05-30 2012-05-30N27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KFLP KBPK2.42.41616Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer9gphManuveurs and VOR Navagation and take-offs and landingsN27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KFLP-KBPK2.42.4161614.9Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerManuveurs and VOR Navagation and take-offs and landings
2012-05-30 2012-05-30N27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KFLP1.91.91212Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer8gphIntroduction to Short and Soft Field Landings and Unusual AltitudesN27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KFLP1.91.912127.5Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerIntroduction to Short and Soft Field Landings and Unusual Altitudes
2012-05-31 2012-05-31N27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KFLP KBPK1.91.92020Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer8gphShort Field and Soft Field Landings and AutopilotN27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KFLP-KBPK1.91.9202014.9Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerShort Field and Soft Field Landings and Autopilot
2012-05-31 2012-05-31N27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK 3M0 KFLP KBPK2.62.62.622Frederick Strawm "Rick" Spencer 10gphCross Country to Branson, MON27GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-3M0-KFLP-KBPK2.62.62.62215.7Frederick Strawm "Rick" Spencer Cross Country to Branson, MO
2012-06-01 2012-06-01N1908m (182P)KBPK KVBT KASG1.31.31.322Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer15gphFlew with Ryan Hernandez, my CFI, to Bentonville, Arkansas so that I could get my solo certificationN1908m (182P)KBPK1.31.31.322Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerFlew with Ryan Hernandez, my CFI, to Bentonville, Arkansas so that I could get my solo certification
2012-06-01 2012-06-01N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG KASG0.60.6Frederick Strawn "Rick" Spencer4gphPresolo CheckoutN088GX (LightSportGX)KASG-KASG0.60.6Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerPresolo Checkout
2012-06-01 2012-06-01N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG KBPK Strawn "Rick' Spencer3.5gphNight Cross Country from Springdale to Mountain Home, AR in Remos N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG-KBPK1. Strawn "Rick' SpencerNight Cross Country from Springdale to Mountain Home, AR in Remos
2012-06-01 2012-06-01N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG KASG0.50.533Frederick Strawm "Rick" Spencer4gphMY SOLO FLIGHT IN REMOS PICTURES TAKEN!!!!N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG-KASG0.50.533Frederick Strawm "Rick" SpencerMY SOLO FLIGHT IN REMOS PICTURES TAKEN!!!!
2012-06-16 2012-06-16N1908m (182P)KBPK KELD KBPK Strawn "Rick" Spencer14gphCross Coiuntry to El Dorado, AR to see Sisters and Brothers in Law and then flight instruction while there and flight back to Mountain Home, AR with my wife, Brenda, my daughhter, Heather Grace, and my niece, Anna Henderson along with Heather's puppy, MollieN1908m (182P)KBPK-KELD-KBPK5.25.25.21212379.9Frederick Strawn "Rick" SpencerCross Coiuntry to El Dorado, AR to see Sisters and Brothers in Law and then flight instruction while there and flight back to Mountain Home, AR with my wife, Brenda, my daughhter, Heather Grace, and my niece, Anna Henderson along with Heather's puppy, Mollie
2012-06-30 2012-06-30N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KBPK0.50.533Frederick Strawn SpencerPre-Flight Check Ride with CFI, Ryan HernandezN088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KBPK0.50.533Frederick Strawn SpencerPre-Flight Check Ride with CFI, Ryan Hernandez
2012-06-30 2012-06-30N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KBVX KBPK2. Strawn SpencerFirst Cross-Country Solo from Mountain Home to Batesville and back. Cross wind gusts to 20 kts. at Batesville. I'll never drink one gallon of tea before a flight againN088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KBVX-KBPK2. Strawn SpencerFirst Cross-Country Solo from Mountain Home to Batesville and back. Cross wind gusts to 20 kts. at Batesville. I'll never drink one gallon of tea before a flight again
2012-06-30 2012-06-30N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KASG1.21.21.211Frederick Strawn SpencerTook CFI from Mountain Home to Springdale to pick up Cessna 182PN088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KASG1.21.21.21180.7Frederick Strawn SpencerTook CFI from Mountain Home to Springdale to pick up Cessna 182P
2012-06-30 2012-06-30N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG KFWB KBPK KASG2. Strawn SpencerLong Cross Country 150 NM SoloN088GX (LightSportGX)KASG-KFWB-KBPK-KASG2. Strawn SpencerLong Cross Country 150 NM Solo
2012-06-30 2012-06-30N088GX (LightSportGX)KASG KHFJ KBPK1.51.51.52Frederick Strawn Spencer100 NM Night Cross-CountryN088GX (LightSportGX)KASG-KHFJ-KBPK1.51.51.52125.3Frederick Strawn Spencer100 NM Night Cross-Country
2012-07-20 2012-07-20N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KPLK KBPK2. Strawn SpencerEvening and Night Flight under hood with CFI, Ryan Hernandez, to and from Branson, MO Clark Downtown AirportN088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KPLK-KBPK2. Strawn SpencerEvening and Night Flight under hood with CFI, Ryan Hernandez, to and from Branson, MO Clark Downtown Airport
2012-07-21 2012-07-21N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KARG 42A KBPK3. Strawn SpencerSolo Cross Country Flight to Walnut Ridge, Arkansas to Melbourne, AR back to Mountain Home, ARN088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KARG-42A-KBPK3. Strawn SpencerSolo Cross Country Flight to Walnut Ridge, Arkansas to Melbourne, AR back to Mountain Home, AR
2012-07-21 2012-07-21N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KFLP KBPK1.01.01.03Frederick Strawn SpencerSolo Flight to Flippin, Arkansas for touch and go's and flew all around Norfork Lake and Dam areaN088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KFLP-KBPK1.01.01.0314.9Frederick Strawn SpencerSolo Flight to Flippin, Arkansas for touch and go's and flew all around Norfork Lake and Dam area
2012-07-21 2012-07-21N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK KBPK1.01.01.015Frederick Strawn SpencerSolo Pattern Work with touch and go's until I was greasing them every time. I NOW HAVE ALL MY HOURS AND REQUIRED FLIGHT TIME. NOW JUST THE WRITTEN AND THE ORAL AND CHECK RIDE AND I'M DONE!N088GX (LightSportGX)KBPK-KBPK1.01.01.015Frederick Strawn SpencerSolo Pattern Work with touch and go's until I was greasing them every time. I NOW HAVE ALL MY HOURS AND REQUIRED FLIGHT TIME. NOW JUST THE WRITTEN AND THE ORAL AND CHECK RIDE AND I'M DONE!
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