Viewing the logbook of: openiduser152
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals: 28.728.
Overall Totals: 95.343.20.014.356.
2011-01-01 2011-01-01N79880 (C-172K)X500. LeyvaNight CurrencyN79880 (C-172K)X500. LeyvaNight Currency
2011-01-16 2011-01-16N79880 (C-172K)X50-28J-X501. Passenger: FernandoN79880 (C-172K)X50-28J-X501. Passenger: Fernando
2011-01-23 2011-01-23N79880 (C-172K)X50-KGIF-KSPG-KGIF-X503. Sim. Instrument Safety Pilot: Martin PalouN79880 (C-172K)X50-KGIF-KSPG-KGIF-X503. Sim. Instrument Safety Pilot: Martin Palou
2011-02-13 2011-02-13N64859 (C-172P)KDAB KGNV X50 KDAB2. Sim. Instrument Safety pilot: Ismael KakehN64859 (C-172P)KDAB-KGNV-X50-KDAB2. Sim. Instrument Safety pilot: Ismael Kakeh
2011-02-19 2011-02-19N79880 (C-172K)X50-KTIX-X500. GeorgeN79880 (C-172K)X50-KTIX-X500. George
2011-02-26 2011-02-26N79880 (C-172K)X50-KGIF-KTPF-X503. Sim. Instrument Safety piIot: Ismael KakehN79880 (C-172K)X50-KGIF-KTPF-X503. Sim. Instrument Safety piIot: Ismael Kakeh
2011-03-13 2011-03-13N79880 (C-172K)X50-KCDK-X503. Pilot: Ismael Kakeh XC, simulated instrumentN79880 (C-172K)X50-KCDK-X503. Pilot: Ismael Kakeh XC, simulated instrument
2011-04-09 2011-04-09N6378W (PA28-140)X500. LeyvaNight Currency LandingsN6378W (PA28-140)X500. LeyvaNight Currency Landings
2011-04-14 2011-04-14N64859 (C-172P)X50-KGNV-KCDK-28K-X505. John and Susan JonckheereN64859 (C-172P)X50-KGNV-KCDK-28K-X505. John and Susan Jonckheere
2011-05-29 2011-05-29N79880 (C-172K)X50-X25-X502. LeyvaSoft field, Short field T/O and LandingN79880 (C-172K)X50-X25-X502. LeyvaSoft field, Short field T/O and Landing
2011-06-03 2011-06-03N64859 (C-172P)X500. JoyNight CurrencyN64859 (C-172P)X500. JoyNight Currency
2011-06-04 2011-06-04N79880 (C-172K)X50-KCDK-X503. pilot: Jaison JoyN79880 (C-172K)X50-KCDK-X503. pilot: Jaison Joy
2011-06-11 2011-06-11N68165 (C152)X500.60.61Jose LeyvaC152 IntroN68165 (C152)X500.60.61Jose LeyvaC152 Intro
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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