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Overall Totals: 226.2136.60.013.4216.
2014-09-25 2014-09-25455AM (DA-42NG)KPVU KCDC KPVU2. Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15PDPIC as per 61.129455AM (DA-42NG)KPVU-KCDC-KPVU2. Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15PDPIC as per 61.129
2014-09-29 2014-09-29988CT (DA20C-1)KPVU KSLC KENV KPVU3.23.23.23Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 43: VFR day cross country with landings at KSLC and KENV, pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio navigation988CT (DA20C-1)KPVU-KSLC-KENV-KPVU3.23.23.23239.4Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 43: VFR day cross country with landings at KSLC and KENV, pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio navigation
2014-10-02 2014-10-02FTD (DA-42SIM)KPVU HANGAR UVU KPVU HANGAR UVU1.0Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 44: VFR day FTD 36U to KFBR, high altitude operations, emergency operationsFTD (DA-42SIM)KPVU-HANGAR-UVU-KPVU-HANGAR-UVU1.0Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 44: VFR day FTD 36U to KFBR, high altitude operations, emergency operations
2014-10-03 2014-10-03FTD (DA-42SIM)KPVU HANGAR UVU KPVU HANGAR UVU1.71Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lessons 45 & 46: IFR currency, holding, unusual attitudes, partial panel, emergency and OEI ops, KSLC RNAV (RNP) Y 31FTD (DA-42SIM)KPVU-HANGAR-UVU-KPVU-HANGAR-UVU1.71Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lessons 45 & 46: IFR currency, holding, unusual attitudes, partial panel, emergency and OEI ops, KSLC RNAV (RNP) Y 31
2014-10-14 2014-10-14455AM (DA-42NG)KPVU KBIL KBZN KPVU6.36.36.33Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 47: Day VFR cross country to KBIL, radio navigation, pilotage, dead reckoning, supplemental oxygen455AM (DA-42NG)KPVU-KBIL-KBZN-KPVU6.36.36.336.3808.2Max Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 47: Day VFR cross country to KBIL, radio navigation, pilotage, dead reckoning, supplemental oxygen
2014-10-29 2014-10-29334TS (DA-42NG)KPVU KMTJ KPVU3. Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 48: Night VFR cross country to Montrose, CO, high-altitude operations, PDPIC as per 61.129334TS (DA-42NG)KPVU-KMTJ-KPVU3. Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 48: Night VFR cross country to Montrose, CO, high-altitude operations, PDPIC as per 61.129
2014-11-05 2014-11-05455AM (DA-42NG)KPVU KBFL KDTA KPVU7. Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 49: Long cross country to Bakersfield, CA, ILS runway 30R, diversion, PDPIC as per 61.129455AM (DA-42NG)KPVU-KBFL-KDTA-KPVU7. Deaver 3391348 CFI EXP. 01/15Commercial lesson 49: Long cross country to Bakersfield, CA, ILS runway 30R, diversion, PDPIC as per 61.129
2015-10-07 2015-10-07FTD (DA-42SIM)KPVU HANGAR UVU KPVU HANGAR UVU1.11.1Lisa McGinnis 3081514 CFI EXP. 07/16Commercial lesson 49 (review): Steep turns, slow flight, stalls, emergency procedures, OEI procedures, short-field, normal landings, flows, checklistsFTD (DA-42SIM)KPVU-HANGAR-UVU-KPVU-HANGAR-UVU1.11.1Lisa McGinnis 3081514 CFI EXP. 07/16Commercial lesson 49 (review): Steep turns, slow flight, stalls, emergency procedures, OEI procedures, short-field, normal landings, flows, checklists
2015-10-14 2015-10-14131TS (DA-42NG)KPVU KPVU1.31.31.33Lisa McGinnis 3081514 CFI EXP. 07/16Commercial lesson 49 (review): slow flight, power-on and power-off stalls, steep turns, normal and short-field takeoff and landing131TS (DA-42NG)KPVU-KPVU1.31.31.331.3Lisa McGinnis 3081514 CFI EXP. 07/16Commercial lesson 49 (review): slow flight, power-on and power-off stalls, steep turns, normal and short-field takeoff and landing
2015-10-18 2015-10-18131TS (DA-42NG)KPVU U14 KPVU1.11.11.12Lisa McGinnis 3081514 CFI EXP. 07/16Commercial lesson 49: Cross-country procedures, diversion, touch & go U14 (Nephi Municipal), preflight & postflight procedures.131TS (DA-42NG)KPVU-U14-KPVU1. McGinnis 3081514 CFI EXP. 07/16Commercial lesson 49: Cross-country procedures, diversion, touch & go U14 (Nephi Municipal), preflight & postflight procedures.
2015-11-13 2015-11-13334TS (DA-42NG)KPVU KEVW KPVU1. 3342445 CFI EXP. 12/16Stage 6 check, commercial lesson 50: XC procedures, airport operations, diversion, normal takeoff & landing334TS (DA-42NG)KPVU-KEVW-KPVU1. 3342445 CFI EXP. 12/16Stage 6 check, commercial lesson 50: XC procedures, airport operations, diversion, normal takeoff & landing
2016-09-22 2016-09-229203B (PA28-161)KVRB KX26 KVRB1.41.41.44Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP 1A LS19203B (PA28-161)KVRB-X26-KVRB1.41.41.4420.6Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP 1A LS1
2016-09-24 2016-09-249244P (PA28-161)KVRB KISM KX59 KVRB2. Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS39244P (PA28-161)KVRB-KISM-X59-KVRB2. Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS3
2016-09-25 2016-09-259224K (PA28-161)KVRB KVRB1.41.41.45Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS29224K (PA28-161)KVRB-KVRB1.41.41.45Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS2
2016-09-26 2016-09-269250W (PA28-161)KVRB KX26 KVRB1.51.51.55Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS49250W (PA28-161)KVRB-X26-KVRB1.51.51.5520.6Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS4
2016-09-30 2016-09-309235W (PA28-161)KVRB KX26 KVRB1.41.41.46Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS59235W (PA28-161)KVRB-X26-KVRB1.41.41.4620.6Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS5
2016-10-01 2016-10-019232Q (PA28-161)KVRB KX26 KVRB1.41.41.45Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS69232Q (PA28-161)KVRB-X26-KVRB1.41.41.4520.6Jung-Gyu Seo 3768664 CFI EXP. 05/13STEP IA LS6
2016-10-28 2016-10-28402FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.21.2James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 2: Normal takeoff and landing procedures, checklist usage402FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.21.23042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 2: Normal takeoff and landing procedures, checklist usage
2016-10-30 2016-10-30402FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.11.1James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 3: Short-field takeoff and landing, power-on and -off stalls, steep turns, slow flight402FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.11.13042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 3: Short-field takeoff and landing, power-on and -off stalls, steep turns, slow flight
2016-11-07 2016-11-077704D (PA-44-180)KVRB KVRB1.61.61.62James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 4: Short-field takeoff and landing, power-on and -off stalls, steep turns, slow flight7704D (PA-44-180)KVRB-KVRB1.61.61.621.6James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 4: Short-field takeoff and landing, power-on and -off stalls, steep turns, slow flight
2016-11-14 2016-11-14402FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.2James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 5: Partial and compete engine power loss, one-engine inoperative procedures, emergency checklist usage, airstarting procedure, Vyse and Vmc demonstration, power-on and -off stalls, steep turns.402FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.23042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 5: Partial and compete engine power loss, one-engine inoperative procedures, emergency checklist usage, airstarting procedure, Vyse and Vmc demonstration, power-on and -off stalls, steep turns.
2016-11-17 2016-11-177703C (PA-44-180)KVRB KVRB1.31.31.31James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 7: Short-field takeoff and landing, partial and compete power loss, simulated emergency procedures7703C (PA-44-180)KVRB-KVRB1.31.31.311.3James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 7: Short-field takeoff and landing, partial and compete power loss, simulated emergency procedures
2016-11-21 2016-11-21402FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.1James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 6: One engine inoperative procedures, steep turns, power-off and -on stall, slow flight, short-field takeoff and landing.402FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.13042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 6: One engine inoperative procedures, steep turns, power-off and -on stall, slow flight, short-field takeoff and landing.
2016-12-05 2016-12-054806F (PA-44-180)KVRB KVRB1.11.11.12James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 7: Vmc demonstration, steep turns, power-on and -off stalls4806F (PA-44-180)KVRB-KVRB1. Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 7: Vmc demonstration, steep turns, power-on and -off stalls
2016-12-07 2016-12-074806F (PA-44-180)KVRB KFMY KVRB2. Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 8: VFR cross country to Ft. Myers (KFMY)4806F (PA-44-180)KVRB-KFMY-KVRB2. Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 8: VFR cross country to Ft. Myers (KFMY)
2016-12-08 2016-12-08401FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.31.3James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 9: OEI and emergency procedures.401FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.31.33042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 9: OEI and emergency procedures.
2016-12-16 2016-12-167703C (PA-44-180)KVRB KFPR KVRB1. Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 11: Simulated IFR, ILS 10R KFPR x2, RNAV 12R KVRB7703C (PA-44-180)KVRB-KFPR-KVRB1. Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 11: Simulated IFR, ILS 10R KFPR x2, RNAV 12R KVRB
2017-01-13 2017-01-13403FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.40.92James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 9: ILS RWY 10R KFPR x2, holding procedures, VFR power-on and power-off stalls, steep turns.403FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.40.923042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 9: ILS RWY 10R KFPR x2, holding procedures, VFR power-on and power-off stalls, steep turns.
2017-01-25 2017-01-254806F (PA-44-180)KVRB KVRB1.51.51.52James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 11: VFR procedures, slow flight, steep turns, power-on and power-off stalls, Vmc demonstration, Vyse demonstration4806F (PA-44-180)KVRB-KVRB1.51.51.521.5James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/17Lesson 11: VFR procedures, slow flight, steep turns, power-on and power-off stalls, Vmc demonstration, Vyse demonstration
2017-02-08 2017-02-08403FS (FNPT2)KVRB HANGAR FSI KVRB HANGAR FSI1.00.92James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/19Lesson 9: KFPR ILS 10R x1, KVRB VOR/DME 30L x1, holding procedures403FS (FNPT2)KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI-KVRB-HANGAR-KFSI1.00.923042.4James Tardi 3128874 CFI EXP. 04/19Lesson 9: KFPR ILS 10R x1, KVRB VOR/DME 30L x1, holding procedures
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