Viewing the logbook of: Houdini_Pilot
Avatar for Houdini_Pilot
TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
1900 B1901900Airplane MEL
N195GL B1901900Airplane MEL
N201GL B1901900Airplane MEL
N211GL B1901900Airplane MEL
N245GL B1901900Airplane MEL
124 ERJUnknown
546 ERJUnknown
557 ERJUnknown
907 ERJUnknown
950 ERJUnknown
N170GL BeechcraftB1901900Airplane MEL
N274GL BeechcraftB1901900Airplane MEL
N208GL BeechcraftB-19001900Airplane MEL

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

Tip: If you have a lof of duplicate plane entries, to get rid of them, go to the preferences section and click on the "Remove Duplicate Planes" button at the bottom.