Viewing the logbook of: Rudabegas
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
N34RJ WheelerExpressAirplane SEL[Retired]
N34RJ WheelerExpressAirplane SEL[Retired]
N80WM BeechBE-20Super King Air120gphAirplane MELComplex, "Garmin 430", "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N136PA BeechBE-9LKing Air C90100gphAirplane MELComplex, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N46RP BeechBE-9LKing Air E90100gphAirplane MELComplex, GNS430, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N211LG BeechcraftBE-20King Air 200100gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N217LG BeechcraftBE-20King Air 200100gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N520MC BeechcraftBE-20King Air 200100gphAirplane MELComplex, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N5ST BeechcraftBE-20King Air 200100gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N74AW BeechcraftBE-20King Air 200100gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N638T BeechcraftBE-95Travel airAirplane MELComplex
N8508J CessnaC-150Airplane SEL[Retired]
N49209 CessnaC-152SparrowhawkAirplane SEL
N67284 CessnaC-152Airplane SEL
N1720Z CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL430, Garmin, GNS
N172HB CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N3717F CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N4475L CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL
N54955 CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N6785E CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N7072A CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL430, Garmin, GNS[Retired]
N7141J CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N8941B CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N6280V CessnaC-172RGCutlass IIAirplane SEL430, Complex, Garmin, GNS
N317JK CessnaC-172XPSkyhawkAirplane SEL[Retired]
N2797Q CessnaC-182SkylaneAirplane SELHigh, Performance[Retired]
N357YW CessnaC-182SkylaneAirplane SELHigh, Performance[Retired]
N6460A CessnaC-182SkylaneAirplane SELHigh, Performance[Retired]
N8768M CessnaC-182SkylaneAirplane SEL430, Garmin, GNS, High, Performance
N9513G CessnaC-206StationairAirplane SEL430, Garmin, GNS, High, Performance
N1704U CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N26TA CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N624ER CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Aspen, Capstone, High, Performance
N6470H CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N73217 CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N73503 CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N73789 CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N7380U CessnaC-207SledAirplane SEL430, Alaska, Garmin, High, Performance
N7394U CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N91060 CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N916AC CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N9475M CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N9736M CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N9935M CessnaC-207SledAirplane SELAlaska, Capstone, High, Performance
N21SG CessnaC-421Golden EagleAirplane MEL430, Complex, Garmin, High, Performance, Pressurized, Turbo
N1028R CessnaC-P210CenturionAirplane SEL200, 530, Complex, Garmin, GMX, GNS, High, HSI, Performance, Pressurized
N969RB CessnaT-206SkywagonAirplane SEL430, Garmin, GNS, High, Performance[Retired]
N411GW DiamondDA-42Twin StarAirplane MELComplex, G1000[Retired]
22PA EliteFTDCirrus IIAirplane FTD[Retired]
N34RJ ExperimentalWheelerExpressWheeler ExpressAirplane SEL[Retired]
N2691W FairchildSW4Metroliner150gphAirplane MEL"ME Turbine", "Pressurized Retractable", "Turboprop Complex"
N50HQ HawkerHS-125Hawker 850XP200 gphAirplane MEL"High Performance", "ME Turbine", "Pressurized Retractable", Proline, Turbojet
N312LG LearLJ35Lear 35200 gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, Jet, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N419LG LearLR45Lear 45200 gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, Jet, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N992WE LearLR45Lear 45200 gphAirplane MELComplex, Jet, "ME Turbine", Pressurized
N3714N MooneyM20ExecutiveAirplane SELComplex[Retired]
N98150 PiperP28Cherokee 150Airplane SEL[Retired]
N7638Z PiperPA-18SupercubAirplane SELTailwheel
N3758P PiperPA-22Tri-PacerAirplane SEL[Retired]
N1190P PiperPA-23ApacheAirplane MELComplex[Retired]
N41987 PiperPA-28ArrowAirplane SELComplex[Retired]
N82813 PiperPA-30SaratogaAirplane SELComplex, High, Performance[Retired]
N106RE PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "High Performance"
N27989 PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "High Performance"
N313RA PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "Garmin GNS 430", "High Performance"
N3549X PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELCOMPLEX, "High Performance"
N411BJ PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "High Performance"
N66906 PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "High Performance"
N9247L PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "High Performance"
N9993R PiperPA-31-350Navajo36 gphAirplane MELComplex, "Garmin GNS 430", "High Performance"
N637BE PiperPA-46MalibuAirplane SELComplex, High, Performance[Retired]

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

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