Viewing the logbook of: nealjul18
Avatar for nealjul18
TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
N1798E Aeronca7ACChampionAirplane SEL Red Stewart champ
N7856E CessnaC-150Airplane SEL Scott Gampfer's plane
N3327G CessnaC-172Skyhawk9.0gphAirplane SEL Harrison Cessna
N62770 CessnaC-172Skyhawk9.8 gphAirplane SEL Flight training professionals G1000
N733GL CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL Harrison whitewater cessna
N738HC CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL Aviation Sales Inc
N9782V CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL Beaver valley
N6349J CessnaC-172NSkyhawkAirplane SEL Beaver Valley
N9105 CessnaC-172SSkyhawkAirplane SEL Tommy Zion's plane
N132RM CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SEL Lunken Flight Training
N348RM CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SEL Lunken Flight Training
N691SP CessnaC-172SPSkyhawk10gphAirplane SEL Aviation Sales Inc
N8324E CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SEL Aviation Sales Inc
N88JA CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SEL Aviation Sales Inc
N454KC DiamondDA20-C110 gphAirplane SEL Spencer Aviation Diamond DA-20
N472DC DiamondDA20-C1Eclipse5.5 gphAirplane SEL Spencer Aviation Diamond DA-20
N98286 PiperJ3CubAirplane SEL Red Stewart 85HP cub
SCC001 RedbirdMCXParrot InsightAirplane Simulator Redbird full motion flight sim

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

Tip: If you have a lof of duplicate plane entries, to get rid of them, go to the preferences section and click on the "Remove Duplicate Planes" button at the bottom.