Viewing the logbook of: openiduser1415
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
N8052R BeechcraftA24RSierra12gphAirplane SELComplex
N65965 Cessna152SkyhawkAirplane SEL
N137AL Cessna172Skyhawk10gphAirplane SELC-172, Cessna, GNS430
N733VR Cessna172SkyhawkAirplane SEL
N9866G Cessna172Skyhawk9gphAirplane SELC-172, Cessna
N9875M Cessna172Skyhawk9.0gphAirplane SEL"Garmin GNS 430"
N1908M Cessna182Skylane12gphAirplane SEL"Garmin GNS 430", "High Performance", HP
N92099 Cessna182Skylane12gphAirplane SEL"Garmin GNS 430", "High Performance"
N35498 CESSNA210CENTURIONAirplane SELCOMPLEX, GNS430, "High Performance"
N162AC Citabria7GCBCExplorerAirplane SELAerobatic, Tailwheel
N000 EliteSimulatorPI-1350gphAirplane Simulator"Garmin GNS 430"
N342PE PilatusPCPC-12NGAirplane SELComplex, Glass, "High Performance", Pressurized, Turbine
N92610 PiperPA32Saratoga 2 TC13gphAirplane SEL700, Complex, "High Performance", KSN
N915C PiperPA-46MatrixAirplane SELCOMPLEX, "High Performance", Retractable
N66BG PIPERPA-31NAVAHOAirplane MELComplex, GNS430, "High Performance", ME
N88GX RemosGXAirplane SELGlass, Sport

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

Tip: If you have a lof of duplicate plane entries, to get rid of them, go to the preferences section and click on the "Remove Duplicate Planes" button at the bottom.