Viewing the logbook of: tnelson
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
N4687E Aeronca7CCMChampAirplane SELTailwheel
N48662 AeroncaL-3GrasshopperAirplane SELTailwheel
N518TS BeechcraftC90-AKing AirAirplane MELComplex, "Garmin 430", "High Performance", Pressurized, Retractable Weather Modification Aircraft
N904DK BeechcraftC90-AKing AirAirplane MEL"Garmin 430", "High Performance", "Pressurized Retractable", Turbine Weather Modification Aircraft
N2544N CessnaC-140Airplane SELTailwheel
N20CT CessnaC-152Airplane SEL
N67443 CessnaC-152Airplane SEL
N2329D CessnaC-170Airplane SELTailwheel
N7028A CessnaC-172Airplane SEL
N5249R CessnaC-172-180Skyhawk12gphAirplane SEL"Garmin 430"
N6031E CessnaC-172-180Skyhawk12gphAirplane SEL
N6974X CessnaC-172BAirplane SEL
N9254C CessnaC-172-SSkyhawkAirplane SELG1000, Garmin
N34286 CessnaC-177CardinalAirplane SEL
N1674C CessnaC-180Airplane SELTailwheel
N2377R CessnaC-182GSkylane13gphAirplane SEL
N7095C CessnaC-182RGSlylane13gphAirplane SELComplex, "Garmin 430", "High Performance", Retractable
SIM FrascaPA-44-180SeminoleAirplane FTDComplex, FTD, SIM
N3393H PiperPA-12Super Cruiser12gphAirplane SELTailwheel
NR1259A PiperPA-18-180Super CubAirplane SELTailwheel
NR3942Z PiperPA-18-180Super Cub12gphAirplane SELTailwheel
NR4895A PiperPA-18-180Super Cub12gphAirplane SELTailwheel
NR8094D PiperPA-18-180Super Cub12gphAirplane SELTailwheel
N2214P PiperPA-23-150Apache18gphAirplane MELComplex, Multi-engine
N2233P PiperPA-23-150ApacheAirplane MELComplex, Multi-engine
N7769W PiperPA-28-180CherokeeAirplane SEL
N860AT PiperPA-44-180SeminoleAirplane MELComplex, G500, Garmin430
N63370 StinsonL-5Airplane SELTailwheel

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

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