Viewing the logbook of: touss14
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
N1137u cessnac-172skyhawkAirplane SEL
53237 CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL
6782h CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL
76hj CessnaC-172SkyhawkAirplane SEL
N1242U CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N12442 CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N12657 CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N172SS CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N20095 CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N20437 CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N9622Q CessnaC-172mSkyhawkAirplane SEL
2441D CessnaC-172RSkyhawkAirplane SELC-172
2135k CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SEL
N2122M CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SELGlass
N51gz CessnaCJ3CitationAirplane MELHigh, Jet, ME, Performance, Pressurized, Turbine, Turbojet
N6067H PiperPa-28r-200ArrowAirplane SELComplex
N8481c PiperPa-28r-200ArrowAirplane SELComplex
2266m PiperPa-28-R201ArrowAirplane SELComplex Complex

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

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