Viewing the logbook of: patel20293
Avatar for patel20293


Airplane SEL Day

Date of third-to-last landing: Nov 15, 2015
Last day of currency: Feb 13, 2016
(3086 Days ago)

Airplane SEL Night

Date of third-to-last landing: Nov 07, 2015
Last day of currency: Feb 05, 2016
(3094 Days ago)

Airplane MEL Day

Date of third-to-last landing: Aug 05, 2016
Last day of currency: Nov 03, 2016
(2822 Days ago)

Airplane MEL Night

Date of third-to-last landing: Jul 29, 2016
Last day of currency: Oct 27, 2016
(2829 Days ago)


DA-40 Day

Date of third-to-last landing: Nov 07, 2015
Last day of currency: Feb 05, 2016
(3094 Days ago)

DA-40 Night

Date of third-to-last landing: Sep 23, 2015
Last day of currency: Dec 22, 2015
(3139 Days ago)


Fixed Wing Instrument
Sixth to last Approach:
May 10, 2016
Expired Nov 30, 2016
(2795 Days Ago)
Last Hold:
May 17, 2016
Expired Nov 30, 2016
(2795 Days Ago)
Last Tracking:
Jul 06, 2016
Expired Jan 31, 2017
(2733 Days Ago)
Last IPC:



Flight Review

Date of renewal event: Jul 02, 2015
Last day of currency: Jul 31, 2017
(2552 Days ago)

Instructor Certificate

Date of renewal event: Apr 14, 2015
Last day of currency: Apr 30, 2017
(2644 Days ago)


First Class

Date of exam: Mar 05, 2016
Last day of privileges: Mar 31, 2017
(2674 Days Ago)

Second Class

Last day of privileges: Mar 31, 2017
(2674 Days Ago)

Third Class

Last day of privileges: Mar 31, 2021
(1213 Days Ago)