Viewing the logbook of: hrollingsmaccom
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sTailDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 160.497.413.2144.964.49.660.97.11228532015.48038.6
2011-01-27 2011-01-27pk:151529KAUO KAUO1.01.011BR Clayton 3168600 CFIFirst flightN996RA (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.01.011BR Clayton 3168600 CFIFirst flight
2011-02-08 2011-02-08pk:151530KAUO KAUO1.21.233BR Clayton 3168600 CFIDescents, climbs, landingsN35230 (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.21.233BR Clayton 3168600 CFIDescents, climbs, landings
2011-02-08 2011-02-08pk:151529KAUO KAUO1.41.411BR Clayton 3168600 CFISlow flight, stallsN996RA (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.41.411BR Clayton 3168600 CFISlow flight, stalls
2011-02-15 2011-02-15pk:151531KAUO KAUO1.21.211BR Clayton 3168600 CFIEmergency procedures, slow flight, stallsN2338W (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.21.211BR Clayton 3168600 CFIEmergency procedures, slow flight, stalls
2011-02-15 2011-02-15pk:151532KAUO KAUO1.21.299BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern work, takeoff and landingN3530J (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.21.299BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern work, takeoff and landing
2011-02-22 2011-02-22pk:151531KAUO KAUO0.50.522BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern workN2338W (C-172)KAUO-KAUO0.50.522BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern work
2011-02-22 2011-02-22pk:151530KAUO KAUO1.51.50.233BR Clayton 3168600 CFIGround references, slow flight, stallsN35230 (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.51.50.233BR Clayton 3168600 CFIGround references, slow flight, stalls
2011-02-24 2011-02-24pk:151533KAUO KCSG KAUO1.61.60.355BR Clayton 3168600 CFISlow flight, takeoff and landing, storms, turn around a pointN2444H (C-172)KAUO-KCSG-KAUO1.61.60.35551.5BR Clayton 3168600 CFISlow flight, takeoff and landing, storms, turn around a point
2011-03-01 2011-03-01pk:151534KAUO KAUO1.41.40.333BR Clayton 3168600 CFISteep turns, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers N2387V (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.41.40.333BR Clayton 3168600 CFISteep turns, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers
2011-03-01 2011-03-01pk:151533KAUO KAUO1.41.455BR Clayton 3168600 CFIStalls, landingsN2444H (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.41.455BR Clayton 3168600 CFIStalls, landings
2011-03-08 2011-03-08pk:151544KAUO KAUO1.31.311BR Clayton 3168600 CFIStalls, slow flight, ground reference maneuversN2383G (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.31.311BR Clayton 3168600 CFIStalls, slow flight, ground reference maneuvers
2011-03-08 2011-03-08pk:151533KAUO KO6A KAUO1.41.40.366BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern, landingsN2444H (C-172)KAUO-06A-KAUO1.41.40.36631.1BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern, landings
2011-03-24 2011-03-24pk:151529KAUO KAUO1.11.115BR Clayton 3168600 CFILandings, go aroundsN996RA (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1.11.115BR Clayton 3168600 CFILandings, go arounds
2011-04-05 2011-04-05pk:151529KAUO KAUO0.60.611BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPatternN996RA (C-172)KAUO-KAUO0.60.611BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern
2011-04-07 2011-04-07pk:151533KAUO KAUO0.60.655BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPatternN2444H (C-172)KAUO-KAUO0.60.655BR Clayton 3168600 CFIPattern
2011-04-13 2011-04-13pk:151535KAUO KAUO1. Clayton 3168600 CFIFirst soloN72788 (C-172)KAUO-KAUO1. Clayton 3168600 CFIFirst solo
2011-04-29 2011-04-2929SG (8KCAB)KAUO KAUO1.21.223??? 1845907 CFI[Flight Review] FL10, ST6, Auburn check ride (30 knot wind)29SG (8KCAB)KAUO-KAUO1.21.2231.2??? 1845907 CFI[Flight Review] FL10, ST6, Auburn check ride (30 knot wind)
2011-05-31 2011-05-31pk:151537KSAV KJYL KSAV1.41.444Bob Stewart 3092256 CFITakeoff and landing, climbs, turns, descents, radiosN8268E (C-172)KSAV-KJYL-KSAV1.41.44474.0Bob Stewart 3092256 CFITakeoff and landing, climbs, turns, descents, radios
2011-06-02 2011-06-02N6337X (C-172)KSAV KSAV1.91.956Jesse Booth 3369166 CFISlow flight, stalls, steep turns, go arounds, crosswind landingN6337X (C-172)KSAV-KSAV1.91.956Jesse Booth 3369166 CFISlow flight, stalls, steep turns, go arounds, crosswind landing
2011-06-12 2011-06-12N387SP (C-172)KSAV KCWV KSAV2.22.266Jesse Booth 3369166 CFISlow flight, stalls, tracking NDB, VOR, GPS, crosswind takeoff and landingN387SP (C-172)KSAV-KCWV-KSAV2.22.26668.4Jesse Booth 3369166 CFISlow flight, stalls, tracking NDB, VOR, GPS, crosswind takeoff and landing
2011-06-15 2011-06-15pk:151538KSAV KSAV1.21.266Jesse Booth 3369166 CFIPattern, radios and communicationN53039 (C-172)KSAV-KSAV1.21.266Jesse Booth 3369166 CFIPattern, radios and communication
2011-06-19 2011-06-19N387SP (C-172)KSAV KSAV1.01.088Jesse Booth 3369166 CFISoft field takeoff and landing, crosswind landingN387SP (C-172)KSAV-KSAV1.01.088Jesse Booth 3369166 CFISoft field takeoff and landing, crosswind landing
2011-06-30 2011-06-30pk:151537KSAV KHXD KSAV1.01.022Jesse Booth 3369166 CFICrosswind takeoff and landing, VOR and tracking vectorsN8268E (C-172)KSAV-KHXD-KSAV1.01.02252.6Jesse Booth 3369166 CFICrosswind takeoff and landing, VOR and tracking vectors
2011-07-04 2011-07-04pk:151538KSAV 88J KTBR KSAV2. Booth 3369166 CFICrosswind, VOR CHS tracking, SAV, ALD tracking, N53039 (C-172)KSAV-88J-KTBR-KSAV2. Booth 3369166 CFICrosswind, VOR CHS tracking, SAV, ALD tracking,
2011-07-06 2011-07-06N387SP (C-172)KSAV KCAE KJZI KSAV3. TJesse Booth 3369166 CFICross country planning, ILS5 CAE, tracking VOR (AUD, CHS, SAV, EDS) N387SP (C-172)KSAV-KCAE-KJZI-KSAV3. T272.1Jesse Booth 3369166 CFICross country planning, ILS5 CAE, tracking VOR (AUD, CHS, SAV, EDS)
2011-07-11 2011-07-11N387SP (C-172)KSAV KTBR0.50.511Jesse Booth 3369166 CFIPre solo testN387SP (C-172)KSAV-KTBR0.50.51134.6Jesse Booth 3369166 CFIPre solo test
2011-07-11 2011-07-11N387SP (C-172)KTBR KTBR0.70.70.733SoloN387SP (C-172)KTBR-KTBR0.70.70.733Solo
2011-07-11 2011-07-11N387SP (C-172)KTBR KSAV0.50.511Jesse Booth 3369166 CFIPre solo testN387SP (C-172)KTBR-KSAV0.50.51134.6Jesse Booth 3369166 CFIPre solo test
2011-07-13 2011-07-13N387SP (C-172)KSAV KTBR KSAV1. (C-172)KSAV-KTBR-KSAV1.
2011-07-13 2011-07-13N387SP (C-172)KSAV KARW KJZI KSAV2.02.02.033Jesse Booth 3369166 CFICross countryN387SP (C-172)KSAV-KARW-KJZI-KSAV2.02.02.033139.9Jesse Booth 3369166 CFICross country
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sTailDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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