Intro to Soar Truckee ops. Aerotow 8000. High tow to Frog Pond. Practiced thermalling left and right, finding the next thermal, where to look for lines of lift where's the airport, etc. then pattern entry to 19. Next flight was a pattern flight to 19. Provided instruction on how to give the instruction required for an NCSA Truckee checkout. Terence successfully completed his NCSA Truckee checkout.
Dan flying. Aerotow 1000. Attempted crosswind rope break, but continued on tow due to traffic. Off tow 1200, returned to wide right base for 30. Critique and landing, stopping at 2nd exit. CFI-G add-on checkride passed.
Flight review continued. XC planning, pilotage, DR, radar services. Short field takeoff & landing, normal landing, soft field landing. Practice app LOC 27R KOAK.