Viewing the logbook of: Beatle1967
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Overall Totals: 945.349.7796.9126.1301.6451.8265.518.781.544.648149715925.7571.925135.4
06-07-2012 2012-06-07N7143Y (R-22)KHWD1.21.216Wayne ProdgerPinnacles, confined landings. Normal, steep, run-on landings. Straight-in autos, 180 autos, forced landing.N7143Y (R-22)KHWD1.21.216Wayne ProdgerWayne ProdgerPinnacles, confined landings. Normal, steep, run-on landings. Straight-in autos, 180 autos, forced landing.
06-07-2012 2012-06-07N7143Y (R-22)KHWD1.31.310Wayne ProdgerSteep, normal approaches, quick stops, straight autos, 180 autos.N7143Y (R-22)KHWD1.31.310Wayne ProdgerWayne ProdgerSteep, normal approaches, quick stops, straight autos, 180 autos.
06-12-2012 2012-06-12N7143Y (R-22)KHWD1.11.110Wayne ProdgerPinnacle, settling with power, shallow, normal, steep approach. Slope, straight auto, hover auto, 180 auto.N7143Y (R-22)KHWD1.11.110Wayne ProdgerWayne ProdgerPinnacle, settling with power, shallow, normal, steep approach. Slope, straight auto, hover auto, 180 auto.
06-14-2012 2012-06-14N7143Y (R-22)KHWD0.90.98Private Pilot Helicopter checkride with Ken Suzuki. Passed.N7143Y (R-22)KHWD0.90.98Private Pilot Helicopter checkride with Ken Suzuki. Passed.
06-23-2012 2012-06-23N103FB (G103)C831.31.31.31Monique WeilAerotow 5200, post-frontal, RASP showed lift to 6K. CFIG training. Maneuvers on tow- steep turns, boxing wake, slack line. Stall sequence, steep spirals, thermalling. Slip to land.N103FB (G103)C831.31.31.31Monique WeilMonique WeilAerotow 5200, post-frontal, RASP showed lift to 6K. CFIG training. Maneuvers on tow- steep turns, boxing wake, slack line. Stall sequence, steep spirals, thermalling. Slip to land.
06-23-2012 2012-06-23N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilRope break 1000 upwind RWY 23. Had planned lower rope break, however, thermals took us high on tow.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilMonique WeilRope break 1000 upwind RWY 23. Had planned lower rope break, however, thermals took us high on tow.
06-23-2012 2012-06-23N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilAerotow 500. Rope break crosswind 23. Abbreviated pattern.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilMonique WeilAerotow 500. Rope break crosswind 23. Abbreviated pattern.
06-24-2012 2012-06-24N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.51Monique WeilAerotow 3200. CFI-G training. Boxing wake, soft release, thermalling, slow flight, stall sequence, steep turns, landing procedures. N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.51Monique WeilMonique WeilAerotow 3200. CFI-G training. Boxing wake, soft release, thermalling, slow flight, stall sequence, steep turns, landing procedures.
06-24-2012 2012-06-24N103FB (G103)C830.20.20.21Monique WeilTeaching takeoff procedures- emergencies, rope break scenarios. Forward slip, slipping turns.N103FB (G103)C830.20.20.21Monique WeilMonique WeilTeaching takeoff procedures- emergencies, rope break scenarios. Forward slip, slipping turns.
06-24-2012 2012-06-24N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilTeaching takeoff procedures- out of position errors on takeoff. Rectangular pattern, approach speeds.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilMonique WeilTeaching takeoff procedures- out of position errors on takeoff. Rectangular pattern, approach speeds.
06-30-2012 2012-06-30N41KP (G103)KMEV1.51.51.51Mike SchneiderAerotow 7500. Intro to Minden area. Explored Pine Nut Mountains. Strong thermals near airport, strong sink near foothills. Max altitude 9000.N41KP (G103)KMEV1.51.51.51Mike SchneiderMike SchneiderAerotow 7500. Intro to Minden area. Explored Pine Nut Mountains. Strong thermals near airport, strong sink near foothills. Max altitude 9000.
07-01-2012 2012-07-01N41KP (G103)KMEV2.72.72.71Mike SchneiderAerotow 7500. Strong thermals on the Pinenut mountains. Max 14800. 180km.N41KP (G103)KMEV2.72.72.71Mike SchneiderMike SchneiderAerotow 7500. Strong thermals on the Pinenut mountains. Max 14800. 180km.
07-06-2012 2012-07-06N3981C (G103)KTRK1.71.71Larry SuterIntro to Soar Truckee ops. Aerotow 8000. High tow to Frog Pond. Practiced thermalling left and right, finding the next thermal, where to look for lines of lift where's the airport, etc. then pattern entry to 19. Next flight was a pattern flight to 19. Provided instruction on how to give the instruction required for an NCSA Truckee checkout. Terence successfully completed his NCSA Truckee checkout.N3981C (G103)KTRK1.71.71Larry SuterIntro to Soar Truckee ops. Aerotow 8000. High tow to Frog Pond. Practiced thermalling left and right, finding the next thermal, where to look for lines of lift where's the airport, etc. then pattern entry to 19. Next flight was a pattern flight to 19. Provided instruction on how to give the instruction required for an NCSA Truckee checkout. Terence successfully completed his NCSA Truckee checkout.
07-06-2012 2012-07-06N3981C (G103)KTRK0.10.11Larry SuterIntro to Soar Truckee ops. Pattern.N3981C (G103)KTRK0.10.11Larry SuterIntro to Soar Truckee ops. Pattern.
07-06-2012 2012-07-06N3981C (G103)KTRK1.51.51.51Intro to Soar Truckee ops. Aerotow 8100.N3981C (G103)KTRK1.51.51.51Intro to Soar Truckee ops. Aerotow 8100.
07-07-2012 2012-07-07N3981C (G103)KTRK0.80.80.81Monique WeilAerotow 8100. CFI-G training. KTRK ops. Thermalling, ADM. Collision avoid. Landing 19.N3981C (G103)KTRK0.80.80.81Monique WeilMonique WeilAerotow 8100. CFI-G training. KTRK ops. Thermalling, ADM. Collision avoid. Landing 19.
07-14-2012 2012-07-14N103FB (G103)C830.20.20.21Monique WeilCFI-G training. Preflight procedures, emergency briefing with student and tow pilot (Dave McGaw). Abrreviated pattern to land RWY 5.N103FB (G103)C830.20.20.21Monique WeilMonique WeilCFI-G training. Preflight procedures, emergency briefing with student and tow pilot (Dave McGaw). Abrreviated pattern to land RWY 5.
07-14-2012 2012-07-14N103FB (G103)C830.60.60.61Monique WeilAerotow 4800. CFI-G training. Tow maneuvers- boxing wake, diagonal through wake, steep turns on tow, teaching: MCA, steep turns, turning stalls, cross-controlled stalls. Spiral dive & recovery. Slipping, skidding turns. Landed RWY 12.N103FB (G103)C830.60.60.61Monique WeilMonique WeilAerotow 4800. CFI-G training. Tow maneuvers- boxing wake, diagonal through wake, steep turns on tow, teaching: MCA, steep turns, turning stalls, cross-controlled stalls. Spiral dive & recovery. Slipping, skidding turns. Landed RWY 12.
07-14-2012 2012-07-14N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilCFI-G training. Planned for low rope break, but traffic prevented. 400 rope break, landed with quartering wind 12.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Monique WeilMonique WeilCFI-G training. Planned for low rope break, but traffic prevented. 400 rope break, landed with quartering wind 12.
07-21-2012 2012-07-21N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Dan GudgelCFIG checkride. 200AGL rope break. Had to divert to taxi way for elevator holding at 12 threshold.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Dan GudgelDan GudgelCFIG checkride. 200AGL rope break. Had to divert to taxi way for elevator holding at 12 threshold.
07-21-2012 2012-07-21N103FB (G103)C830.40.40.41Dan GudgelAerotow 3000. Demonstration of commercial maneuvers. Stall sequence, steep turns, MCA, pattern,N103FB (G103)C830.40.40.41Dan GudgelDan GudgelAerotow 3000. Demonstration of commercial maneuvers. Stall sequence, steep turns, MCA, pattern,
07-21-2012 2012-07-21N103FB (G103)C830.40.40.41Dan GudgelAerotow 3000. Critique of manuevers flown by Dan. Stall sequence, steep turns. MCA. Pattern.N103FB (G103)C830.40.40.41Dan GudgelDan GudgelAerotow 3000. Critique of manuevers flown by Dan. Stall sequence, steep turns. MCA. Pattern.
07-21-2012 2012-07-21N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Dan GudgelAerotow 1000. Attempted crosswind rope break, but continued on tow due to traffic. Off tow 1000, returned to crosswind 30 for abbreviated pattern.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Dan GudgelDan GudgelAerotow 1000. Attempted crosswind rope break, but continued on tow due to traffic. Off tow 1000, returned to crosswind 30 for abbreviated pattern.
07-21-2012 2012-07-21N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Dan GudgelDan flying. Aerotow 1000. Attempted crosswind rope break, but continued on tow due to traffic. Off tow 1200, returned to wide right base for 30. Critique and landing, stopping at 2nd exit. CFI-G add-on checkride passed.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Dan GudgelDan GudgelDan flying. Aerotow 1000. Attempted crosswind rope break, but continued on tow due to traffic. Off tow 1200, returned to wide right base for 30. Critique and landing, stopping at 2nd exit. CFI-G add-on checkride passed.
07-21-2012 2012-07-21N67849 (C152)KOAK C83 KOAK1.61.61.63Mike LemIntroduction to flight by reference to instruments- straight & level, climbs, descents. VOR nav using Manteca VOR. N67849 (C152)KOAK-C83-KOAK1.61.61.631.658.0Mike LemMike LemIntroduction to flight by reference to instruments- straight & level, climbs, descents. VOR nav using Manteca VOR.
08-04-2012 2012-08-04N103FB (G103)C830.40.40.41Mike SchneiderAerotow 3000. NCSA CFI-G checkout & birthday ride.N103FB (G103)C830.40.40.41Mike SchneiderMike SchneiderAerotow 3000. NCSA CFI-G checkout & birthday ride.
08-04-2012 2012-08-04N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Mike SchneiderAerotow 1200. NCSA CFI-G checkout & birthday ride.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.11Mike SchneiderMike SchneiderAerotow 1200. NCSA CFI-G checkout & birthday ride.
08-11-2012 2012-08-11N43434 (PA28-151)KOAK1.11.11.11Brian MayesDawn, Katherine & Brian Mayes Bay Tour.N43434 (PA28-151)KOAK1. MayesBrian MayesDawn, Katherine & Brian Mayes Bay Tour.
08-25-2012 2012-08-25N21263 (C172)KOAK1.21.21.2Mark SaccoStart of BFR. Review of airspace and procedures, POH. Radio comms, FoF, MCA, stall sequence steep turns, normal landings.N21263 (C172)KOAK1. SaccoMark SaccoStart of BFR. Review of airspace and procedures, POH. Radio comms, FoF, MCA, stall sequence steep turns, normal landings.
08-26-2012 2012-08-26N67849 (C152)KOAK O88 KOAK2.32.32.3Kyle WakefieldShort/soft field takeoff/landings. MCA, steep turns, stall sequence, compass turns, emergency descent. Pilotage, ded reck, diversion.N67849 (C152)KOAK-O88-KOAK2. WakefieldKyle WakefieldShort/soft field takeoff/landings. MCA, steep turns, stall sequence, compass turns, emergency descent. Pilotage, ded reck, diversion.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.5John PericichAerotow 3500. Box wake. Slack line. Stall seq, steep turns, MCA. Normal landing.N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.5John PericichJohn PericichAerotow 3500. Box wake. Slack line. Stall seq, steep turns, MCA. Normal landing.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1John PericichAerotow 1100. Normal landing.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1John PericichJohn PericichAerotow 1100. Normal landing.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1John PericichAerotow 1100. No spoiler landing.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1John PericichJohn PericichAerotow 1100. No spoiler landing.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.5Jerry RobisonAerotow 3500. Backseat checkout. Box wake, stall sequence, steep turns, MCA. Normal landing 30.N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.5Jerry RobisonJerry RobisonAerotow 3500. Backseat checkout. Box wake, stall sequence, steep turns, MCA. Normal landing 30.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Jerry RobisonAerotow 1100. Normal landing.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Jerry RobisonJerry RobisonAerotow 1100. Normal landing.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Jerry RobisonAerotow 1100. No spoiler landing. Backseat checkout complete.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Jerry RobisonJerry RobisonAerotow 1100. No spoiler landing. Backseat checkout complete.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangAerotow 1100. Normal landing. Prep for solo.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangBoyang ZhangAerotow 1100. Normal landing. Prep for solo.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangAerotow 1100. Normal landing. Prep for solo.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangBoyang ZhangAerotow 1100. Normal landing. Prep for solo.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangAerotow 1100. No spoiler landing. Prep for solo.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangBoyang ZhangAerotow 1100. No spoiler landing. Prep for solo.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.5Boyang ZhangAerotow 3500. Box wake. Slack line. Stall seq, steep turns, MCA. Normal landing.N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.5Boyang ZhangBoyang ZhangAerotow 3500. Box wake. Slack line. Stall seq, steep turns, MCA. Normal landing.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangAerotow 1100. Normal landing. Prep for solo.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Boyang ZhangBoyang ZhangAerotow 1100. Normal landing. Prep for solo.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.51Joshua WorleyAerotow 3500. Intro flight. FoF, stall & steep turn demo. Normal landing.N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.51Joshua WorleyJoshua WorleyAerotow 3500. Intro flight. FoF, stall & steep turn demo. Normal landing.
09-02-2012 2012-09-02N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.51Jana SampleAerotow 3500. Intro flight. FoF, stall & steep turn demo. Normal landing.N103FB (G103)C830.50.50.51Jana SampleJana SampleAerotow 3500. Intro flight. FoF, stall & steep turn demo. Normal landing.
09-03-2012 2012-09-03N842LP (C172)KOAK KHES 2O3 O88 KOAK2. SaccoFlight review continued. XC planning, pilotage, DR, radar services. Short field takeoff & landing, normal landing, soft field landing. Practice app LOC 27R KOAK.N842LP (C172)KOAK-KHES-2O3-O88-KOAK2. SaccoMark SaccoFlight review continued. XC planning, pilotage, DR, radar services. Short field takeoff & landing, normal landing, soft field landing. Practice app LOC 27R KOAK.
09-16-2012 2012-09-16N842LP (C172)KOAK KSQL C83 KHWD1. SaccoCompletion of flight review. Pilotage, ded-reck. Radar services. Landing 23 in light turbulence at Byron.N842LP (C172)KOAK-KSQL-C83-KHWD1. SaccoMark SaccoCompletion of flight review. Pilotage, ded-reck. Radar services. Landing 23 in light turbulence at Byron.
09-20-2012 2012-09-20N757JD (C152)KOAK1.41.41.4Mike LemSteep turns, stall sequence. Short field takeoff. Normal landings. Intro to flight by reference to instruments- level flight, climbs, descents, turns.N757JD (C152)KOAK1. LemMike LemSteep turns, stall sequence. Short field takeoff. Normal landings. Intro to flight by reference to instruments- level flight, climbs, descents, turns.
09-22-2012 2012-09-22N67849 (C152)KOAK1.71.71.7Tiffany NewbyJim's presolo student, had not flown in a month. San Pablo Bay- Steep turns, MCA, stall sequence. Radio comms, radar services. 3 T&G's 27L, 1 GA.N67849 (C152)KOAK1. NewbyTiffany NewbyJim's presolo student, had not flown in a month. San Pablo Bay- Steep turns, MCA, stall sequence. Radio comms, radar services. 3 T&G's 27L, 1 GA.
09-29-2012 2012-09-29N103FB (G103)C830.60.60.6Matthew GastAerotow 3500. MCA, stall sequence, steep turns, normal landing 30. Prep for initial solo.N103FB (G103)C830.60.60.6Matthew GastMatthew GastAerotow 3500. MCA, stall sequence, steep turns, normal landing 30. Prep for initial solo.
09-29-2012 2012-09-29N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Matthew GastAerotow 1000. No spoiler landing.N103FB (G103)C830.10.10.1Matthew GastMatthew GastAerotow 1000. No spoiler landing.
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