Viewing the logbook of: JeanMichelSmith
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 625.6581.
1998-08-01 1998-08-01N30726 (PA28-161)KMDW-KGYY-KMGC-KBEH1.01.01.01short field landing on 36N30726 (PA28-161)KMDW-KGYY-KMGC-KBEH1.01.01.0176.4short field landing on 36
1998-08-01 1998-08-01N30726 (PA28-161)KBEH-KMGC-KGYY-KMDW0.80.80.81short field t/o with trees at end, beautiful sunset over lakeN30726 (PA28-161)KBEH-KMGC-KGYY-KMDW0.80.80.8176.4short field t/o with trees at end, beautiful sunset over lake
1998-08-10 1998-08-10N6664N (C-23)KCGX-KGYY-KCGX2. Ride Beech SundownerN6664N (C-23)KCGX-KGYY-KCGX2. Ride Beech Sundowner
1998-08-17 1998-08-17N30726 (PA28-161)KMDW-KCGX0.40.41Sailboats on final! 12 kts x/wind on 36N30726 (PA28-161)KMDW-KCGX0.40.417.8Sailboats on final! 12 kts x/wind on 36
1998-08-18 1998-08-18N30726 (PA28-161)KCGX-KGYY-KFWA1.61.61.61scud running @ 500' AGL, VFR on top VPZ->FWAN30726 (PA28-161)KCGX-KGYY-KFWA1.61.61.61124.2scud running @ 500' AGL, VFR on top VPZ->FWA
1998-08-18 1998-08-18N30726 (PA28-161)KFWA-KGYY-KMDW1.31.31.31Dodging cumulus @ 3500' but beautiful wx at GYYN30726 (PA28-161)KFWA-KGYY-KMDW1.31.31.31125.6Dodging cumulus @ 3500' but beautiful wx at GYY
1998-09-10 1998-09-10N6708R (BE-23)KEVV KGYY2.22.22.21Picked up my new airplane!N6708R (BE-23)KEVV-KGYY2.22.22.21215.2Picked up my new airplane!
1998-09-12 1998-09-12N6708R (BE-23)KGYY-KDPA-KRFD1.51.51.52Stopped at DPA for chartsN6708R (BE-23)KGYY-KDPA-KRFD1.51.51.5283.0Stopped at DPA for charts
1998-09-12 1998-09-12N6708R (BE-23)KRFD-KJOT-KCGX1.51.51.52Short field takeoff JOTN6708R (BE-23)KRFD-KJOT-KCGX1.51.51.5290.7Short field takeoff JOT
1998-09-13 1998-09-13N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KUGN-KMKE-KMTW1.51.51.51Lakeshore flight, fog on lakeN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KUGN-KMKE-KMTW1.51.51.51139.0Lakeshore flight, fog on lake
1998-09-13 1998-09-13N6708R (BE-23)KMTW-KMSN1.41.41.41Cruise @ 3500', scattered clouds at 4500'N6708R (BE-23)KMTW-KMSN1.41.41.4193.4Cruise @ 3500', scattered clouds at 4500'
1998-09-13 1998-09-13N6708R (BE-23)KMSN-06C-KMDW1.11.11.11120 kts gs!N6708R (BE-23)KMSN-06C-KMDW1.11.11.11108.0120 kts gs!
1998-09-13 1998-09-13N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMDW1. CatlowStalls, slow flight, emergency descent, soft short t/o+landN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMDW1. CatlowStalls, slow flight, emergency descent, soft short t/o+land
1998-09-13 1998-09-13N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-06C0.70.70.72Full stop ldg @ GYY, FBO closed, diverted to MeigsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-06C0.70.70.7256.5Full stop ldg @ GYY, FBO closed, diverted to Meigs
1998-09-14 1998-09-14N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KGYY0.40.41MVFR flight in rain, mist, 5 mi vis, light turbN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KGYY0.40.4117.0MVFR flight in rain, mist, 5 mi vis, light turb
1998-09-17 1998-09-17N6708R (BE-23)KGYY-KCGX0.80.81transitioned north to B'hai, crowded sky! Landed high, short field at CGXN6708R (BE-23)KGYY-KCGX0.80.8117.0transitioned north to B'hai, crowded sky! Landed high, short field at CGX
1998-09-19 1998-09-19N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KUGN-KMTW2.02.02.02Circle Lake Michigan, Leg 1, stopped at UGN to look at hangarsN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KUGN-KMTW2.02.02.02138.7Circle Lake Michigan, Leg 1, stopped at UGN to look at hangars
1998-09-19 1998-09-19N6708R (BE-23)KMTW-2P2-KISQ-KMCD2.02.02.01Circle Lake Michigan, Leg 2 @ 9500 via Washington IslandN6708R (BE-23)KMTW-2P2-KISQ-KMCD2.02.02.01194.1Circle Lake Michigan, Leg 2 @ 9500 via Washington Island
1998-09-19 1998-09-19N6708R (BE-23)KMCD-KPLN-KMGC-KGYY-KCGX3. Lake Michigan, Leg 3, refuelled in PLN, 144 kts GS!, landed CGX with 3 min to spare before airport closed!N6708R (BE-23)KMCD-KPLN-KMGC-KGYY-KCGX3. Lake Michigan, Leg 3, refuelled in PLN, 144 kts GS!, landed CGX with 3 min to spare before airport closed!
1998-09-21 1998-09-21N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KUGN0.50.51Put plane in new hangarN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KUGN0.50.5135.8Put plane in new hangar
1998-09-26 1998-09-26N6708R (BE-23)KCMI-KCGX-KUGN1. wind 40-50kts @ 3500' incredible city views with 45 deg crab angle!N6708R (BE-23)KCMI-KCGX-KUGN1. wind 40-50kts @ 3500' incredible city views with 45 deg crab angle!
1998-10-09 1998-10-09N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX0.70.70.71smooth flying, crowded skyN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX0.70.70.7135.8smooth flying, crowded sky
1998-10-10 1998-10-10N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KMDW-C09-KSFY2.12.12.12light turb, clear but hazyN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KMDW-C09-KSFY2.12.12.12129.2light turb, clear but hazy
1998-10-10 1998-10-10N6708R (BE-23)KSFY-KJOT-KCGX1. ride, JOT for fuelN6708R (BE-23)KSFY-KJOT-KCGX1. ride, JOT for fuel
1998-10-11 1998-10-11N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-C81-44C1.61.61.62stopped C81 for fuel, light turbN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-C81-44C1.61.61.6275.9stopped C81 for fuel, light turb
1998-10-11 1998-10-11N6708R (BE-23)44C-KUGN0.70.70.71light turb, short field landingN6708R (BE-23)44C-KUGN0.70.70.7149.0light turb, short field landing
1998-10-21 1998-10-21N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW0.90.90.91light turb over lkae, moved plane to MDW for after work flyingN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW0.90.90.9138.6light turb over lkae, moved plane to MDW for after work flying
1998-10-22 1998-10-22N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC-C20-KMDW2. X/c to MGC and C20, orbited Loop, terrible landingN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC-C20-KMDW2. X/c to MGC and C20, orbited Loop, terrible landing
1998-10-23 1998-10-23N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KDPA-KJOT-KCGX1.81.81.23Errands: DPA for charts, JOT for fuel, MDW for flight planning with ValN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KDPA-KJOT-KCGX1.81.81.2379.8Errands: DPA for charts, JOT for fuel, MDW for flight planning with Val
1998-10-24 1998-10-24N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-3G9-IN7-KTEB5.85.85.83VFR everywhere! Hypoxia @ 10,800 flew 9500 instead, refuelled at 3G9, saw Val's parents, stopped at IN7N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-3G9-IN7-KTEB5.85.85.83618.4VFR everywhere! Hypoxia @ 10,800 flew 9500 instead, refuelled at 3G9, saw Val's parents, stopped at IN7
1998-10-25 1998-10-25N6708R (BE-23)KTEB-KTEB1.01.01Sight seeing along Hudson VFR corridor, Washington Bridge, Statue of Liberty x 2N6708R (BE-23)KTEB-KTEB1.01.01Sight seeing along Hudson VFR corridor, Washington Bridge, Statue of Liberty x 2
1998-10-25 1998-10-25N6708R (BE-23)KTEB-KMFD-KGYY-KMDW8. Hour at Teterboro! Beautiful night, starry VFRN6708R (BE-23)KTEB-KMFD-KGYY-KMDW8. Hour at Teterboro! Beautiful night, starry VFR
1998-10-26 1998-10-26N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KGYY-KCMI2.32.32.32wind sheer on short final GYY, closed account with FBO after moving planeN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KGYY-KCMI2.32.32.32155.2wind sheer on short final GYY, closed account with FBO after moving plane
1998-10-28 1998-10-28N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KUGN1.41.41.01Quick flight to hangar plane, no fuel avail at JOTN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KUGN1.41.41.0181.0Quick flight to hangar plane, no fuel avail at JOT
1998-11-07 1998-11-07N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KRFD-C742.12.12.12RFD to have DME looked over, C74 for lunch (airport below bluff, very cool)N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KRFD-C742.12.12.12144.6RFD to have DME looked over, C74 for lunch (airport below bluff, very cool)
1998-11-07 1998-11-07N6708R (BE-23)C74-JRFD-KDPA-KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ1.71.71.71Visited Kim to fix computer, good excuse to flyN6708R (BE-23)C74-JRFD-KDPA-KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ1.71.71.71192.3Visited Kim to fix computer, good excuse to fly
1998-11-07 1998-11-07N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN0.90.90.91Night flight past city, awesome!N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN0.90.90.9173.5Night flight past city, awesome!
1998-11-12 1998-11-12N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX-KGYY-KVPZ1.01.01.01Night flight past city, lousy landing VPZN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX-KGYY-KVPZ1.01.01.0173.5Night flight past city, lousy landing VPZ
1998-11-12 1998-11-12N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KMDW0.60.60.61Landed 31R, good landingN6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KMDW0.60.60.6139.0Landed 31R, good landing
1998-11-14 1998-11-14N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KBMI1.41.41.41Took computer to JeanneN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KBMI1.41.41.4194.7Took computer to Jeanne
1998-11-14 1998-11-14N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KCGX1. night, smooth flightN6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KCGX1. night, smooth flight
1998-11-15 1998-11-15N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KDPA0.50.51Left turn from RW 36 to 270, DPA for chartsN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KDPA0.50.5128.8Left turn from RW 36 to 270, DPA for charts
1998-11-15 1998-11-15N6708R (BE-23)KDPA-KPKB3.13.13.11West Virginia for Dinner! Tail winds, smooth at 9500'N6708R (BE-23)KDPA-KPKB3.13.13.11346.6West Virginia for Dinner! Tail winds, smooth at 9500'
1998-11-15 1998-11-15N6708R (BE-23)KPKB-KGYY-KCGX3. at 3500' with 10kts tailwind, bumpy approach to MeigsN6708R (BE-23)KPKB-KGYY-KCGX3. at 3500' with 10kts tailwind, bumpy approach to Meigs
1998-11-18 1998-11-18N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KRFD1.01.01.01RFD to have DME fixed, marginal VFR with mist, rain, flew at 1000' AGLN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KRFD1.01.01.0169.5RFD to have DME fixed, marginal VFR with mist, rain, flew at 1000' AGL
1998-11-18 1998-11-18N6708R (BE-23)KRFD-KUGN0. marginal VFR, horrible visN6708R (BE-23)KRFD-KUGN0. marginal VFR, horrible vis
1998-11-21 1998-11-21N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW-KIKK1.31.31.32New Orleans Leg 1: Picked up Val at MDWN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW-KIKK1.31.31.3281.7New Orleans Leg 1: Picked up Val at MDW
1998-11-21 1998-11-21N6708R (BE-23)KIKK-M043.43.43.41New Orleans Leg 2: Beautiful day at 8500', then 6500' as headwinds picked upN6708R (BE-23)KIKK-M043.43.43.41339.9New Orleans Leg 2: Beautiful day at 8500', then 6500' as headwinds picked up
1998-11-22 1998-11-22N6708R (BE-23)M04-KNEW3. Orleans Leg 3: Last hour in MVFR at night, bad approch to NEWN6708R (BE-23)M04-KNEW3. Orleans Leg 3: Last hour in MVFR at night, bad approch to NEW
1998-11-22 1998-11-22N6708R (BE-23)KNEW-M04-MDW5. at NEW, then nice, but windsheer at MDWN6708R (BE-23)KNEW-M04-KMDW5. at NEW, then nice, but windsheer at MDW
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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